
My Isekai Adventure: My life as the Husband of the Final boss

I get Isekaied into Another world, I join a party only for the idiots to get killed on me in the final boss room. I'm only spared because the Final boss the Dark Empress Likes Other worlders. So my life as a Husband of the final boss begins. What will I face? Who will I meet?

Alamondon_Kitri · Fantasi
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1 Chs

My Isekai Adventure: My life as the Husband of the Final boss chapter 1:My Isekai

I had looked around and saw several Priests. They spoke in a language I didn't understand. one of them gave off a comforting vibe. the rest of the priests called her Saintess or that's what I interpreted. They couldn't understand my German as they haven't heard it before.

The Saintess gave me a bracelet that would allow me to understand them and they in turn understand me. "Guten tag, Otherworlder,I'm not familiar with your worlds customs." said the Saintess. \ Guten tag,Saintess, I'm Familiar with this concept of being transported to another world./I replied.

"what do you mean?" the Saintess asked. \ In my world there's a certain genre of fantasy, known as Isekai and its main trait is the MC being transported to another world./I replied to the Saintess' Question.

"The King would like an audience with you o Summoned hero." The Saintess told me. \ ok lead the way./I replied. as we walked it felt as if the hall was alive. I was greeted by the King as soon as I entered the throne room.

"Guten tag, Summoned hero. Will you help save our world from destruction?" \ Guten tag, Don't Worry My Führer I will not only save this world but also advance its technological development to that of the German might./I replied. The King asked one final question before I left and that was. "What kind of girls do you prefer o summoned hero?"

\ I prefer big chested blond hair blue eyed girls./I responded to the King's question. I walked to the an empty room and made a door appear in front of me. I opened The door and walked in. This door leads to my pocket dimension.

The first thing I grabbed from my stuff was a practice dummy. The second thing I grabbed from my stuff was a shotgun, and Shells. Then I started shooting the dummy. After I got bored of my usual training. I put them back and picked out a manga from my shelf full of manga

When I was bored reading manga, I put it back and started crafting some Armor and weapons. The Type of weapon and armor didn't matter much to me. Although I put Considerably more effort into the female versions of the equipment than I did the male counterparts.

After I got bored with crafting I put the crafted items on the shelf. The next thing I went to do was plant trees. This activity took more time than the other three combined. It seemed like days of planting nothing but Instantly growing trees but it was only a few hours.

When it was dinner time a bell I put outside was rung. I hurriedly put my door back in my pocket and my backpack on my back. I got to the table just in time before the other guests arrived.

Tonight's dinner is going to be special for everyone else, since they are not used to this meal. The next Few hours were filled with laughter and cheer. The guests ate and drank to their hearts content.

I ate and had a few odd conversations with some guests about my world. When it was over I walked to the bedroom designated for me. I asked in and I laid out on my bed.

I heard my door creek in the middle of the night. I assumed it was just the wind. Little did I know it was a maid seeking into my room. She did things I did not see. I was fast asleep, but this maid was having her fun with my body.

I woke up with the maid beside me in the morning. I was not aware of what transpired last night and maybe I didn't want to know