Thyrea Phirre is an ex assasin who relishes in the pain and bloodshed of others but her life gets flipped around when a mysterious package arrives at the doorstep of her apartment, now she has a contracted spirit Fenrir. When a stalker brings them to the Elven Realm they'll have to find trusting allies and evade the higher power hunting them for there crimes, as they delve deeper into their pasts and search for answers. The question remains, will they find what they're looking for, and will they like the outcome, join them on a journey that will change the change the course of history and their fates the grammar might be bad since my normal editor isn't helping me but I will try my best, I think I'm a "novice" writer, I say "novice" because I not that good but I do want be a self-proclaimed writer either so it's bad I apologize in advance feel free to comment and vote and give me your constructive criticism in the comment as well
I was filled with adrenaline as my silver knife pierced his eye, coloring it a vibrant shade of crimson. I was in pure bliss as his blood drained onto my clothes and his agonizing screams floated eerily to my ears. I laughed at the sight of his pain and his sister who walked down the steps of the damp and cold basement. The look on her face, horrified, speechless, in shock from trying to comprehend what it is that she was seeing. A wave delight swept over me as her tear ducts of her clear eyes opened, letting small drops of soft peddling rain fall from the her cloudy eyes down her pale cheek.
Suddenly she reached for her pocket and pulled out her phone with shaking hand with trembling fingers began to dial the numbers 9 1-. Without hesitation I pulled my knife from the boy's pale blue eye now colored a shade of crimson from his blood. He began to scream violently in pain as I walked towards the girl, who was now as still as a stone statue, with eyes as wide as they were allowed.
She looked at me as I had snakes for hair. Frozen by fear the girl slowly tries to walk backwards but ends up stumbling to the ground. Her mouth opens as if she were about to plead for her life, but all that escaped past her tongue was air among panic breathing.
I was annoyed by the lack of trepidation in her voice, though she hadn't said anything, I thought humans were more afraid of their death but this girl isn't uttering a damn word, how disappointing. With annoyance I raised my knife still dripping with her brother's blood and pressed it against her thin throat. Up close I realized how frail she was, I thought humans had more protection and natural armor than this.
I'd had enough of this impudent girl, with on quick motion I pressed my knife into her throat, however no blood poured out, it was like well gone dry, I didn't understand. I pulled my knife back and her body fell to the floor like a doll, now I was even more confused than ever, I turned around after I noticed the boy had stopped screaming.
That little bitch has body copy, body copy is the ability to copy your body into a doll and your real body is perfectly fine. Well that explains why nothing happened when I stabbed her, it was nothing but a damn doll. This asshole has touched my last nerve, usually I try to hide my appearance around humans but this is pissing me off. I slowly take away my hood revealing my pointing ears.
The lil shit just stands there and tries to find something she can use to fight. After a few minutes of watching this human look around like a lost child, I get tired of waiting and throw my knife on the ground near her foot and gestured her to pick it up as I unsheathe my sword.
This wouldn't be considered a fair fight because she has a knife and I have a sword, but she has body copy so she can copy her body and her doll copy will be holding the knife as well. She then deletes her old doll copy and replaces it with a new one behind me, does she think can get an upper hand by having one in front and in back. I'm sorry, its just the stupidity of humans is hilarious.
I sense her doll coming up behind me and I jump to the side so that I'm in front of both of them. Blow by blow they charge at me but I defect them, I would be lying if I said I was trying, they were starting to bore me. I began to predict their moves, they fought like cowards, striking and backing away.
I agreed to fight because I thought fighting someone with body copy would be challenge, but not if the person you're fighting is an imbecile. I didn't want to watch this anymore so the next time they charged at me I chopped of their hands that were holding the knife and headed for the stairs.
I pick up the hand of the original and put up my hood and and left the house. I wanted to make sure they wouldn't escape so I place a tree branch that had fallen in the yard and placed it in front of the door and walked to my car. I got in and turned it on and drove around the house before I left and made sure there was no other exits.
Once I was sure no one could escape the house, I drove out into the street and made my way home to my apartment. I was almost home when the sun went down this meant I could go inside without suspicion.
I arrived at my apartment's vacant lot, turned off my car and made way up to the top floor were my apartment is.
I choose the top floor because there wouldn't be any neighbors up there because no one wants to move furniture up 14 flights of stairs. Personally I didn't mind, I didn't have much furniture anyway and if I do get furniture and can increase my muscles so i can carry it up without the aid of others.
I got to my door and was greeted by a package. I didn't order anything so I don't know why this is up here. For some reason I brought it inside with me, I guess I'm tired. I placed the package on the island in my kitchen and went to my room. I began to unpack my stuff when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. The noise got louder as I approached the island, the package was levitating and expanding causing the plastic bands that wrapped around it to break.
Since I had no clue what the contents of the package were I grabbed it and opened up. I didn't want to have to clean up my kitchen if something that would splatter was inside. Once I had opened the package, to my surprise the package had nothing but a small black velvet box and a few packing peanuts, Which by the way annoy the hell out of me.
I pick up the small box and cautiously open it, just a crack, and *shut*. I placed the small box on the island and walked back to my room.
I decided to leave it be, I didn't feel like opening a possible Pandora's box. I went to look at the mirror, to check for any signs of blood from the boy. I pulled down my hood and took off my sweatshirt, revealing my fire red hair and tattoos off random legends I found appealing enough to permanently ink on my pale skin. I check for any obvious blood stains, when I noticed a hint of caramel brown in my usually jade green eyes. At the time I had thought it was my mind and shrug it off and went my desk to put away the trophy I got from the little albino girl who tired to save her brother.
BA-ding, I heard my phone go off. "Who in Isilidur's bane is texting me at this hour of the night?" I cursed under my breath even though I was the only there. It was a number I didn't recognize and the name only read ???. I assumed it was some kid who just got a phone and decided to prank someone and typed in a random number. I, like the brown spot on my eye and the small black velvet box, shrug it off and went to go clean off my sword, but it wasn't there.
Confused I walked into the kitchen thinking "Maybe I left it on the island when I walked in." I walked out into the hallway and everything went black as I felt my body shutting down. What the hell was happening.
I woke up on my couch with the small black box resting on my coffee table. I looked around with blurry vision, I saw my sword resting slanted against my dinning room table.
"Why and how did I get here?" I questioned, though I was basically talking to myself. I turned and looked at the box, sat for a minute and then picked it up. I held the small box in my hand, feeling the velvety softness of it and the cool metal hinge that allowed it to open. Hesitantly I raised my right to open the box. "Oh screw it!" I said and grabbed the top of the box with my right hand flicked my wrist back, opening it.
"Seriously!" I thought when I saw that all the box contained was a cold beaded bracelet made from a black stone. Though I had to admit, it was kinda cool, so I slipped on through my hand and onto my wrist.