
my hero academia: the chronicles of Henry stickman

long story short,guy finds survey and is now in my hero academia with Henry stickman’s power of reference.

Thelostswordman · Komik
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18 Chs

(11) the exams begin! Charles is here?!!

Now as the title suggests, Charles will be reuniting with Henry, so his quirk will be called armament and he can manifest his own armor kinda of like the incursio armor, so I've decided to do ultramarine armor with iron man's flight capabilities as his current armor. (He will kamikaze himself like he does when you choose Charles)

And I need your opinion, should the general be reincarnated as Charles' father? I want to include the general and Ellie in here as well, but I figured I'd ask you all for your opinions.

Also I just discovered that UA is in musta

Now onto the chapter!


(UA entrance, 1 hour before the school opens)

It was an early morning and I was just getting off the train. The people on the train were wishing me luck and a few grannies even gave me some chocolate candies.

Of course I wasn't alone this time since I ran into recovery girl a stop over who recognized me from a file that nezu gave her.

"Well are you excited young man? My grandson will be taking the exam as well you know." She said as we walked up the hill to the school, "by the way, is toga at the school already?" She asked as I shake my head.

(You all probably know who recovery girl's grandson is if you've read the title.)

"Not this time, she said she was going to walk with izuku this time." I reply as I look up and see the front gate, but there was someone there, and he looked…familiar.

"Oh! There my grandson now." Recovery girl said as we made our way to him, and the man froze when he saw me, "wait Henry is that you?! Oh my gos it's me Charles!!" The man said before hugging me as I finally realize why he was so familiar, reacovery girl's grandson was Charles!

"Oh? Do you know Henry, Charles?" Recovery girl asks as Charles who lets go and nods, "oh yeah! Henry and I go way back! But I didn't think I'd see him again!" Charles said to her, genuinely happy to see me again.

Recovery girl chuckled and handed Charles and I chocolate bars, "well I'll leave you two alone to catch up, good luck you two!" She said as she walked into the building, leaving us alone.

I turn to Charles and ask him something that's been bugging me, "how are you here?! I remember you sacrificing yourself to make sure I survive when we took down the top pat's orbital station! So how?!"

Charles explains that when he sacrificed himself he found himself reborn as a baby in this world, and that wasn't the craziest thing.

"And it turns out my dad is the general we both worked with, it seems he died of old age and became grandma chiyo's son in law." He said as I shout.

"The general is here too?!!"

(For those wondering, time doesn't matter when you're reborn, so you could be born as your best friends baby and your best friend reborn before you were reborn, it's a fascinating topic really-thelostswordsman)

"Yeah! Oh man he's going to be so happy when he hears you're alive here as well!!" Charles says as I hear toga and izuku, who was caught by uraraka before hitting the ground due to tripping called out my name and they see me with Charles.

"Oh hey you two, this is a close friend of mine, meet Charles shuzenji, recovery girl's grandson." I say to the two, introducing Charles to them.

Toga and izuku hit it off immediately with Charles, we all were chatting about how we think exams would go as we make our way to the auditorium where the written exam.

And honestly…the written exam was really easy for toga and I considering we were tutored by all might, well that and they were mostly scenarios that we needed to figure out.

As we all made our way to auditorium c and find various people, as Charles, toga and myself take a seat with izuku and bakugo. Not long after we hear present mic .


Nobody said anything except izuku was fanboying on present mic as he explains the rules of the practical.

"Exuse me I have a question!" A blue haired student said while ramrod straight and started going full Karen on the explanation.

"And you! The boy with green hair, stop speaking and distracting the other participants, if you're here to talk then leave." Iida said as present mic dissolved the situation explaining what the big robot was an obstacle to avoid.

"Alright people, if you look under your seat you'll find a card showing a letter that will tell you which bus to go on!" Present mic said as we look under our seats and we find the card present Mike mentioned, toga got bus c, izuku was bus A, bakugo was bus B, and Charles and I got bus D.

"Oh sweet! We get to work together again!" Charles said as I go over to izuku and toga and whisper in their ears, "I know it says to take down robots, but don't do just that, try helping the others and you'll be good." I say to them both hinting at rescue points.

We all go to our respective busses and I look around and I see kendo, ibara , kirishima and the most annoying character I knew, kento monoma!!

(He's going off memories, and monoma is yet another character I don't really like, especially in the early seasons)

As we all drove to the exam area monoma was trying to touch everyone for a quirk he could use, but none seemed to be usable to him.

"Dammit they all are duds!" I hear him say and I smirk as I see the grounds where the practical exam will be held, I wasn't nervous considering I trained for this, Charles and I already decided to work together like old times.

As we get get ready I draw monohoshizao and take a starting stance and the countdown was happening, Charles took my que and when the doors opened we ran in and began destroying robots, with me cutting them down with thunderstorm breathing, combining speed and flexibility I destroyed a bunch of 3-pointers and Charles was bashing them in his armor before manifesting an lmg and started shooting them down leaving none behind.

(In the observation deck)

Nezu and the teachers were watching the hopeful heroes as they see those that were obvious failures, like a purple haired hopeful who was panicking and running away, and at times groped a girl's ass.

"That one will definitely not be hero material." Aizawa says to nezu who nods in agreement as he watches izuku destroying robots and helping other students who were injured or struggling.

"Indeed, but those 5 are my favorite participants so far." Nezu says swiping the monitor showing the five individuals, them being toga, charles, Henry, izuku and bakugo.

"Participants Henry and Charles are working together like a well oiled machine, and while bakugo is crass in his dispatching of the robots he is efficient." Nezu explains as midnight looked at Henry with a blush.

"Nemuri please don't sexually harass the students this time." Nezu said as he knew midnights gaze towards Henry was anything but innocent. "Now if he gives consent then I won't hold it against you, but please control yourself."

"Y-yes nezu." Midnight said embarrassed considering Henry was her exact type.

"It looks like a minute is left, let's send in the 0-pointer." Nezu said before pushing a button and the areas started rumbling .

(Back with Henry)

The ground started rumbling as all the other examinees were running away from the 0-pointer as I remember we can destroy it like izuku did.

Your options on dealing with the 0-pointer has been selected.

Choose one option

1) climb up and destroy its head

2)run away

3)play dead

4) Charles

"I pick Charles!" I say as time resumes and I turn to Charles, "okay here's the plan Charles! I need you to fly me above that robots head and I'll cut its head, when I do fly right into the robots chest area to knock it away from everyone!" I say to Charles whose face light up at the thought of the plan.

"Got it! The hang on!" Charles said as he grabs me by the shoulder and flies me overhead in the span of five seconds and drops me as I prepare monohoshizao.


Water breathing second form! Water wheel!!

And in a downward spinning motion I split the robotic head in the middle and it shudders, and as it was about to fall Henry flies into the chest area like planned and the robot falls onto the ground away from the others.



Well I hope you enjoy the chapter, now if you saw thunderstorm breathing, it's a fusion of water and thunder breathing which Henry has been experimenting with.

Now I haven't come up with the forms, so I'll let you all decide on the form names, but the strongest form is one I call susanoo's wrath.

But with that I'll see you all tomorrow with a new chapter,peace😁✌️

have a good night all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts