
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · Komik
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15 Chs

U.S.J Part three: Promise broken

Moments earlier

In the mountainous terrain, a tableau unfolded: multiple villains lay sprawled and unconscious amidst the rocky expanse. Dozens more hurtled towards a blonde-haired teenager, deftly delivering kicks and punches. In the chaotic collision, one villain struck the agile teen, prompting a frustrated click of the tongue from Denki.

"Let's go," he commented, advancing slowly. But before he could take any action, a shockwave erupted from behind, accompanied by the thud of something hitting the ground. Glancing back, he saw a purple-haired girl with a tense gaze unleashing a barrage of soundwaves at the villain, who had almost plunged a knife into his ribs.

"Could you refrain from provoking them?" a black-haired teenager remarked, rolling her eyes as she swiftly dispatched another villain with her metallic staff.

"Stay focused!" Kyoka urged sternly, taking a step back for a moment. The trio, backs pressed together, persevered with their onslaught. "Got it," the blonde teen replied with a slightly vacant tone amid the chaos. Nevertheless, the escalating assault showed no signs of slowing, and soon, the fatigued teenagers found themselves encircled by a dozen villains, each activating their quirks in readiness.

"Yaoyorozu, can ya make a big blanket?" Denki gasped with a slight hesitancy.


"Good i am about to blow a fuse if ya catch my drift"

The black-haired girl grimaced, a white glow emanating from her chest. "I need time. Stall them and take this!" she commanded while passing her staff to the blonde-haired teenager amid the unfolding mayhem.

The sibling duo seamlessly synchronized their movements in response, striking with coordinated precision. Kyoka's speakers generated shockwaves as she followed, and Denki, wielding his staff, wove a beautiful tapestry, pirouetting into the air. Meanwhile, as Yaoyorozu positioned herself to summon the fabric, a hand suddenly grabbed her by the neck, halting her actions. Her body tensed in response eliciting a panicked scream as her body was being lifted into the air like a ragdoll. The duo sibling instantly turned their attention, ready to fight the assailant off but what they saw next dropped their hearts.

"Damn it, Yaoyorozu!" Denki exclaimed, his voice visibly quivering, as a bony finger softly pressed at the black-haired girl's right temple.

"Now, if you don't want to see me pierce her head right off, you'll surrender," boomed the menacing voice of a villain wearing a skeleton mask. A skeletal blade formed on his fingertip as he slowly pressed it against the skin. A painful groan escaped the black-haired girl, who now had a panicked expression. "D- Don't— Ack!" The grip began suffocating the girl, prompting the terrified blonde-haired teenager to throw his staff on the ground. Denki then took slow, measured steps forward with his arms raised above his head.

"Stop..!" Kyoka spat as she followed suit. The villains swiftly seized them, expertly tying them up. Laughter erupted among the villains as they reveled in their apparent victory. Momo's eyes widened with fear as the menacing figures approached her.

"Now, little miss, let's see how creative you can get when we play," one of the villains sneered, his tone oozing malevolence. The villain group cackled, reveling in their power as they continued to taunt and threaten, casting an ominous shadow over the captured teens.

Denki's eyes widened with horror, "What are you doing, you sick monsters!" he screamed. The villains, reveling, positioned themselves strategically to cast shadows around Momo. One of them grabbed her by the jaw, forcing her to meet their lust-filled glance as they slowly brought a bony blade near her neck. The cold, sinister laughter echoed through the darkened space, intensifying the sense of dread and helplessness.

A villain holding the horrified girl by her jaw slammed Momo's face against the rocky terrain beneath, causing a small chunk of the skin on her cheek to rip and begin bleeding. The brutal act intensified the atmosphere of despair. Before them, Momo struggled, a mixture of pain and defiance in her eyes.

The group leader, a man with a skull mask, bellowed, "Who wants to take the first turn, boys?" The ominous question hung in the air. The villains exchanged twisted grins, eager to indulge in their sadistic desires. Denki and Kyoka, bound and helpless, screamed defiantly in their faces. The latter's eyes glared at them, a fit of anger, a fierce determination burning within him even in the face of such brutality.

"Stop!" they both screamed in unison, desperation and fear ringing in their voices. Meanwhile, Momo, her face stained with blood and tears, began to shake. "Please... Don't watch." The horror of the situation etched across her features, she pleaded with her eyes for the torment to end, tears streaming down her face as one of the villains began slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Momo's soft sobs slowly mixed with the cackles of villains, and in one short moment, a warmth permeated her as a radiant green light flashed by, blinding everyone in the vicinity. In an instant, they were entangled and encircled by villains, and then suddenly, they found themselves standing at a distance, with the adversaries now unconscious on the rocky terrain. The black-haired girl sat upright, her eyes visibly shaken, accompanied by a confused tremor running through her body as she glanced around.

"W-Was that–" Momo shifted her eyes to glance at the visibly shaken sibling duo.

"Midoriya.. Damn it," the blonde lamented while Kyokal quickly ran to Momo, wrapping her into a tight embrace. Denki's eyes were now piercingly fiery as he slowly shifted towards the unconscious villains and periodically glanced at the purple-haired girl comforting shaken Momo. He quickly tied villains together and then crashed on the mountain dirt as all the adrenaline began to run out.

"You realized it, right? He is moving with those injuries-." Kyoka shifted her weight as she exhaled air out. "We have to help him."

"I know-" Denki clenched his fist just before a surge of green electricity erupted from the plaza, accompanied by explosions. The clash between the green-haired teenagers and the smaller abominations unfolded before them, visible from their vantage point. Collision after collision reverberated through the dome, chilling the air, and explosions erupted with each impact. Every meeting in the middle sent sparks flying in all directions. The purple-haired girl slowly released her embrace on the black-haired teenager before rising to her feet.

Amid the tremor of the clash, Kyoka advanced to the precipice, with her eyes locked onto the fierce battle, their gleam now reflecting a hint of moisture. Clash after clash unfolded while she stood there, a silent observer of the escalating confrontation. Eventually, after intense clashes, Izuku abruptly stopped, his expression sending shivers down Kyoka's spine. Despite a smile on his face, he trembled with fear. Kyoka saw her childhood flash by her. The image of Izuku and a young freckled green-haired boy standing with his back facing her meshed together, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished into a green blur. A sudden realization struck her, causing her heart to race and her lips to quiver as a tint of red appeared on her. She swiftly turned to run in the opposite direction, with Denki and Momo following closely, the former now wearing a panicked expression.

They swiftly descended the slope of the hill. The sparking lightning continued to erupt in the distance, triggering a flinch from the purple-haired girl with every collision, her heart wrenching in pain. 

"Damn it... Damn it!" she continued to voice her frustration, a single tear racing down her cheek, tracing the contours of her features. With each step Kyoka took, her features twisted further, the scent of dirt and blood permeating the air. What had only been minutes of running felt like hours, as if they were reaching out to a brilliant light flickering in the distance, on the verge of vanishing.

Upon reaching the base of the hill, they witnessed an ice wall cutting through the towering structures that enclosed the landslide zone. A red and white-haired boy skated effortlessly atop the massive ice structure, with Mineta and Asui held in a fireman's carry. A cold, chilling dust of ice emanated off his figure. The left side of his face is under a layer of ice. It looked painful, but his eyes held a vacant and cold look as if nothing could faze the teenager.

Denki waved at Todoroki, prompting him to halt and jump off the ice before releasing the purple-haired boy and the green-haired girl. At that moment, an exhale of air and a weary demeanor finally forced the boy to reel.

"What's happening with Midoriya? I've never seen his quirk behave this way," Todoroki inquired as he attempted to regain his footing, noting the vacant look on the blonde's face as they approached.

The blonde-haired boy explains what they had witnessed a moment before in the middle of their fights, triggering a look of shock from the red and white-haired boy. "You too?"

Denki nodded with a pained and frustrated expression in his eyes, motioning for them to follow. A pervasive heaviness hung in the air, and then a gasp softly elicited from the green-haired girl. "No… We shouldn't have left him." Her lips quivered, and her wide eyes seemed to widen even more as she repeated this phrase a few times.

"What do ya mean?" Kyoka fixed her questioning gaze on the green-haired girl, who redirected her attention to the purple-haired girl. "We were transported into the flood zone, and he–" The girl's expression contorted into a mix of horror and anguish as she slowly recounted the events. Kyoka felt her heart plummet with a resounding ache as the explanation unfolded, and then the green-haired girl delivered the final blow. "He said he was sorry and–" The eyes of the green-haired girl widened as a couple of tears began racing down her features. "He would not be able to keep his promise."

The siblings' faces twisted with terror. Their bodies quivered, and the pupils of their eyes dilated with fear, facial muscles tensing in a shared moment of realization. As the weight of the situation bore down on them, they clenched their fists, gritting their teeth, and the corners of their eyes exhibited an unnatural strain, as if the entire world had just fallen onto their shoulders.


As the dust settled, unconscious villains lay strewn on the ground, leaving the students in stupefied expressions, contemplating the spectacle they had just witnessed. The air, once filled with dread, fear, and a sense of loss now bore the lingering warmth left by Izuku's disappearance. He had found himself propelled out of the purple mist, sparking lightning still emitting off him. With momentum carrying him forward, he saw the battered and bruised form of Toshinori being down.

Izuku shifted his trajectory towards the colossal abomination, standing in the middle of the destroyed plaza, now gripping a weakened Toshinori by the neck and raising the hero's body into the air. A furious glare adorned the green-haired teenager's face, harboring an aggressive intent to collide with the monstrous foe. In the moment of impact, an electrifying explosion erupted from the point of contact, sending multiple beams of sparks in every direction. The abomination released its grip on the wounded hero, staggering backward. Momentum carried Izuku forward; he began weaving in a circling motion, engaging in multiple clashes with the nomu that ignited brilliant sparks of electricity, intensifying their confrontation.

The white-haired man now backpedaled into a distance and began observing the unfolding mayhem with the frames of Kurogiri and the Hooded appearing by his side. "This was not part of my plans," he remarked, In parallel with a tone of annoyance. A visible scratching motion ensued as Shigaraki pranced back and forth. Promptly, the man snapped his finger before a gust of wind caused his clothes to dance with the air. The diminutive monstrosity leaped into the fray, its skin ablaze in a hot orange hue, fixated squarely on a space between Izuku and the towering nomu. An instant, tremoring explosion erupted with a ferocious shockwave, prompting a sudden gasp from Izuku, who abruptly halted his momentum. His body twisted and turned as he crashed against the rough and rocky surface, his numb body succumbing to the raw force of the explosion, leaving him sprawled on his back.

"You have proven to be quite annoying," the white-haired man fumed, his fury palpable. Meanwhile, the green-haired teenager struggled to maintain his vision, the relentless pull of gravity urging him to surrender. Just as he teetered on the brink, the smaller Nomu launched into a sprint, aiming a ferocious strike at him. Izuku braced himself for the impending impact.

Weary and too tired to move, Izuku closed his eyes, expecting something to happen. A second passed, and then another. When he reluctantly forced them open, he gasped in horror. The menacing Nomu stood barely a meter away, its eerily intense orange gaze fixated on him. 

" What?" Izuku stammered in a shock.

"Deku…" the abomination screeched, its gurgling screams piercing the air, causing Izuku's heart to plummet as tears slowly raced down his features. "Kacchan… Are you in there?" he whispered, drawing in a breath. He crawled toward Bakugo's monsterified form, taking slow strides using his arms while the abomination remained eerily motionless.

"What is the meaning of this..?" declared the white-haired man, prancing back and forth furiously scratching his neck. The room filled with a menacing air as the disturbed man's eyes widened, his lips curling into an intimidating grin, and his mouth opened with a realization dawning upon him.

A haunting voice echoed in the green-haired boy's mind, cackling, "You... You were there." As the words resonated, the boy took a slow, deliberate breath, his eyes barely able to stay open as he tried to slowly force himself up again, barely able to stand in the face of the smaller abomination's eyes glowing in orange light as its gaze pierced through him.

"Kacchan. Forgive me." Izuku launched into motion again. He kept clashing with the abomination again and again, as he lost track of time Izuku felt his body give out as he felt the repeated strikes of the smaller abomination impacting his body and features. Causing him to spit blood with every hit, eventually, the nomu let his limp body crash onto the rough surface of the crater. Lying on his side he felt all of his strength fading slowly. Glancing at Toshinori he could see a look of great regret in the eyes of the man who was being held down by the hulking monstrosity. "Y- Young Midoriya..!" the blonde-haired hero grits his teeth. 

 "Shigaraki-sama. I am most disappointed to inform you that one of the students managed to make it out. We have at best minutes before the reinforcements arrive," Kurogiri interjected bowing curtly.

"Haa... How the fuck did one kid manage to evade my second-in-command and a mercenary?." Shigaraki spat.

"Unaccounted variable in the form of someone knocking Mr. Kurogiri and a handful of your men off balance with superspeed, opening up a window of opportunity for them," The hooded figure reported. 

"Huh?" the white-haired man looked at them in confusion before turning in realization to lock his gaze with the green-haired boy. "Ha… Haha! All Might your students have inherited your arrogance." Shigaraki silently grinned in disbelief as the blonde-haired man remained silent. 

 "I wanted to savor this slowly, but alas, life is devoid of such luxuries," he remarked after a brief silence with annoyance, scratching his throat as if clearing it. "I suppose we can have an appetizer before the meal," he added, pointing at the barely conscious green-haired teenager before issuing his command. "Round up everyone; our performance has now reached its end. " he voiced menacingly.

"Our performance will continue later," the white-haired man threatened as his features dissolved into the evaporating purple before being followed in by the hooded archer and the hulking abomination. 

The smaller, diminutive abomination hoisted the teenager by the neck and slowly moved towards the portal, dragging Izuku's barely functioning body across the dirt. In that instant, a distant scream echoed. Izuku, catching a glimpse from the corner of his eye, saw his friends rushing toward them in a panic. Denki led the charge, his eyes frantic. Kyoka followed closely, her eyes wide open in shock, her body trembling with anger and fear. Several other classmates were in tow, their expressions reflecting a mix of desperation and terror as they all tried to reach Izuku.

"Izuku...!" Kyoka's cry pierced the building, her anguished scream blending with Denki's furious roar.

"Give him back!" Denki roared, his throat parched from the intensity. His eyes still glaring ahead."Midoriya!"

Upon hearing the desperate pleas of his friends, Izuku's entire body trembled. His wide-open, shaking eyes focused on the purple-haired girl, lips curled up in a gentle grin, a single tear racing down his cheeks. Inhaling air, he summoned the last of his strength and wrenched his voice out, barely above a whisper, "I'm so sorry." He coughed, locking eyes with a visibly distressed blonde-haired boy. In the next moment, something pierced through his abdomen, and as he glanced downward, the pitch-black arm of the smaller Nomu stabbed through his body, a grim intrusion that sent shudders through him.


Turning to face the purple-haired girl, he saw panic settling in Kyoka's eyes. Her arm extended toward him, fingers spread, palm open. "Kyoka." The green-haired teenager struggled, choking as he smiled gently, a soft look in his eyes, his cheek taking a light hint of red. His form slowly faded into the purple shroud, the smaller nomu vanishing first, leaving only its arm and half of the green-haired teenager visible. "Thanks," he whispered, his eyes losing color and his body lifeless. At that moment, his head hung loosely, shrouded in mist that consumed his entire form. Kyoka stumbled through the remnants of the vanishing portal. The dissolving substance lingered on the tip of her fingers like ethereal dust before gracefully dissipating into the air.

Speechless, she felt her legs buckle, forcing her onto her knees. The once radiant vigor in her eyes slowly dimmed, and her pupils quivered as she shielded her head with both hands. Her body 

trembling violently. "This is a joke, right?" She repeatedly uttered with a quivering tone as she struggled to accept her new reality. "He is not– He can't be..!" Kyoka turned to gaze at Denki in a daze, her features growing paler. Without hesitation, the blonde-haired teenager rushed to her side, wrapping his arms securely around the fragile-looking girl. As the purple-haired girl's lips curved downward, her hands gently encircled him, and they remained in a silent embrace. "Izu-kun," she whispered, her labored breath audible, followed by softly biting her lower lip.

Witnessing Kyoka breaking down, Denki couldn't contain himself. "Damn it… Damn it! Izuku!" He let out a scream, harmonizing with Kyoka's silent despair. The world around the purple-haired girl seemed to lose its color. The once vibrant surroundings now felt cold and empty as the last words of the green-haired boy echoed in her mind, repeating themselves relentlessly. Her eyes continued to tremble in their sockets, and tears slowly traced down her worn-out features.

Other students gradually gathered around the plaza, where everyone else stood silently, heads hanging low. Witnessing Kyoka's and Denki's breakdown, the green-haired girl began shedding tears, anxiously inhaling and exhaling as Izuku's words repeatedly rang in her thoughts.

"Both of you will make it out alive."

It was a horrifying realization for Asui, who now understood the sentiment and weight of his words. Izuku acted knowing he would not make it out alive unscathed or alive. All that pain and hurt to ensure that everyone present in the dome would have a better chance at surviving, and survive they did. Mineta, who had stayed silent the entire time, softly grabbed the shaken girl's hand, prompting her to glance at the horrified purple-haired boy struggling to find words. A shaking tremor was only constant in his demeanor. The two silently stood by the edge, filled with regret.

Eventually, a line of heroes appeared at the dome entrance with Ida in the forefront, their features grim as they hurried up to provide medical assistance to wounded teachers and students. The silent and angry present mic was now kneeling in front of unconscious Aizawa before turning his gaze towards the body of thirteen that was being covered under a fabric by a man wearing a gas mask and a cowboy hat. Not one of the heroes uttered a word for one solemn moment as they quickly advanced to secure the area.

A small white bear observed the body of thirteen with a vacant look in his pitch-black eyes before moving down the plaza with a tan cloak-wearing man following suit, where the battered and bruised symbol of the hope lay on his back. He had bruises all around his now dissolved form. "Nezu i- " Toshinori glanced at the white bear and then back to where the portal used to be, a shadow casting his glance.

"What exactly took place here?" Nezu questioned as he glanced at the barely conscious blonde-haired hero whose eyes were now hiding beneath the shadows of his features. The corner of his lips tightened and pointed downward as his shoulders slumped together. The pillar of hope was a shell of a man who once inspired hope and was now replaced by a fragile man spiritually broken in unimaginable ways.

"They systematically brought down the security with a blast resembling an electromagnetic pulse, blocking the exits and—" The man's voice cracked, frustration settling in. "They didn't attempt a swift end. Instead, they toyed with us, their goal—" His eyebrows furrowed, and his blue irises reflected a fury seldom seen. "Young Midoriya saved us all today and was–" Toshinori's voice broke as he glanced towards the horrified students standing around the crater with the soft sobs of the purple-haired girl echoing nearby. 


Unknown location

Scream resonated within the dimly illuminated room as a towering, formidable figure, adorned in scales and eyes that glowed with a piercing silver-white intensity, methodically cleansed the utensils tainted with blood. With a meticulous eye for detail, he arranged them on a pristine fabric spread across a nearby table. With the final utensil in its designated spot, he peeled off his white gloves before throwing them into the small bin next to the table.

In the room's center, a slender girl with bob-stacked white hair stood, clad in a pitch-black ensemble of jeans, a hoodie, and combat boots. Her pure red eyes glared at the bloodied middle-aged man seated on a chair, akin to a predator fixated on its prey. 

A moment later, a purple portal materialized behind him. From its swirling depths emerged a figure cloaked in a shroud of purple mist, their unrelenting yellow eyes locking in an unwavering gaze with the man who had now raised his gaze from the table.

Traversing space, the figure headed towards a chair positioned prominently in the center. There, he fixed his gaze upon a man already seated, whose widened eyes and agape mouth struggled futilely to release a scream. Slowly, the man's body twitched, as if jolted by a sudden shock, until his stare ultimately transformed into vacancy.

"Finish the job, would you, dear?" the chilling voice requested of the girl.

"By your command, Dominus," she replied. Placing herself behind the man whose eyes were slowly widening, she interrupted his desperate plea with a firm grip over his mouth. The scaly figure beckoned for Kurogiri to follow him outside.

"I have arrived to settle business on behalf of my master," the Purple-shrouded figure intoned in his characteristic monotone voice as they stepped out.

"I see, and what of my colleague?" Dominus inquired, his tone laced with a chilling undertone.

"Shigaraki-sama wishes to employ your services for another job in the light of Apollo's performance exceeding his expectations." the yellow-eyed figure answered. With a quick motion of his hand, a document was shot out of a small portal above them, catching the scaly figure's eyes as he snatched it from the air, opening it up to inspect the image of a freckled green-haired teenager. His eyes focused and scanned the documents, and with a stark realization, a deep and slow exhaling motion ensued.

"Curious indeed. I had not anticipated your involvement in such dubious affairs." His tone took on a sinister edge as the man's screams in the room began to reverberate through the door, now more intense than before. As the time stretched on, his screams intensified more and more until the sound of something snapping brought everything to a standstill.

"You may let your master know that I shall take on the next assignment personally.." the scaly man chuckled his deep white-red eyes now slightly illuminating his features.