
My Hero Academia: Legacies

A tale of love, loss, life, and lies. Generations ago, two brothers that loved each other betrayed each other beginning the epic tale of the eternal struggle between One For All and All For One. Now this long war comes to a final head in this climatic retelling of My Hero Academia. Izuku Midoriya discovers in the deepest darkest moment of his life; the arrival of his Quirk and the immense power that comes with it. Rising up as the Hero Aurelius; Izuku falls in love and finds family in friends be them old or new within the walls of U.A. Not realizing the activation of his powers would set off a chain reaction of events both local and global to decide who will lead the world into the next age. Will Izuku fall prey to the endless repeating cycle like those before him? Or will his actions be able to alter history in his favor or the in the favor of others... All of this and more! Bringing a fitting conclusion and fantastic end to this tragic story of heroes, villains, and those in between. This is a world they live in and how it changes maybe up to Izuku Midoriya and others for their actions will unknowingly steer the course of history... (Story involves gay relationships and smuts)

KingBakugo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 26


That was it, that was that…

He took out the pair of black rimmed glasses he wore as Dr. Yomi and then placed them on Centiopeder's face.

The police are too dull to understand but it will be enough for someone to notice.

Hitoshi ran out the hotel room and made his way to the elevator, he took off the reflective chrome mask and began to breathe heavily.

Oh God...Kami!...He didn't deserve it.

None of them did!







He put his hand on his face to try and relax for a moment. Wiping off some of the cold sweat he acquired, his hands they felt dirty...bloody...

Once he was on the ground floor he cut right and knocked on the door to the security room. "Yes?" a guard said when he opened the door. "Perhaps you can help me?" Hitoshi replied trying to stop himself from quivering and shaking. "What seems to-" The guard stopped and stood up straight, his eyes glazing over, another mind control victim. "Delete all security footage for every camera on the stairs, fourteenth floor, the car garage, the ground floor lobby, and elevators of this day." The guard left and completed the task easily, Hitoshi then took the stairs down to the car garage. There was a medical supply van from the Terumo corporation already waiting in the lot as Shinosu instructed a previous puppet of his, who was sitting in the driver seat as instructed. Both Kyoka and Mirai Sasaki were there, standing blankly.

Hitoshi did not have time for this. "Give me your cell phone, knife, and gun Mirai. Good now SLEEP." He ordered the hero detective, who then dropped to the floor knocked out. "Kyoka pick him up and put him in the trunk. Here is some rope, zip ties, and towels. Bind his hands, feet, and gag him. Make sure you use both zip ties and ropes for the binding and make sure THEY ARE ALL tight knots!" Shinosu ordered. While Kyoka was doing this. Hitsohi was doing his best to catch his breath. Still in a state of shock, just like his mother was. He then opened the back of the hero's phone and ripped out the sim card and battery. Twisting the data chip and crushing the power cell under his heel. After a minute to come down, Hitoshi checked Kyoka's work and smiled, then he injected him with two syringes full of Versed and Fentanyl. "Kyoka, get in the back seat of the car and grab out two nurse hospital outfits. Then buckle yourself up, hand me an outfit, and put the other outfit on." His voice started to feel dry and strained, he had to be very clear in his instructions else all hell would break loose. Hitoshi got in the passenger side of the car and looked at the driver. "You will drive to Jaku General Hospital, park in the back as a supply vehicle." As the car drove he was handed a nurses outfit by Kyoka which he had put on immediately.

Once they got on the highway, Hitoshi felt something warm trickle down his cheek. His lips could taste the salt of his tears. Hitsohi clenched his hand and channeled everything he could into it. All the emotion, the pain, the scars on his mind, heart, and soul...

"FUCK!" He screamed slamming his fist into the dashboard.

The drive was indeed long but it felt like minutes to Hitoshi. By the time they got there, it was seven at night. After a few moments passed a fat bald man with a walrus mustache came out in his white coat, there next to him a rolling slab and an empty body bag. He then waved his hand over to the van. So this was the mad scientist? Oh the joy. They took no time in getting out, Hitoshi ordering Kyoka to grab the slumbering hero immediately. Hitsohi went up to the doctor. "Are you the one who we are waiting for?" He spoke. "Yes. I believe-" Garaki stiffened and his eyes glazed over. Were almost there. I can have my prize and leave! This was it...This was the beginning of Phase 2. "Take us to the lab where you research quirks and create Nomus in this hospital."

Six and a half hours ago, U.A. High School Campus-Training Ground Beta

Everyone in class 1-A was in their costumes marching towards All Might. He was awed by the amazing job done by Class H and the development studio. Every student held this new demeanor about them, call it courage, call it pride, it made these men and women raise their heads. To be brave and to be strong.

"You look so cool!" All Might said smiling. "Now shall we get started, you bunch of newbies!" The class stood ready, smiling and waiting to learn what kind of training they would be doing in this fake city block. "Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows, but in this training exercise you will be split up into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles!"

Of course then All Might was flooded with a multitude of questions, of which he then pulled a small booklet out from his pocket and began to read from. "Listen Up!"

S eriously? A script? Izuku thought, well then again they are only human.

"The situation is this, the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. The good guys have to catch the evil-doers or recover the weapon. Likewise; the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload, or capture the heroes.

The teams were listed off with Izuku and Ochaco as Team A and Katsuki and Tenya as Team D. All Might had them picked first, with Team A as the Villians and Team D as the heroes…

"Team A will be the villains! Team D will be the heroes everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!" All Might shouted happily. I have to grade them as anyone else. Without playing favorites…

Izuku did not speak, only walked over and stood next to Ochaco. She looked down, disheartened that she was to be a villain. Iida was glad that he could embody justice and order as a hero in this battle trial. Katsuki grinned madly, finally he will have his chance at fighting Deku. He only hoped that gravity chick doesn't get in his way or his four eyes partner.

Izuku and Ochaco were given five minutes to prepare before Katsuki and Tenya breach their building. "Ochaco, use your quirk to float the missile up to the top floor." Izuku said. Ochaco did as he said. The building was a simple five floor office setting. Almost every floor had windows covering and shining on fully furnished and formed rooms. Damn, U.A. has a big budget. The first floor consisted of a lobby, restrooms, a small area with couches to relax, and the entrance to the stairs. There was a basement under the lobby used for maintenance and power management. The second and third rooms were filled with cubicles and meeting rooms, printer areas and vending machines. The fourth floor had more of a feng shui vibe. There was a zen garden with a bridge to go over a small river connected to a larger pond, pebbles and gravel covered fake plants and laid the foundation of the water bodies. There were cappuccino machines and leather couches used for leisure. This floor held a large sky light which covered the entire roof. Izuku looked over to Ochaco who had just placed the missile in the back next to a series of large bay area windows and in between two pillars. She looked so sad, frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Izuku asked with sincerity in his voice. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, it's just I didn't want to play the villain part. I mean, LOOK at who we are going up against!" Ochaco said. Oh. I am. Izuku thought. "We're gonna lose…" She whispered sitting on the ground. Izuku walked up to her and sat next to her. "Why do you want to be a hero?" Izuku asked. "My parents own a construction company that hasn't gotten a particularly significant amount of business in years. Neither of their Quirks are compatible with the jobs, but mine is. I wanted to help my family any way I could, but my father always told me that the way to truly make him and mom was for me to achieve my dreams. I want to be a Hero so not only I can help others but make enough money to give my parents an easy life and retire." Izuku got up after listening.

"Ochaco, Ochaco look at me!" Izuku yelled. She looked up and he pointed at the nuke behind her. This bomb is being used to clear an area of rubble and rundown buildings. One which your parents are supposed to build a whole new neighborhood from. They need to tear everything down which could take months or years. This can clear the foundation with a push of a button. This is your parents future right behind it! Are you going to let them take it from you?!" Izuku shouted. "No-No!" Ochaco said getting up. "That's not good enough! Look me in the eyes and swear to me that you will do your best! You will not let ANYONE LAY A HAND ON THE KEY TO YOUR PARENT'S FUTURE! TO THEIR HAPPY ENDING! SAY IT!" Izuku yelled. The anger and confidence grew into something unprecedented, a force of will and hope. Ochaco screamed back at Izuku. " NO ONE WILL LAY A HAND ON THE KEY TO MYPARENT'S FUTURE! TO THEIR HAPPY ENDING!" Her bubbly and laid back attitude was gone, what remained was one of determination, focus, and strategy as she walked over to the rivers and ponds, her hands grazing the pebbles and gravel.

Izuku used his power to break several chunks of concrete off the main load bearing pillars and threw them in front of the nuclear weapon. Once he did that he began descending the stairs. "Kacchan will be focused on me which means Teyna might get to you if I can't hold him back. Remember who we are and who they are. Use it!" Izuku said. Ochaco nodded saying, "I am a villain!" As he walked through the third and second floors he looked for the best items to use, but always kept to the windows. Slowly he felt the photovoltaic cells. So far from the extra two cars he already had and the run to the training ground, he had three charges ready. Suddenly a thought came to mind."Ochaco, listen up I got an idea…"

Kastuki walked restlessly waiting for All Might to give the go ahead, while Tenya studied the map endlessly. "They probably sabotaged the elevators. So we should take the stairs. The best place they would have hid the weapon is the top floor. We should be careful of the second and third floors, they could plan skirmishes there-Are you listening? Katsuki!" Katsuki wasn't listening to Tenya, no he was in his own mind. Like Kyoka hearing Izuku's heartbeat he felt a force of anger and rage inside of himself. The seed Shinsou Hitoshi planted in him. It wanted to strike at Tenya, rip apart his entire class, but Katsuki's focus was enough to block out any whispers luring him hulking out. All his pride cut through any tendrils seeking to make him some puppet master's bitch. "I get it!" He yelled at Tenya in his silver knight diesel armor. "Look, you focus on Ochako or securing the weapon, I'll take of Deku…" Katsuki looked at his gauntlets shaped like grenades. He was sure to get him this time. "Katsuki, we will not win if you keep focusing, no obsessing over fighting Izuku. Why are you so bent on assaulting him? Look I'll go for the missile but if I need your help and I call, I need you to come." Before Katuski could reply. All Might's voice came over the phone. "Are you ready heroes! Three. Two.. One...BEGIN!"

Katsuki just ran in with Tenya right behind him. "Wait!" Tenya said getting in front of the explosive hero. "Let's search the area first. There's a basement to the left, the stairs are at the front, restroom to the right." Katsuki nodded, he and Tenya began walking towards the front desk. Not realizing under their feet was Izuku who had been getting some energy from the direct power supply and fuse box of the office building. The weight of Tenya's costume was a clear sign. "There here." He said in the ear piece to Ochaco. She readied herself, her fingers close to touching but not yet, not until she sees them come in on her level. Izuku took a deep breath as both of his arms glowed. "Release Zephyr." He spoke and felt a mass of power surge as the Zephyr battery released a cascade of energy into his suit and himself. He channeled all of it into his feet. He waited just until Tenya's footstep was right in front of him. "To those who are watching this was derived from my boyfriend's move called Phantom Menace! Power of the Sun… " Izuku said feeling nothing but sound and force churn out from the kinetic nexus stored in his limbs, he bent his knees with fists pointing straight up. "BREAKING DAWN!"

"Let's take a quick peek at the basement and head upstairs, we don't wanna get caught in a pincer-" Teyna's words were cut off as the concrete right in front of him blew into a thousand pieces. Glowing hands with white powder covering a set of black gauntlets black gloves was all he saw before a golden shining foot kicked his helmet so hard he was swept off his feet, hitting the ground and rolling a couple meteres away. The dent in his headpiece was a sizable one indeed. Awe struck the monitoring room. "A surprise attack! I didn't expect Izuku to be so daring, and so low!" Eijiro yelled, feeling this act was unmanly. Momo shrugged. "Bakugou would do the same if he was in Izuku's shoes." Denki nodded. All Might watched with intent as Izuku stepped back getting his bearings as Katsuki then charged at him. His moves were fast and heavy hitting but Izuku blocked and dodged each attack. Moving more and more to the right and back nearby the furniture. Just until he was close enough, then Katsuki threw a wild left punch which Izuku pulled in and swung around left. He used the momentum to switch places with Katsuki, now Izuku being behind the table. A few more ruthless and wild attacks were dodged and then as Katskuki swung in Izuku used one hand to grab his forearm and the other to grab his belt. By the sheer force of the strength in his back and the exo spine's assist, he lifted Kacchan up and slammed him through the wooden table. The vertical suplex silenced everyone in the montering room.

Izuku was then tackled to the ground by Tenya who used his dented helmet as a battering ram, confirming that one way or another, he was going to have a concussion after this fight. Teyna looked to see Katsuki slowly rising from the wooden splinters and crushed boards. When he turned back he saw Izuku's left hand glowing as it delivered a one inch punch directly to Tenya's armored solar plexus knocking him down again. Deku and Kacchan both went at it again as they each got up. Giving time for Tenya to use his engines and race up the stairs. "Run Tenya!" Kacchan yelled as he and Izuku circled each other. "He's coming for you Ochaco!" Izuku said in the earpiece.

Ochaco smiled. "You had your fun Izuku, now bring him up to the second and third floor." Izuku smiled and before Kacchan could land a punch on him dodged and ran up the stairs at lighting speed with his glowing feet. "Get back here Deku!!!" Katsuki yelled, running after him.

All Might looked at the cameras of the second and third floor now realizing why Izuku ran up there with Katsuki right behind him.

He's not just trying to provide support for Ochaco