

"FOCUS! Just because you can't see doesn't mean you can't defeat your opponent. Hone your other senses until they are on the same level as your eye sight. Trust your instincts, never doubt yourself and always keep calm."

Standing in a dark room Aiden concentrated on the voice as he forcefully calmed himself down. It had been 3 years since he had join the assassin organisation known as Dark Star. They had taught him how to hone his abilities and how to use his trauma as motivation to get stronger.

Right now Aiden was bare chested as his scar riddled body stood firm. One of his teacher's had the ability to remove the sight of their target and was teaching him to fight without relying on them. According to his teacher this would help sharpen his instincts and train his other senses. But in his eyes this was nothing more than another way for them to torture him disguised as training.

Keeping his breath steady, he focused all of his senses on the area around him and constructed a mental image of his surrounding. Having a vague idea of what was going on around him, he didn't panic and waited for one of his other teacher's to attack. Feeling his ears twitch he could barely pick up on the sound of a heartbeat but couldn't place its location.

Unfortunately for him his teacher was a trained assassin with decades of experience behind him, slowing his heartbeat was an effortless task for him and Aiden soon lost the general location of his opponent.

A creeping feeling caused all of the hairs on his neck to stand up as he instinctively dodged to the side.

Sadly, his teacher was quick to adapt and was on Aiden within seconds. Raining down a barrage of punches, Aiden felt the sensation of his bones breaking under the weight of the attacks. With a nasty sounding CRACK, he felt his arms break as he put them up to shield his face. Being thrown back by the force caused him to land on his back with a heavy thump. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew that one of his other teachers was a doctor with a healing quirk, he would be more worried about his physical condition.

Feeling light return to his surroundings he saw a muscular black man stand above him with a smile on his face.

"You're getting better."

"And you're getting crueler, I'm seven for fuck sakes, take it easy on me!" Seeing the goofy grin on his face, Aiden couldn't help but curse at his brutality.

"Hehe, at least you managed to dodge one of my attacks." He grinned.

"Yeah but you still pummeled me." Feeling like he had been hit by a train, Aiden struggled to speak.

The muscular black man in front of him was his hand to hand combat teacher Mike. He used to be a professional MMA fighter until his wife and child were murdered by a villain. Due to no heroes being around to save them he lost faith in their abilities and ended up joining Dark Star. His quirk was quite problematic as every time he landed a punch the weight behind his next attack would increase. This meant that he had to train his arm muscles other wise he wouldn't be able to lift them to perform his next attack.

Due to the nature of his quirk, Mike focused on the speed of his attacks allowing him to deliver punches with the weight of a car and speed of a bullet.

"Stop whining brat, at least your improving." A feminine voice sounded out.

Hearing her voice Aiden's face scrunched up.

'Not this bitch again.'

Walking into view was a pretty blonde woman in her thirties. She wore a sleek red dress that showed off her... assets. If it wasn't for her hatred of children this woman would probably have been his first crush.

Her name was Angela, she was the person whose quirk could remove his sight. Now that his training had finished she was eager to get him out of there.

Rolling his eyes Aiden couldn't help but comment. "Well if it isn't the wicked bitch of the west, finally done staring at your reflection."

Ignoring his comments she walked right up to Mike and handed him a set of keys.

"Nice dress, what's the occasion?."

Smiling at the compliment she gave him a little spin before answering.

"I've got a date with TripZone. Heard his favorite color was red so I thought I'd let his last memory on earth be of a Goddess adorned in a dress of his favorite color."

"How merciful of you." Aiden said with clear sarcasm.

"Shut up runt!" She snapped. "Anyway take the kid out and don't forget to lock up." Handing the keys over she took a quick look at Aiden before leaving the training room.


"Ow ow ow!! Be gentle with me you brute!"

After being carried by Mike from the training room to the infirmary, Aiden felt like his treatment was way to rough.

"Stop whining, you're gonna have to get used to the pain sooner or later."

"Why!!? I'm training to be an assassin, fighting should be the thing I do the least!!" He retorted.

"Yeah well Hiroto said to make you proficient in every aspect so suck it up."

Hiroto was the name of the Japanese man he met on the day of his parents funeral and the person who recruited him into Dark Star. Since then the two had rarely spoken but according to Mike Hiroto was always watching his training.

"YO YO YO!! Sup muthf*ckers!" Bursting into the room was a brown haired young man in his 20s. He wore gray tracksuit bottoms a blue tank top underneath a white lab coat. This boisterous person was Aiden's biology teacher and Dark Star's doctor Branden Miles. It was thanks to his influence that Aiden's speech pattern was so crude.

According to Hiroto having knowledge about the human body would turn Aiden into a much more efficient assassin. And since Branden was the most relaxed teacher of them all, both of them got along splendidly.

"Hmm... Mike really did a number on you didn't he short stuff." He grinned after assessing Aiden's broken body.

"Just hurry up and fix me!" Gritting his teeth Aiden prepared for the soon to come pain. Unlike other healing quirks that slowly restore damage, Branden's quirk forces the body to mend itself. This meant that Aiden would feel the whole process of his bones setting and fusing back together.


-One week later-

Applying the weighted leg and arm bands onto his limbs, he walked into the training room.

Standing in the middle of the room was an old man dressed in a traditional kendo practitioners outfit. His snow white glistened under the light of the room as the wrinkles on his face showed his age.

Unlike the playful expression he had when facing Mike and Branden, Aiden's eyes were stone cold as he looked at the old man with a serious expression. If there was anyone he feared within all of Dark Star it would definitely be this seemingly harmless old man. Unlike the other members of the organisation this old man actually lacked a quirk. He was completely quirkless yet the pressure he gave off surpassed everybody else's. Even that bitch Angela didn't dare insult this old man and kept as far away from him as possible.

Feeling another presence in the room the old man slowly opened his aged eyes.

"Your presence is still too strong. Focus on that once you've recovered."

"Yes sensei." Aiden bowed ignoring the comment about him needing to recover after this training session was over. The old man believed that the best way to train was to experience pain and death over and over again until he learnt how to deal with it. Although barbaric and straight up abusive, Aiden had to admit that his method was effective. After being beaten half to death on multiple occasions, he could see that his reaction time and processing speed was slowly improving.

My dude Aiden learning the ways of the force! Jk, I honestly didn't know what kind of training to give him and just came up with this one at random.

Aradacreators' thoughts
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