

In a dark room a four year boy sitting on his bed in meditating pose with his eye's close trying his best feel something in his body.

izuku ,let go we can't be late doctor is waiting ! he leaves his bed and went running down to his mother today is one of the most important day of his life which is his quirk test . In this world where 80% population has one or the other quirk came with a new profession which is HERO . everyone wants to be a hero and help peoples in need and becomes famous with the hope to become #1 he also going to have his quirk test so that he can meet meet his idol the current NO#1 HERO ALL MIGHT...!!!! inside the doctors chamber a dou of mother and son are nervously waiting for the doctor to tell them the result of the test *sigh* the doctor sigh's as he enters. "doctor what is the result of the test" izuku's mother ask nervously

"he has a quirk . we can't seems to able to identify his quirk maybe he can make use of his quirk in the future but for now he has to wait " the doctor says solemnly both of them went home ..

"izuku it's the doctor had that he was unable to identify your quirk that means you have a quirk maybe you can identify in the future but you must work hard for it " izuku's mother said worriedly as she fear that it might crush his dream.

***********start of mc POV***************

"it OK mom I will try my best I will be no#1 no matter what and make you proud " he says as he see his mother comforting him. with a serious face which you won't expect from a four year old child . it one of the unidentified energy flow in his body which made his mind mature faster than his body . he than went into his room which was filled with all mights fans stuffs

he than sat on his bed and start meditating it was the only way he has identify to look on his energy flow and start think of every way to use it as he it flowing in his body very slowly and irregularly . in the end two hour past like this with out him figuring any thing and he heard his mother calling him for dinner he went to have his dinner and came back and falls asleep instantly no matter how mature his mind is he is still a child and it was a tiring day for him.

next morning.

The day went the same as yesterday him trying his best to find something or somehow to use his quirk but the result are the same. In the afternoon he decided to go out and play. in his favorite red all might T-shirt black shorts and red shoes he went out.

This is my first novel and English is my third language so please bear with my grammar mistake I may correct it afterwards if I have extra time . for now I will update 2-3 chapters per week maybe it can be less or more depending upon the time I will have .

hamlogcreators' thoughts