
My heart wrenching diary

Song Chengdong started writing on the first day he was in the hospital when he contracted leukemia at the age of 16. The diary records the ups and downs in his heart that he has never mentioned to anyone. The sadness of treating the disease, falling in love at first sight when meeting Michelle Chen for the first time, taking on different and similar jobs to maintain Michelle's happy life, his inner feelings, his brotherly love for his best friend, Gu Jiale, finding a publishing house for Michelle to achieve her goals Write down your wishes in your diary one by one. On the night of Michelle and Jiale's wedding, Chengdong couldn't stand the sorrow and committed suicide in his apartment. He took two morphine injections, swallowed sleeping pills and cut the pulse on his left hand, then lay on the bed. Fortunately, Scott immediately informed Jiale that Chengdong did not return to the hotel. He called Brother Bao and found out that Chengdong had returned to the apartment. Afterwards, Jia Le and Michelle rushed to the apartment, but it was too late. Chengdong took too much morphine, which caused bleeding from all seven holes. He died in a very painful way, but luckily he had time to see them one last time. At Chengdong's funeral, Song and his wife attended, and Song Ci'en handed over a diary to Michelle. Ci En also learned from Michelle that she was not divorcing Chengdong because she registered a false name on the divorce document. She didn't change her name at all. Her wedding to Jiale was also just a ceremony, allowing Chengdong to witness her lifelong happiness in the next life. Doing this also fulfills Chengdong's wish. After Chengdong died, Michelle went to Japan alone to relax and work. I read through Chengdong’s days every day, as if the memories are coming to my mind one by one.

Michelle_Chan0220 · Lainnya
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8 Chs

chapter 7 - Treatment

13 November 2018


Jason and jiale rushes in to the body compartment room.

"Why are the both of you quarreling!? Can't you all let the dead rest in peace!?" Jason shouted loudly.

"Well, you ask michelle what she say! It's doesn't deserve to be good!" Zuer replied angrily and walks out.

The wind from the fan lightly blowed cheng Dong diary to the next page…..

26 January 2000


Li ao and Li Min walks into Cheng Dong ward and saw Cheng Dong lying on bed sleeping. They did not notice that Cheng Dong have woke up 10 mins ago.

"See! See what have you done to your cousin?! He lost both of his parents from an accident since the age of 10. Now he got acute leukemia and yet you still beat him up so badly! What kind of a man you are! Quickly apologise to him!" Li min asked angrily.

"Get out of my ward! I don't need any apologies! I don't need any bone marrow! Just let me die!" Cheng Dong shouted.

"Cheng Dong I am really sorry. I didn't know you got cancer. If I know I wouldn't do such things to you. I will immediately go and check my bone marrow if it is suitable for you." Li ao replied softly.

"Check!? Even if I do transplant how long can I survive?! 5 years?! 10 years !?" Cheng Dong cried and said.

Jiale and ci en came into to ward.

"Cheng Dong?! What are you saying?! Your mum try all ways to look for a donor and you said such words!?" Jiale asked angrily.

"My mum!? She is not my mum at all! I doesn't even know who is my parents!" Cheng Dong replied loudly.

Cheng Dong thrown the food and water onto the floor.

"Mrs song, all of you leave the ward first. I will speak to him privately." Jiale said.

Jiale clear up the floor.

"What did you promised me few days ago?! Didn't you said you want to faster recover and go to Shanghai and look for your angel?!" Jiale asked loudly.

Cheng Dong burst into tears.

He cried till he shivers and his nose bleed badly. He was sent to the emergency room.

Li Ao done the bone marrow check up and results matches for cheng dong.

Ci en and Li min waiting anxiously outside the emergency room.

30 minutes later.

Jiale came out of the emergency room….

"Madam song, we must immediately do a bone marrow transplant for cheng Dong. His white blood cells are falling rapidly. If don't do as soon as possible, he may fall into coma." Jiale said.

"Do it! Please! Do it immediately!" Ci en replied crying.

Ci en cried bitterly.

Li min hugs her tightly….

Madam song, don't worry he will be fine. Shall we go to the canteen and have a bite? The operation will be hours, now is already 11 and you haven't taken your breakfast." Li min asked.

Ci en and Li min went to the canteen for lunch.

"You can call me ci en. I am actually your brother sister in law. Cheng Dong real name is Li Cheng Dong. Me and my husband never changed his name, only let him follow our surname. At the age of 10, his whole family was kidnapped by a rich family in Shanghai. Your brother was a famous medical pill researcher at that time. He researched out a special pill that can cure some kind of illness and also a kind of poison that can withstand some cancer. That family found out and want to steal this formula. Therefore they kidnapped cheng Dong and his parents. Both his parents were killed in the kidnapping and cheng Dong lost all his memories." Ci en replied sadly.

"I…I know who killed my brother. He left a letter for me." Li min said.

"Do you still have the letter?" Ci en asked.

"Yes, I kept it at home. I will bring the letter tomorrow." Li min replied.

27 January 2000.


I slept for two days. Upon waking up, I noticed a very bad pain at my waist. I know roughly what I did yesterday.

Doctor Gu done a transplant operation for me. It's a bone marrow insertion transplant.

This morning I started doing my first treatment and tons of medication.

Cheng Dong


In the ward.

Cheng Dong just came back from the treatment centre.

The nurse starts serving lunch. Ci en brought soup and cheng Dong favourite snacks.

"Dear, how are you feeling after the first treatment?" Ci en asked.

Cheng Dong kept silence withstanding the pain in his body.

"Whole…whole body aching." Cheng Dong said softly.

"Don't worry. You take some rest. Mummy bought your favourite snacks and soup." Ci en replied.

Cheng Dong nodded his head.

After eating the soup and the hospital lunch, Cheng Dong grabs a pail and places on the table. He kept vomiting out the food he ate. Tears kept falling down his face. Ci en tabs his back when he vomit.

After a week of treatments.

Cheng Dong's body is feeling all the side effects.

His tongue have several ulcers, lips grow lots of blisters and his body appeared several bruises. He became very depressed and bad tempered.

Chinese new year.

05 February 2000.


Li ao, Li min and ci en went to cheng Dong ward and heard him throwing things all the floor.

"I can't eat!! I can't eat anything at all! Go away! I don't want to see anyone!" Cheng Dong shouted loudly.

"Mr song, you have to relax. You are on the way of recovery. You only have to bear the pain for more 1-2 months and you will recover." The nurse replied.

"But I looked like a walking dead corpse now! My hair are falling, my lips are dried and tearing off, everywhere is bleeding!!! I am an artist! How can I face the public like this!?" Cheng Dong cried and shout.

Cheng Dong kept pulling his hair and cried. Li ao grabs him tightly....

"Don't be so depressed. Remember your beautiful angel? Bro managed to get for you her contact number and address in Shanghai!" Li ao said happily towards Cheng Dong.

"Re…really?! Faster give it to me!!!" Cheng Dong replied excitedly.

"Well, we made a treaty. You must finished all the treatments and fully recovered then I pass you her personal details." Li ao said.

"Alright." Cheng Dong replied.

At night.

Li residency at causeway Bay.


"Hi aunty song, my mum is waiting for you in the study room." Li ao said.

"Thank you." Ci en replied.

In the study room.

Li min took out the letter from the safe.

"This is the last letter my brother wrote to me. Madam song, please have a look." Li min said.

Ci en read thru the letter.

"Your brother, my sister and cheng Dong was been kidnapped before?! 2007, that was cheng Dong ten years old. He was been sent to the hospital in Shanghai ren ai hospital. That matches to what it is written in the letter. When I received a call from ren ai hospital, cheng Xian was also 10 years old. But he lost all his memories. So I told him I am his mother. Whenever there is thunderstorm, he will have tremors. But how can it be? The famous ren ai hospital CEO Doctor Chen and his wife killed your brother and my sister?!" Ci en said curiously.

"Chen huijuan is a very notorious lady, she is even the head of a black society group in Shanghai. Recently her daughter also studied in my son art school. Her name is michelle Chen." Li min replied.

Li ao happened to pass by the study room and overheard their conversation...

"Michelle Chen?! Cheng Dong dream angel?! It won't be so coincidence?! How should I tell him?! Lucky I haven't give him any details to him yet." Li ao said to himself.

-End of chapter-