
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter twenty-four

"Are you okay?"


They both rush to my aid but I wave them aside; the shocking possibility now at the forefront of my mind.

"Maya?" Richard rubs my shoulders while Sarah stands beside me, obviously panicking for absolutely no reason. I should be the one on the verge of an existential breakdown.

"I'm fine, I just ate too fast that's all." I drop the fork I had been using, pick up the glass of water with both hands and proceed to nurse on it.

A child can't be growing inside of me. I cannot be pregnant, it's impossible. I mean we forgot to use protection in the heat of it but I'm on birth control so it's not possible.

My breathing becomes a little easier at the relieving thought. My luck cannot be that bad.

"Okay, if you say so. You haven't eaten anything since this morning so it's no wonder," Sarah mumbles and walks back to the kitchen. "Richie, come help me with the food. May, you might as well set the table."

Richard and I make eye contact and snort at her bossy tone. She reminds us of our mother when we were rebellious teenagers and she needed to be firm with us.

My own form of rebellion was never leaving the house unless it was a matter of life and death while Richard's was never staying in the house for more than an hour except at night.

It never worked but it still made us smile.

"How was work?" I ask as I concede to the disrespectful brat's wishes; clearing my used plates in the process.

"The usual. Spencer got his nose busted because of his big mouth and James might get fired this time. Finally." He sighs and places a bowl of frittatas at the center of the table and a tray of different flavored sandwiches.

"Sounds fun," I reply with a chuckle and he joins me. "Are we expecting anyone? This is a lot of food for just three people." I nudge Sarah with my hips as I walk past her to place the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Well…" She hesitates which gives me pause. I turn to look at her and Richard does the same. Her cheeks turn a pale pink and brightens until it's a fiery red.

"Sarah? Who is this man that you've made all these for?" He asks, his features becoming hard and eyes narrowed in immediate distrust.

She turns towards Richard with a glare and folds her arms. Here we go. "He's really nice."

He drops his head with a dejected sigh. "You've said this about all the wasted air bags you've brought over before and they only proved me right. You don't try to forget someone by throwing yourself at other people, what is wrong with you?!"

She stumps her feet with an angry pout. "Well this is different!" She yells back.

"Richard, calm down. I mean we should be glad that she's finally moving on from Xavier, who doesn't deserve our beautiful sister for being such an oblivious dunce." I try to lighten the mood but it does little to help.

They're stuck in a contest of who could see through the other person's skull.

"Richard please," I pleaded and walked over to him, taking his hand in mine, "Let's just give this one a chance."

"That's what you said before and you know what always happens."

"She hasn't brought anyone home in over a year so maybe this will be good," I retort and squeeze his hand in reassurance.

He doesn't budge and just keeps on glaring at Sarah. "Fine but don't blame me if I end up killing him," He growls and goes to sit at the head of the table.

I offer her a warm smile and she tries to return but it's shaky. "Oh foxy." I pull her into my arms. Going toe to toe with our brother isn't always easy especially if he's serious.

"Well where is he? Being late isn't going to get him any good points," Richard bellows without looking at us.

I'm about to reply and tell him just how much of an insensitive chicken he is being right now but a knock on the front door stops me.

Sarah gasps loudly and rushes towards it before I can even think of it. Well, that's a first. It's almost as if Xavier is at the other side of the door.

I join Richard at the dining table and kick him really hard in the shin but he only narrows his eyes at me, making me roll mine.

Our eyes snap up to our guest and I can't help but gasp, eyes falling wide in complete shock. I'm quick to catch myself and school my features but my body is as tense as a wire stretched to its breaking point.

"I believe no introductions are needed," She says with the brightest cheekiest smile I have ever seen.

I want to smack that smile off her face for leaving me in the dark like this but I have more pressing issues to concern myself.

I force a smile as I stand to my feet, "Welcome to our humble abode, your honor." I bow slightly and Richard reluctantly follows suit; probably contemplating how he could mess with the king's aide if he acts up.

Sarah hugs him and he wraps an arm around her waist and drops a peck on her forehead. She beams up at him as he releases her but leaves his hand on her waist.

Xavier is here so where is he? My eyes try to search the area around him as inconspicuous as possible.

"Oh please don't be so formal. It's a great pleasure to be here." He flashes us a huge smile but at this point I'm no longer paying attention. I'm almost breathless with how fast my heart is beating as I wring my now sweaty palms together.

Where is he?!

"Where is who?" Richard asks and my eyes widen in absolute mortification. I said that out loud?!

"Uumm…" My face down to my collar becomes warm which only happens in extreme situations. My eyes dart to the ceiling and I notice a slightly bent nail, someone should probably fix that.

"Miss Maya," Xavier smiles sadly, "I'm sorry but he's not with me today."

My shoulders sag and Sarah offers me a smile while Richard's frown deepens.

"Let's all sit down before the food that Sarah put so much work into turns cold," Richard announces in a glum tone that would have had me snickering at his pettiness.

"I'll go get the rest of the food," Sarah says and starts to drag Xavier after her; probably to go desecrate my kitchen.

He said today, which means maybe he's close by and will come some other time. I feel very foolish for even hoping but the possibility of seeing him again makes my heart flutter with excitement and anxiety. "You said today, so does that mean…"

He starts to shake his head before I can even finish my question and my whole body deflates. "He's not anywhere close by. He is very busy these days."

"Oh." I nod my head loosely. "Okay," I reply weakly and sit back down with a sigh, so much for hoping.

Now that the excitement has died down, I feel nauseous and a little dizzy. I'm guessing it's because of the adrenaline rush that's receding faster than I can keep up with. I really want to see him.

I've been craving his presence for a week and Xavier's visit only gives me false hope that Lucius might show up one of these days. My hand unconsciously moves to my stomach and caresses it.