
My Father is a Royal knight

This story is about a Kid and His Father and his father being a Royal knight if you want to know more about the royal knights Read the story

Pikachu_Libre · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The First Day

The day I found out my father was a royal knight was a very strange day for me. I live in this kingdom that is very known for having pitiful villages in it I live in the most poverty filled village its name is Valera. In this kingdom, it's divided into 2 sides royals and poor people. Also, there are the Royal Knights but they call them idiots. In our little village, we despise the Royal Knight they sacrifice there lives for Royal garbage. Today is my 16th birthday we were all together celebrating when my father says "We need to have a talk". he takes me to my room and says "You will hate me for this but I joined the Royal Knights". I was so stunned from what I heard screamed at him "WHY" he said, "keep your voice down I haven't told your mother yet". I asked "Why did you tell me first" jokingly he says "I wanted to see how you handle it before I give your mother a heart attack". I chuckled but I said, "Really tell me why". he said, "It's because we recently haven't been able to make money it was the only way of income". I asked him "how much money are they giving you to sacrifice your self", then all of a sudden my mother walks in saying "Who wants cake," he said "We will talk some other time," I said "Alright" and we went to eat.