
07: Unexpected encounter is heaven and hell for Kevin

At Evo Organization

The scientists are getting anxious as their precious specimen has missing. However, their frustration can't be compared to the director, Hamada Kenji. Every day Kenji has sent out many men to find out Yuki's whereabout. But all of them return with nothing. Kenji keeps venting his anger towards all the men and also some other specimens.

Due to the missing of Yuki, Kenji forced the scientists to try to do the same things as what they did to Yuki. No matter how hard they struggle, their pleads were ignored.

Prof. Alan came to the director's office. "Mr. Kenji, I'm sorry to inform you but two of them had died. Their bodies can't stand those meds we gave them."


Kenji slams the table. In order to create a special specimen like Yuki, they need to start their experiment since those human specimens are still in their teens as their body is still in the process of developing but now, they are already in their 20s. Being forced to accept those meds and injections, two of them had died.

"Do we have another specimen under seventeen?" asked Kenji.

Prof. Alan passes a file that contained the information of all human specimens. "There are two. One is fourteen another one is fifteen."

Kevin flips over the information of both human specimens mentioned. "Use them. Give them the same thing that we used on Yuki."

"B- but... Mr. Kenji, their body is a little bit different from Yuki. We need to check their full health report first only then we can decide the right dose. If not..." Prof. Alan said.

"Just give it! What can be so different in a teenage boy's body? Only the blood type might be different. Other than that everything is the same! Now, go!" Kenji throws the file in his hand onto the floor. Prof. Alan bends down to pick up the file then leaves the room.

At Tsujihara Group

Raiden supporting his head using his knuckles. Looking at the guy in front of him, replying to a message while smiling like a lovesick person. Never crossed his mind, someone like Kevin will become like this.

Raiden clears his throat, "So, what is it today? Did he ask what's for dinner? Or he asked you to buy more cakes?"

After a minute, Kevin finally puts down his phone but a smile is still on his face. "Nothing. It's just Yuki said he wanted to go out to buy something to make a dessert but I asked him to wait for me. I'll go with him after work."

Raiden scoffs. A guy who used to have a wild nightlife, eager to return home just to bring another guy to buy groceries. He sighs. "I bet if your one-night stands are here, they won't believe when they saw the 'you' right now. Looking like a teenager having a first date with his first love."

Kevin shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't have to retort because what Raiden said is true. He is in love with Yuki.

No answers from Kevin makes Raiden raises his head and frowns, "You...serious?"

Kevin raises his left eyebrow, "Serious what?"

Raiden leans forward, "About Yuki. Are you serious with him? I mean- you really in love...with him?"

Kevin smiles, "If I say yes, you won't believe me, right?"

"Of course! Let me ask you. Who didn't know the playboy, Tsujihara Kevin? Sleeps with everyone, be it man or woman. You keep saying you don't want to entangle in useless emotions and are committed to any relationship. But now, you suddenly say you fell in love with a guy nine years younger and whom you just met a month ago. If you ask everyone, they also won't believe what you said!"

Kevin leans back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "Then, there's nothing I can do. All I can say... I do love him. I don't know when it started but what I know, now I like it when he's with me." Kevin's lips curved when he recollected the beautiful smiles from Yuki.

"Not because of his look or body?"

Kevin chuckles. "If it is because of his physical, I had forced my way on him. Plus, with his indebted feelings towards me, for sure he'll let me do him, even when he's unwilling. But, I didn't do it. I want to cherish him, take care of him, spoil him, treat him gently. It is a lie if I say I'm not interested in his body but I want him to want me. I'll do it if he asked me to do it."

Raiden squinted. Waiting for Yuki to say he wants Kevin is like waiting for a pig flies. But, the guy in front of him is so sure that his beast side can wait for it to happen.

"Why do you look at me like that? You don't believe me or you're against the idea of me and Yuki?" Kevin feels a little bit annoyed with the skeptical gaze.

Raiden sighs. "Nope. I'm not against the idea of you and him but, you still didn't know who he really is and he still didn't fully trust you. Before you think of making fall him for you, make him trust you first. Fully trust you until he can tell you everything that happened to him. One more thing, please don't play with someone's heart. If you really cherish him, then take good care of him."

Kevin rises from the couch, walking towards Raiden. He taps on his shoulder, "Thank you, bro. I promise I will care for him like how you care for Mika...maybe more than that."

Raiden rolls his eyes.


As soon as the clock turned to five, Kevin already packed his things and leaves the building. All the employees can't help but turned their heads in shock. Before this, the CEO was the last person who left. Then, a month ago, their CEO started going home earlier. But today, their CEO is the first person who leaves!

Before he pressed on the gas, he sent a quick message to Yuki. "I'm on my way home." Then he throws his phone to the passenger seat and steps on the gas, speeding up to his home.

Meanwhile, Yuki who just received the message quickly change his clothes into light blue jeans and a grey hoodie sweatshirt. He likes to wear a hoodie when going out as it is easier to hide his long hair.

In just 20 minutes, Kevin arrived. When he went inside the house, Yuki is waiting for him in the living room.

"I'll change my clothes for a while," He strokes Yuki's hair. Yuki nods repeatedly.

In less than ten minutes, Kevin comes down with grey pants and a long sleeve blue shirt. The footsteps make Yuki turns to the staircase but when he saw Kevin, his heart beating fast. Yuki quickly lowers his head and clenches on his shirt.

"Yuki? Are you okay?" said Kevin.

"Hmm." He just nods his head. Didn't dare to make eye contact with Kevin.

"Really? If you don't feel well, we can go another day or I'll just ask someone to buy whatever you need." Kevin squats in front of Yuki and touched his forehead to check on his temperature.

"N- no! I'm alright. It's just...I suddenly feel dizzy just now b- but! I'm already fine." Yuki stealthily glances at the handsome guy in front of him. Their face is too close making his heart beating even faster.

"Really?" Kevin touches Yuki's cheek that slightly reddened.

"Hmn! I'm fine so let's go!"

Since Yuki is sure he is alright, Kevin got nothing else to say. Holding Yuki's hand, he brings him to his car.

They went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. Yuki insisted on buying it himself as he wants to make a dessert so he wanted to choose the ingredients on his own.

While Yuki walking around to find what he wanted to buy, Kevin follows with a trolley. The smiles never ceased from his face when he saw how excited the younger guy in front of him. It feels like they are a newlywed couple.

With his eyes on Yuki, Kevin didn't realize his presence distracted those women around him. Be it a housewife or unmarried woman, all turn their eyes to him. However, the guy who has become the center of attention is smitten with the long hair guy.

Yuki looked here and there around the racks and freezer. His eyes noticed that the women around him are staring at his way. But when he realized, they're actually looking at Kevin, his heart feels a bit of pain.

A woman even pretended to accidentally collide with Kevin to get his attention. As he is currently feeling happy, Kevin just smiles and the woman and said "It's okay", which melts her heart even more. Slowly, Yuki moves closer to Kevin. He stays by Kevin's side and pulls him to wherever he goes. The lovesick fool CEO obediently followed.

Both of them walk towards the beverages area. Yuki wanted to buy some fresh milk. But when he was busy choosing which brand to use, from the corner of his eyes, Yuki saw Prof. Alan not far from him. He trembles. Yuki quickly pulls up the hoodie and hides his face.

"Yuki?! What's wrong?" Kevin went to his side. Yuki's frightened face worrying him.

As Kevin stands in front of him, Yuki wraps his hands around Kevin, hugs him tightly. Kevin wants to ask but Yuki is trembling so much in his arms, so he swallows back the question and returns the hug instead. He gently strokes Yuki's back. After a few minutes, Yuki eventually calms down. His breath steadied and he no longer trembles. But he still hiding in the tight embrace.

"Yuki" Kevin gently calls.

Slowly he breaks the hug and lifts his head to look at Kevin. It hurts Kevin's heart to see the red watery eyes. He wipes off the tear stains on Yuki's eyes and cheeks. "Wanna go home?" Yuki nods while sniffing.

Yuki didn't want to let Kevin go so they had to walk while hugging each other. One hand on the trolley, the other hand holding Yuki. If it's not due to Yuki's condition, Kevin will celebrate what is happening right now. Yuki keeps hiding his face on Kevin's chest. When they're at the counter, all eyes are on them but Kevin didn't pay any heed to them. He quickly pays for all the things they've bought then strutting to the car.

Only when Kevin has opened the car door for Yuki, he breaks the hug. Without saying anything, Kevin started the car and drives home.

Kevin carries Yuki from the car to his room in a bridal style. Aunty Emma was about to ask but Kevin shakes his head, asking her not to say anything. Aunty Emma understood went back to do her work. Kevin tucks him under the quilt and gently caresses his head. Feeling the soft mattress under him, Yuki lifts his eyelids and saw Kevin looking down at him worriedly.

"Are you okay?" asked Kevin.

Yuki nods. He grabs on Kevin's arm, "C- Can you stay here...wi- with me?"

Kevin's lips curved, "Alright. I'll stay here with you. Don't worry. Just rest."

Yuki slides to his right side, leaving a big space on the left side of the bed. He looks between the space and Kevin.

Kevin swallowing his saliva. The innocent invitation is sinful!


His face remains cool and calm even though his heart is beating like crazy. Kevin lifts the quilt and lays beside Yuki. As soon he's flat on the mattress, Yuki slid onto his arm and hugs him.

'You're the devil! The devil with an angel face!'

Kevin feels like he was choked, breathless. The little snuggles and cuddles make him go weak and he almost had a reaction down there. He can only pray Yuki won't move too much or he needs to bathe using ice water. Despite the struggles, Kevin still know to hold himself back. He pats on Yuki's back and head until the latter fell asleep on his chest.

'Oh, God... Is this your punishment to me for being a playboy and having a wild nightlife?'

Kevin lays stiffly but eventually, the calming breath of the person in his arms lulled him into a deep sleep.

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