

Pure_Wambo · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

chapter 1

My name is Jay Anderson I live in California am still astudent in St George high school my childhood was quite boring since I was brought up around all girls. I never came to meet my dad so all my manly behavior we're cleanly swept away I adopted the girly behavior thou I tried my best to fit in the boys gigs.

"hello Jay wassup?"

ooh yeah I didn't tell you that's my friend Joe my bestie since like forever.

"nothing am just trying to study"

I replied to. his question with a shrug

"man there's this guy he's a pain in my ass he's always starting. trouble for me will you help me tame him please?" Joe asked with a little smirk on his face.

"and who is this guy?"

i asked nochantly.

"do you remember that guy called Ishmael? he's the one"

" you mean Ishmael?. No to be frank with you am not helping you with anything"

Ishmael is my classmate though the cutest he has all that is required to lure somebody as me into his den i like him though am afraid he doesnt do gays so i cant place myself in such an absurd and okward situation.

"Jay tell me are his friend or mine?" Joe asked now creasing his brows

" ofcouse am your friend not his" i answered not wanting to make eye contact with him though it was really hard.

" then why wount you help me" he asked now looking curious.

" its nothing am just not into it" like daah i couldnt blow my cover and tell him that am gay and i love my fellow dick person.

" okay am leaving but be sure that i'll be back to make that fucking mouth of yours spill every single thing you arent telling me" Joe said and left closing the door with a bang.

Authors pov.. 🍆

Hello guys am a new author please if you like my work leave me a review.

you can also reach out to me via whatsapp. +254741301221

i will really appreciate your advice love you all😚