

"Our world, VERADOGM, was created by the great wisdom of the GOD OF FIRE: CALD'H. Our god favors us, humans, as the most proficient and intelligent species. Therefore, we are able to receive blessings from him in order to fight and make his name known across the whole world."

Tirames, a huge town in a middle of a forest in the duchy of DEKADEN. In this town, there is an abundance of races but humans are the dominant race. In the left part of the city, there is an impressive castle with five towers stretching out as if out of place: it is Tirames's academy. The only academy of the duchy and under the direct influence of the church of fire which preached the absolute dominance of CALD'H.

In one of the classrooms, students are receiving beginner's classes as it is their first year in the academy. A beautiful woman wearing a red and white robe with a hood, with a fire broided on the chest area of the dress, the symbol of the church of fire, is standing in the middle of twenty students.

"So now that we have covered the basics. Do you have any questions before we end today session?"

"Madam, what about the explosion outside the city? The one year ago? I heard that it was magic that was used. But I don't-"

"I don't believe he has anything to do with today's class. We haven't introduced the type of magic that can be used in this class, did we?"

"But madam-"

"Miss Seraphin, I think you should learn to focus on what is important. With that, the class is over."

Seraphin Zargot. The only daughter of the blacksmith of Tirames. A particularly beautiful and gentle-looking girl. Her black hair mysteriously gives an emerald reflection when hit by the sun. Her small nose, her curved lips, and cat-like eyes could make any teenager falter at her sight. Her body, slightly more developed than the other girls her age, even made her own father wonder if she really was sixteen years old.

Unlike her appearance, however, her character is the complete opposite. She has a fierce and aggressive behavior and always tends to speak her mind, without caring about her surroundings. This is why most teachers who have been involved with her don't even bother trying to understand or answer her numerous and accurate questions.

'This girl is becoming more and more arrogant. I told her four consecutive times to stop asking about this.' The sound of the cloche put a definitive end to the class as the teacher leaves the room.


In the late afternoon, at the center of the town, heavy sounds of metal striking against each other can be heard. Tirames's smithy: a large one-story building with two fireplaces on the right side. The black smoke they expulse never stops whether it is day or night. It is one of the reasons why Tirames became a flourishing city. The other being the family that runs the smithy: the Zargot. A family of blacksmiths which has existed ever since the creation of Tirames more than two hundred years ago.

"I am back, dad."

Seraphin, the only daughter of the current master smith, Hithindil Zargot. She has come back as always with an angry face, proof that something didn't go as she wanted to.

Her father, looking at her daughter's face, sighed knowing already the storm which is about to fall. Of the Zargot family which has reigned for over two centuries, only he and his daughter remain now in this city. Threats, assassinations, and political struggles have either chased away or killed all the others, his wife included. Hoping to save his daughter from such fate, the master smith decided to place his daughter in the only place where she could be safe and untouchable. After all, any student attending Tirames academy has diplomatic immunity and protection as long as he respects the rules set by the academy. Though he had to ruin himself in order to make her enter the school, he couldn't be happier, hoping that her daughter will be spared of his struggles.

"I am going to kill that bitch one day!!"


As always when she comes back, Seraphin starts complaining, showing her true fiery nature.

"Throwing her sword at me like that, does she have no honor, even though I won!!"


"And that fucking teacher with her fake silver hair she keeps bleaching!! ARGHH!!"

Seeing as nobody was discussing it with her, Seraphin just screamed her anger out and ran to her room.

'It's not like I don't want to answer but you are just like your mother, you would end up beating me for telling the truth.'

Hithindil had a tear running down his cheek as he thought so, looking at her daughter walking upstairs.


One month later, the annual festival of the Great Fire is finally there. It is an annual event taking place in any city worshipping the God of fire and which is aligned with the week of the harvests. It serves both as a ceremony to thank the god of fire for his blessings as well as the GLORIAS FERA.

The Glorias Fera is the ceremony during which children receive the god of fire's blessing and awaken their magic. Although it has become a somehow normal event. It still attracts a lot of people as there is always a possibility of seeing the birth of a legend: a child who will be chosen by the god of fire to become his apostle, an S-grade blessing. The number of times it happened in the past doesn't reach twenty even though the history of the Glorias Fera goes back to more than four thousand years ago.

Numerous young people wearing red and white goons as well as hoods are assembled in the spacious church of fire on the east side of the city. The church is so big and glorious that the hundred students standing in the front don't even fill a tenth of the church. Masses of people are sitting, facing them, cheering on them as they awaited the beginning of the ceremony.

All the students present are wearing their hoods so as to reveal their faces only when their blessing is discovered, it serves as a way of declaring their rebirth as the god of fire's servants. Still, all of them can tell who is who either by their bodies or their voices.

"I am sure that I will get the legendary blessing."

"In your dreams, you can't even beat me in swordsmanship."

"Oh, Great Cald'h, please give me the legendary blessing."

The children are all busy either praying or discussing, every single one of them hoping to receive the only blessing that could change their lives. Among them, however, some are quiet. One, in particular, is too quiet compared to her usual behavior.

'What was that dream?'