
My Dearest wife... Make a Choice¡!

In her past life~ She was brought up by an ancient, heavenly deity- who once ruled all the realms, being the epitome of fear in one’s heart.
 Growing up~ She turned out to be an evil queen with a notorious reputation in all the said realms. 

 “Hmm? Why was I not aware of the existence of such magnificent artwork?” She questioned her commander, while grazing the cheekbones of the God-like entity, whose mere presence made the remaining army of hers unable to approach anywhere near him, while his gaze was fixated on her,….. whereas her eyes were full of marvel and She- was totally captivated by him.


 He was the emperor of the world. A bloodthirsty tyrant who doesn’t know the meaning of forgiveness. 

 He was worshiped by the poor, praised by the rich, and feared by his enemies. A leader, and a supreme ruler was what he was!

But a fateful encounter with a wounded woman, turned his world upside-down.

 At what cost? The world he built and protected with all his might, crumbled and turned into ashes in front of his eyes, his people betrayed him, he lost his only son, and most importantly he lost his pride.

 When all was lost, and he was wallowed in an endless darkness of despair~ He found out about his real identity.

 “Sleep” came an emotionless voice, turning him immobile and collapsing on the bloody grounds he stood on! 

“-till the time comes.......-husband ~” said the person, gently wiping the blood off of his carefully-sculpted-looking face.



In the modern era~

 All she wanted was a Mom…..So, she turned herself into a mother.

 Whenever she got hurt, She was in need of a Dad-who’d protect her…..So, she created a conscience as her Dad.

 She is the happiest person in the world! That’s how she looks to others, unless one gets to know her.

 She is a superior being who knows herself well, always conscious of her personalities she created……until one day, when her hidden conscience she calls her Dad-took over her, to subdue a being with golden eyes who called her “Wife~”

 What bewildered her the most was, ‘ The wife calling being ‘ happened to be the world-renowned superstar, whom she got acquainted with a few days ago in her office.

 While she was trying to calm her mind with the unprecedented turn of events, by busying her mind with the “task” she was given… She somehow became the wife of the insanely handsome/cold-looking/ prodigal/world-renowned Businessman /Ruler of underworld aka Cold-blooded King/ who also happened to be the head to one of the two ancient royal families- ruling the world, from the shadows, from a long time ago.

 Unwilling to accept his terms then, she ran away from the place during the day…..only to be trapped by night.

Her: “You! What do you think of me?huh?!?” She yelled at him furiously, unable to contain her anger any longer, seeing him in her bedroom. Him: *Silence

 After a while, “ …..-My wife.” He replied, shutting her mouth with his.

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257 Chs

Chapter 20: She's heavy

"I am Ahi..... Pleased to meet you!"

Ari had a handsome grin on his face, looking at the girl beaming with happiness written all over her face, completely forgetting about the person she was using as a "Chair".

Aja was unable to utter a single sound, due to the unrestrained movements she was exerting on her "Chair".

Ari's father kept silent with a light reflecting on his glasses.

When Ahi introduced herself, everyone felt startled and turned towards Ari's father's direction.


"My! Such a cute name....I am Ari's father, Tresh Burman and the lovely lady beside me is the love of my life, also the mother of that 'G'- superstar son and 2 little angels, Sauri!" he introduced with stars in his eyes, holding his wife with excitement - introducing his family to his supposed 'daughter-in-law', and cutting the question raised from one of the elders, in an efficient manner.

Ari gave a death glare when his father was supposed to say "Gay-Son", which made Tresh stop the word from slipping out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you dear, you can call me Auntie." said Sauri, with a warm smile.

"To be honest,.... I don't dare to call you such, as you both look very young. That, I could call you my girlfriends!" said Ahi, with a bashful face and dragging the other lady into the conversation.

"You are such a cute little smooth-talker, I bet you're adored by your elders! By the way, I am Sachi, and he is my husband Inder" said the other lady with a soft voice, who was dragged into the conversation by Ahi.

"Hello",came a deep voice from Inder, with a slight nod.

'Woah! Like Father, Like Son! And a stupid one at that!.' thought Ahi, giving a polite yet embarrassed smile.

"I was told that a lot actually..." said Ahi, rubbing the back of her head with embarrassment.

"You can call me mom, if you feel uncomfortable calling me Auntie. You see, I don't have any daughters like my stupid brother. And I would love to have one like you!" she said with her hands clasped.

'Ha! Take that you stupid Brother~' smirked Sachi.

There was no reply, but an awkward silence filling the restaurant.

Feeling uncomfortable with the sudden silence, Ari interrupted saying, "Have some breakfast first! You just recovered from the fever. So, No cold Stuff!" he filled Ahi's plate, putting aside her ordered Frappe.

"Who said I can't have cold stuff? I recover fast if I eat Ice cream!", she whined with disappointment lacing her voice.

"Says who?" asked Ari, with annoyance.

"Says me!" replied Ahi.

The two are in cahoots with each other, that currently they're in a glaring contest, forgetting their surroundings.

"Chair" came a sudden cold voice from behind Ahi, interrupting their glaring contest.

Ahi turned her head in an upward direction, at last acknowledging the "Chair".

Aja looked downwards to the girl who was facing him upwards and their eyes locked.

There was a sudden Non-living thing, supposedly a chair placed to the left of the "Chair".

With a flicker in his eye , Aja picked her up like a little kid and placed her on the chair next to him.

Everyone had a muffled laughter with the sudden change of events.

"Pfft-hahaha. Oi Aja, you can't even carry a skinny girl like her for a few minutes. You are so weak!" laughed Ari, forgetting his star image.

"She's heavy" came an irked voice from Aja, making the girl turn beet red from embarrassment.

"I'm not,...." came a tiny voice from Ahi, fiddling her hands.

'So....Cuteeee' thought everyone in unison.

Ahi was embarrassed to death. 'This Jerk! He's bullying me again and again!! My brother would always lift me with a single hand like a potato sack. And this weak jerk was saying i am Heavy?' thought Ahi, with tears filled in her eyes when everyone was holding back their laughter.

Noticing her downcast eyes, Inder interrupted saying,"Aja.. Never comment about a Lady's weight." as a father teaching his son a life lesson.

Aja gave a slight nod, and turned towards Ahi, "You are Light?" he said, making it a question at the end.

A spoon came flying towards his head, which he expertly dodged by moving his head to the side.

'Scaryyyyy!' thought Ari.

'But, I didn't feel she was heavy that day. She can be easily carried in a suitcase if I wanted to Kidnap her!' he thought.

'This guy! Why is he purposely trying to bully her? It's like...He wanted to be acknowledged by her, by-getting into an argument?! But, Isn't that too childish coming from Aja?!?' contemplated Ari.

Ahi suddenly got up from her chair and took her chair towards Ari, placing one leg of the chair on the expensive shoes of a certain "Weak" CEO with a thud.

As he didn't budge from his place or winced in pain, she kicked his chair with full force in the spot where he didn't put much weight.

This made Aja's balance shift to side with a startled expression, as he was forcefully pushed to the side.

She calmly seated herself between the Jerk and her Fat purse.

With a sweet smile, she turned towards Ari saying, "You were saying something, Fat Purse?" she said with a hint of danger.

"Nothing! You are healthy enough to eat your Ice cream! Here you go!" said Ari, with a frightened expression, giving her the hidden Frappe.

Ahi grabbed her huge mug, and started stuffing her mouth with ice cream. Within 2 spoons, she scooped the whole ice cream from her glass. And shouted, "More!"

'Never comment about a girl's weight' thought the 2 elderly men, shaking their heads in disapproval.

"Ahi.... Have some of this corn soup....It tastes really good" said Sauri, with a motherly voice.

"I want Ice cream....." said Ahi, like a bullied kid, pouting her lips.

"Then, have some chicken soup! It smells amazing" said Sachi, with a worried expression.

"I don't eat Non-Veg...." said Ahi, with eyes.....now filled with tears.

"How about Steak?' asked Ari's old man.

She *sniffled trying to control her tears from flowing down.

A bowl was placed by a pale sturdy hand which belonged to Aja's handsome father.

"Have some Tomato soup." he said with an understanding look and continued, "Have this and some rice, I'll bring you to the ice cream shop later." he said, with an understanding look.

Everyone thought she would be bawling her eyes out, as she was way too willful.

But to their surprise, she rubbed her eyes, removing all the traces of tears, and slowly started having some 'Tomato soup'.

Everyone looked at Inder, like he has grown 3 heads. But suddenly, realization dawned upon them.

Aja and Ari were really picky eaters, when they were kids.

Inder used to pick food that they liked, and he used to personally cook as per their tastes.

However, they still didn't understand how he had known that she liked tomato soup out of all the various dishes placed on the table.

Inder lifted his eyes to their questioning stares and said, "She's like me." with a flat tone.

'Ah! He's the "King of Picky-Eaters".' thought the elders in unison.

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