
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 6

Then you finally said yes and god that was one of the happiest moments of my life.


"Mmm," I groan when I hear the high pitch sound of my alarm Saterday morning. I reach over and grab my phone, turning off the annoying sound. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to get out of the warmth of my bed, and confused why I had an alarm set on a Saturday. I racked my brain for a reason that I would wake up this early on a Saturday, then I remembered, Dean. I am hanging out with Dean today.

My eyes split open and a huge smile broke out on my face, I'm hanging out with Dean today. As so as I relise I get to see him today I jumped out of bed and walked into my bathroom. When I look up at my mirror I'm smiling like an idiot but I didn't remove it or try to hide it, I just let it lay there.

I turn my phone on to start my music for my shower but before I can Jo's picture pops up on my phone. "Hello," I say answering her call.

"Wow what are you doing awake this early?"

"It's nothing. What's up?" I ask wondering why she called me.

"Oh I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today?"

"I can't," I say kinda nervously. I would have told her last night about Dean and I hanging out but she will read to much into it

"Why not?" she says in a sad tone.

"I- uh I am hanging out with Dean today," I say in an inaudible whisper.

"What? I can't here you".

"I am hanging out with Dean today," I say a little more confident.

"Really? Like a date?" she asks and even though we are on the phone I can tell she has a smirk on her lips.

"No. Not like a date. Just two friends hanging out," I try to explain.

"Ok," she says obviously not believing me.

"I need to go and get ready".

"Ok have fun on your date," she says before quickly hanging up so I can't deny it.

After I shower and get dressed its almost twelve so I hang out in my room for a few hours, just waiting time. Once it got closer to 2 I walked down stairs to find both my parents sitting on the couch in the living room, "Are you going out today?" my mom asks curiously.

"Uh yeah, I am hanging out with Dean today," I tell them sitting in a arm chair across from the couch they are sitting in.

"I like Dean," my mom says.

"Yeah me too," my dad agrees.

"Mom you have had one conversation with him and Dad you have never said a word to him," I say laughing a little.

"That may be true but I know enough to know he is a good guy and he will treat you right," my dad says with a small smile.

"To be clear Dean and I are just friends. We are hanging out today as friends," I say trying to make this very clear.

"For now," my mom laughs under her breath.

"What do you mean for now?" I ask.

"All I mean is that boy clearly likes you and you like home as well," she states like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Dean could never like me," I argue.

"But you like him?" My dad asks a little surprised.

"I, Uh. No. No, I don't like him," I say more trying to convince myself then them.

"Sure sweetie," my mom says just as the door bell rings.

"Oh that's probably him, I should go," I say running over to the door.

Just before I open it I hear my dad whisper to my mom, "she definitely likes him," which causes a blush to raise to my cheeks.

I open the door to see Dean standing there looking even better then usual, "hi," I greet breathlessly.

"Good morning Princess," Dean says looking down at me. "Wow I just got here and you are already blushing".

"Haha, we should go before my parents corner you," I say trying to walk out of the door.

"I want to meet your parents," he pouts.

"You have already met my mom, come on," I plead. Dean doesn't say anything more, just gives me puppy dog eyes with his big, beautiful green eyes. "Fine," I say giving in. Stupid puppy dog eyes.

"Yes," he cheers.

I move to the side so he can walk into the house, before I close the front door and we both make our way into the living room. "Mom, dad, this is Dean. Dean, these are my parents," I introduce.

"Ahh Dean it is nice to see you again," my mom says stumbling off the couch over to us.

"It is good to see you too Mrs. Tarris," Dean greets sticking out his hand.

My mom shakes it and says, "please call me Gen".

"Ok, Gen," Dean says with a small laugh.

"And you can call me Sam," my dad says standing behind mom, one of his hands resting on her shoulder and the other shaking Dean's.

"What do you two have planned for today?" My mom asks leaning back into my dad. I used to think it was gross when they did this sorta thing - showed affection - but now... I don't know things have changed.

We both know it's because of Dean!

Shut up!!!!

"I would tell you but I want it to be a surprise for Abigail," he says stepping closer to me.

"Well just keep her safe," my dad says.

"Always," Dean says dropping his arm around me causing me to instinctively move closer to him.

When my mom sees this a small smirk grows on her face kinda saying, I told you so.

"You guys should go, start your fun day," my mom suggests.

"Wow mom you're kicking us out, I see how it is," I say pretending to be offended.

"It's for your own good," she says seriously before shooting us out of the house.

"I love your parents," Dean tells me when we climb into his car.

"Yeah they are pretty great," I smile.

"So where are we going?" I ask hopeful that he will tell me.

"Just like I told your parents it's a surprise," he repeats.

"You are seriously not going to tell me?"

"I am SERIOUSLY not going to tell you," he says sticking to his earlier statement.

"You suck," I say slumping down in my seat.

"You won't be saying that by the end of tonight," he promises.

"We'll see," he says with a cocky smirk.

"By the way you look beautiful today. Not that you don't alway look beautiful but today you just look extra beautiful today," Dean compliments as we pull out of my neighborhood.

"Thank you," I say blush rising back on my face. After like twenty minutes of driving, I couldn't take it anymore, "Come on tell where we are going".

"I'm not going to tell you where we are going but I will tell you that I am really nervous. I really want you to like it," he says. I could tell how nervous he was cause his voice was shaking not much and you wouldn't notice it if you weren't paying very close attention.

"I am sure I will love it," I ausher him.

"I don't know. Most girls would probably hate this," he tries.

"Well I am not most girls," I say in a sassy tone.

"I know you aren't. I've known it since I laid eyes on you," he says looking over at me.

This boy needs to stop. Every time he opens his mouth he just makes me fall more and more.

Ignoring the Rose color of my cheeks, I quickly change the subject, "please tell me where we are going".

"I would but," he pauses, turning a corner onto a short dirt road. "But we are here," he finishes when the car is parked in front of an old abandoned building.

"Are you going to murder me?" I joke.

"Yes that was my plan all along," he says with mock seriousness.

"Seriously what are we doing here?"

"We are exploring," he says climbing out of the car.

"Seriously?" I ask jumping out after him with a huge smile on my face.

"Yep," he says with a tiny smirk.

Before he can say anything else I run up to the the door of the warehouse. When I notice Dean isn't behind me I turn around and see him still stand by the door of his car, "are you coming?"

He just laughs and runs after me, "yeah I'm coming".

After hours of exploring the old warehouse, Dean and I climbed up to the roof. "Wow," I say as I sit down, Dean sitting down right next to me. We made it up here just in time to watch the sun start to set.

"Yeah," he says looking over the horizon.

"It's beautiful," I whisper only loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah," he says barely louder then me.

After the sun had fully disappeared from the sky we climbed back down and made our way back to his car.

"Today was amazing," I sigh.

"It's not over yet," he smile starting the car. "Unless you want it to be over?" He asks nervously.

"No. What's next?"

"I just figured we could pick up some dinner," he suggests.

"Yeah that sounds good," I smile setting my head against the seat and closing my eyes. I like Dean. I like Dean a lot. I am falling hard for this boy.

"You tired?"

"No I'm just thinking," I say honestly.


"Nothing and everything," I say this time lying a little.

Dean took me to this little diner just outside of town, the food was amazing and the place was beautiful. We both had a burger, fries, and a milkshake; he had a chocolate milkshake and I had a strawberry one.

After dinner he brought me home, "Dean, today was like the best day I have ever had".

"I'm glad". He opens his mouth but then closes it again, it looks like he is having a mental battle in his head. "Abby can I ask you a question?" Dean asks nervously. He called me Abby, he never calls me Abby.

"Yeah. Sure, what is it?"