
My dear I missed you

This is an Au and will have different things in it! I am shipping their characters not the people themselves! Any events or characters similar to person living or dead are pure chance Tw:Blood, Violence, Gore, Angst(Sad stuff), Swearing, Other dark themes, Smut, Sexual references Only those who can accept those about are allowed to read this story

Staryflower · Derivasi dari game
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26 Chs


Tubbo was still thinking his tail still doing small annoyed movements as he sat next to Puffy and Ranboo." I don't know why big Q got so upset.." He said as he was still trying to figure out who the brown haired male from the video was." It's just a touchy subject" said Puffy rubbing his head some and noticed the horns that were somewhat hidden in his hair, but didn't say anything and left them alone.

Karl and Sapnap had went outside to go talk to Alex and Karl was just hugging onto Alex who despite saying he didn't want the hugs he didn't push away or try to get out of the hug." Let me go you two.." Alex said trying to sound mad and annoyed but they kept hugging him." Nope your gonna take these hugs" Karl replied to the shorter male who groaned a little and just looked away.

-Alex's POV-

"You two leave me alone I don't want to be hugged I want to be alone to my thoughts" I said and still looking away." Do you really want to be alone to your thoughts?" Asked Sapnap and I bit my lip and slowly shook my head." No... Not really.." I said curling up into their arms." Why what do you think when your alone?" Asked Karl.

I sighed softly and looked at them." I just feel really guilty.." I said and both of their heads tilted." Guilty for what?" Sapnap asked and I shook my head as I thought back on our fight that lead to." I don't wanna talk about it.." I said and Karl wiped away some tears." Quackity?" I looked at them and Karl and Sapnap were staring at me." What is this?" Asked Sapnap rubbing his finger by my eye." Nothing" I said and Karl went inside then came back outside with a paper towel and wiped it on my face.

I tensed up a little knowing it was wet and was taking off the make-up I had covering the area by my eyes." Where did this scar come from?" Asked Karl worriedly and I shook my head looking away." Not saying" I mumbled and glanced at them and they both seemed to understand." Alex you need to sleep" said Sapnap as he held my face making me think of him and I moved away." I'm fine" I said quickly and looked down. Karl hugged me and brought me back to them and I just sat there letting it happen at this point.

"Alex" I heard and looked up to see Hannah as she sat down." I'm really sorry about earlier.. I forgot I recorded stuff with him in it" she said and I hugged her." It's okay Han I know you didn't mean any harm by it" I said and she smiled then looked at me worriedly." I know I have a big scar on my face no it didn't damage my eye I can still see" I said and she calmed down." And no I'm not saying how I got it" I said looking at them." That's fine Alex when your ready or ever want to you can tell us or just me or me and puffy" she said and Karl hugged onto me more.

"Or me and sapnap" he said and I shook my head rolling my eyes." You two are something else" I said laughing some then looked down." I probably never tell anyone what happened.." I said then got up." Well I got work" I said and went to my car." Bye Quackity!" Karl yelled and I looked back at them waving some then got in my car buckling up.

I turned my car on and after I picked a song I started to drive to work letting my thoughts get the best of me which caused me to think about our fight. I snapped out of it and quickly pulled over onto the side of the road knowing I was about to have a panic attack, I unbuckled and grabbed a old sweater of his and held is close as I curled up hoping it help me stay calm." I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I mumbled as it felt there was a presence behind me like of an angry spirit.

"Lo siento por favor perdóname mi amor no te enojes conmigo" I mumbled softly as I could feel things fading around me.

-Third person POV-

Alex was curled up in his seat holding the sweater close to him as he kept his knees to his chest and his face pressed into the sweater as he blacked out from not breathing properly and was somewhat asleep so he was suffering from a nightmare of the two fighting and all the things were said.

Alex snapped his head up quickly and wiped his face hearing his phone go off and he grabbed it answering it." Hello who is this" he answered and his boss kinda yelled at him." Sorry sir.. I had a panic attack and didn't want to hurt someone or myself by driving" he said as he got back on the road focus on what was ahead then really what his boss was saying.

"Alex you keep using that as an excuse I'm gonna fire you" Alex's eyes got a little wider." Sir with all due respect I'm not using it as an excuse" he said but just decided to drop and let his boss hang up after yelling more giving him mild flashbacks which he shook away so he could get to work on time though he wanted to be early like he usually was." Welp there goes being early and he's gonna give me a shit ton of hard work or just give me a hard time in general... I hope he doesn't yell again..." He mumbled the last part where it was barely heard.

"Can I call you if he does..." Alex asked so quietly he barely heard himself but asked like if there was another person in the car that heard him and he just sighed and pulled into the parking lot of his job putting his car into park and went to get out of his car just to hear his phone ring.

-Alex's POV-

I grabbed my phone as I got out of the car and answered and put it to my ear as I entered the building." Hello this is Alex how can I help you" I said and heard a woman's voice who was all to familiar at this point." W-what happened?" I asked quietly but worriedly." Well he's completely stable from earlier but we think you should visit him as soon as you can his brain activity picks up more your here.. That could help him wake up.." She explained and I stopped walking as I felt tears build.

"Y-you really think so?" I asked quietly my voice cracking some." It's worth a shot so when will you be here? I'll keep you know who off of your case so you can be close to him" she said and I looked at the time bitting my lip." I'm heading there now" I said then turned around and went to walk before I looked up and saw my boss." Estoy jodido" I muttered and moved my phone some." Yes sir?" I asked and he glared." Your not leaving Alex you keep calling sick and skipping days" he said and I looked off.

"But this is really important it has to do with my family" I said and he rolled his eyes." Do you think I care? Get your butt to work now" he said sternly and I bit my lip thinking back on that presence I felt while I was in my car and I just walked past my boss." I'll be there soon" I said ignoring my boss yelling at me." Alright I'll see you soon" she said and hung up.

I got in my car and texted my boss saying I was quitting then drove out of the parking lot.' Please be okay.... I need you...' I thought and focused on the road.

hey if you guys have any input for the story or about small mistakes feel free to comment, also feel free to add this to your library and since writing this much is hard for me if you could leave a vote that would be appreciated

Staryflowercreators' thoughts