
My Crazy Survival Stories

Hey you guys! So I juts want to let you know, all the short stories in here really happened, to me! So just if you post a comment please be nice with it, these are a little hard to right, but they are mentioned to show and tell people that stuff like this reallt happens, and that when it dose the things that happen can change someone's life around, and maybe kill another person. So just remember to be safe and be careful, you never know what can happen. So presented to you, are my Crazy Survival Stories.

_griff3nn · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

School Shooting

One day I was at school in 4th period on a Wednesday, so I was in a double Homeroom period. The teacher told us to steal down and start working on our assignments that were due next class. I took my seat near my bestfriends J and A. We laughed and J was talking about sports, as guys do, and making jokes about the team he played against the other day. Over the Internet com came a voice of our Secretary, Mrs. W. She said we were to go into immediate lock down, because someone was seen with a gun entering the school. We all headed for the corner.

J and B followed closely behind me, A having his hand on my shoulder. I sat in the very corner, with A and J on either side of me. J's Girlfriend sat beside him and held his arm tightly. He stroked her back, claming her. I leaned into A, burying my face in his soft hoodie, as he leaned his chin on my head, playing with my hair. Mr. Db, or teacher, finished locking the door and all the windows and took his place closest to the door.

I remember just sitting there for so long, hearing the girls whining about sitting on the floor, and hearing two of the boys laughing quietly to themselves. I looked up at A, and he looked at me, smiling. He took out his phone and typed on his notepad. Your hair is soft. It read. I smiled, taking his phone to type. Thank you, your hoodie is supper soft and warm😊. I typed, handing him his phone back. He slid his phone back into his pocket and lightly kissed the top of my head. Just then the banging started.

I jumped and A Held me tightly J's girlfriend turned and hugged him so tightly. The banging grew so loud that the teacher had taken out a pocket knife he had in his pocket. The bangs stopped for a short second and then there were two gunshots and the door flew open. He had shot the lock and was able to kick the door open. He held the gun towards the teacher, yelling. Three of the girls were crying and screaming now, while I hid in A's arms. The teacher walked to the man, doing what he was told.

The man grabbed Mr. Db by the caller and prodded the gun to his back. Just the did the police walk into the room and arest the man with the gun. Turns out he was a man who had escaped a police car when they stoped for gas. He was arrested originally for the rape of two teenage girls in the area. My thoughts went to he could be the man who hurt me.