

I am writing this novel not only to satisfy my wish to become a writer but also to make more people aware of our current situation... A young man on Earth had the hobby of reading AND Writing novels...he wished for the world to turn into the same as one of those magical worlds with magical creatures, mages that can fly, mountains that float, waterfalls from the sky...One day thoughts come true...Will he able to face the challenge that awaits him...Will he be able to get past the Apocalypse caused by humans with their activities that destroyed the natural balance of this Planet Earth...Will he be able to survive the Post Apocalyptic world after it....or the challenges he will face after it...Can he face everything that comes in his way without being found out about being a novelist that predicted Apocalypse before it happened? I have entered this novel for the Writing Formula Practice #36: Male Lead - Secret Identity Hope you can vote with your power stones...

KIRAN · Fantasi
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10 Chs

The days we spent under the treat of Apocalypse...

Earths land heated up, normal temperatures became like that of the noon in the desert, the previous highest temperature became the now lowest temperature that could be found on Earth, Land lost the moisture content and became infertile for plant growth, desert areas kept increasing and Icecaps at the poles have almost completely melted.

Glaciers and other snow-covered mountains were no more there, leaving bare mountains and a series of disasters caused by melted ice forming many landslides, earthquakes, flooding, dams broke creating more disasters...

As a result, Sea levels kept on rising higher and higher...

Many low-height areas(those areas which are very near to sea level) were the first to be submerged have now become like the so-called Atlantics at the bottom of the sea.

Harmful rays of the Sun also caused a lot of problems like Skin cancer, Sunstrokes, inflammation, and many other problems including loss of lives...

Lakes dried up, animals in Forests have already been coming out of Forest for the lack of water and food. Disasters have submerged the forest and carried the animals out of their homes...

Bears, Tigers, Alligators, cheetahs, Snakes, and Elephants, etc. have been sighted and also caused a lot of trouble, even loss of lives has been regularly reported.

Now you can see only a Planet with the clear blue sky covered up by Smog(which means no light from sun or moon, no clean air to breath, as lack of sunlight plants keep dying so lack of food), Flooding rivers, Earthquakes, and landslides, Flash floods, flooding of Seawater, tornadoes.

And on top of all these continental shifts...

The loss of life was unimaginable...

We have caused an imbalance of every natural rule that kept the planet Earth healthy...

Now we face the consequences of our actions...

The chaotic rules...

Temperatures became unstable and unpredictable, same goes for the weather...we don't know when there will be rains...of course, these are all acid rains...corrosive...

Underground shelters were safe from acid rains but not from earthquakes and flash floods...lack of enough oxygen became a common problem here...

The amount of food is available in the bare minimum...

But we were sure no one could survive anywhere except for those in these underground shelters...

We were hoping all this is a dream...a very bad dream...a nightmare...that we shall forget after waking up and opening our eyes...

But it was like a never-ending Nightmare...

Earthquakes became more regular...

This caused us to not get even the sleep that could keep us feeling the hunger for the lack of enough food and water...

We felt like we had only skin and bones left...

I thought the term glass-eyed was strange and cannot exist in the real world except for in the novel...but I saw many with the same glass eyes...staring blankly at the surroundings not understanding what to do...many couldn't take it anymore and ended their miserable lives forever.

Depression and hungry became common here...

We felt all feeling light because we have lost all the weight and are only nothing but skin and bones now...

But we were only partially correct...

Yes, we were feeling light because of our present situation of only being skin and bones due to lack of enough food and water, but that was not the only thing that made us feel light.

The Underground was messy and we couldn't do much about it...

After all, these were all the mines and quarries that were dug previously or the post-Apocalypse.

The dust was everywhere...even in our lungs, ears, nose, etc...

But recently the dust started float more and more along with the increasing earthquakes...

Normally during earthquakes dust floats but settles down after some time but now more and more dust started to fill the air...the only sparse amount of air we could breathe was now filled with dust...

We had nothing to do, except to worry about our future and of course our meals for that day...

We were thinking, Why was there was so much dust floating?

Why doesn't it just settle like it always does?

Now even our vision is partially obstructed by dust...like the foggy nights in some places...

In the coming days dust in the air only increased, but the earthquakes started to become less and less...

We were happy as we could finally get some rest in this nightmare...

When we haven't felt an earthquake for more than a few hours maybe a day or 2 days we felt things outside might have been settled and someone brave enough to open the entrance and run out...

Then we found out a shocking truth...


I will be writing in this novel based on the condition that, if Apocalypse hit this Planet Earth(I want everyone reading this novel to realize what this Planet is heading towards...or what the humans have made to this beautiful and healthy Planet), I truly wished for this Planet to turn into the same as one of those magical worlds

Hope you can enjoy it as I understand and hope my novel will come true.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Thank you

KIRANcreators' thoughts