
Chapter 69- The Game.

Raina's POV.

I could feel everyone's stare when Bas announced me playing with them, I also was part of his team like he said.

I forced a small smile at everyone my eye met, and my smile widened into a real one when I met Lyn's eyes.

I remember what Bas told me about my scent and I now understood why Lyn stepped back when I came here after coming to help me.

"Are we going to keep staring at the human all day like she's some circus show or are we going to start playing," I heard Victor say and I rolled my eyes, he hadn't really changed, he was as annoying as I met him at the dining, I turned to him and mouthed a "fuck you", he glared at me for a while, "or are we going to use her for our meal since a very tempting meal is here already." He added with a smirk and I stilled.

Bas was right, I was tempting to them, to him even and the reason why they didn't do anything to me was because of Bas mostly and the fact that I had little ties to the people in the family.

I relaxed a little when I felt Bas grip my hands comfortingly.

I sighed as I leaned closer to him, he knew just when I needed something the most, and I didn't even have to tell him or make it known, he just had this way of knowing it.

"You should really grow up for once Victor." I heard Lyn say and I smiled.

"Shut the fuck up, didn't you know you shouldn't interrupt elders while talking." He told her and I rolled my eyes.

He was definitely older than Bas, Gabriel and Lyn, but he didn't act like one.

"Well for once act your age, I might just notice you're older." Lyn shot back and I chuckled, I felt Victor's stare at me, and I clamped my mouth together the way Bas does everytime he didn't want to laugh, but Bas turned to me and I couldn't hold it in anymore, because he was also clamping his mouth, we both burst out laughing.

Lyn and Gabriel who stood by the side joined in the laughter, we were practically giggling like school kids.

"That's enough fun." I turned as Bas's father called out.

"We need to continue the game, or we might waste time all day and not play the game," he paused sighing with a grimace, "remember we have to hunt." He added sternly.

"I'm glad you still know how to scold your son, I'm hope you tell him that he's not marrying this human." His grandfather said.

"You couldn't just hold it in, right?" Bas asked him.

"It's for your own good." He replied.

"You don't get to tell me or dictate to me what I should do, and what's for my good or not, your father didn't do that to you, you definitely didn't do that to Father, so don't try doing that to me," Bas said, "if anything I need from my family, it's their support and advice, not their dictation, we are not in a dictatorship rule here, you sure as hell wouldn't be happy if I dictated to you, so don't give me that crap about anything you say being for my own good." Bas added.

I could feel him fury, he was getting angry, I held his hand and he heaved a sigh of relief, he turned to me and smiled softly.

"Thank you." He mouthed to me.

"You're welcome." I mouthed back.

"Now can we are going to mention the rules so we'll start now." Lyn said.

"Yes please, this human girl brings all the drama here, we would have started this game, but she brings every little shit that happens here every time." Diana said.

"Can you stop complaining, you act like you're insecure of this human girl." Victor said and Diana glared at him.

"Now let's start." Lyn said.

"There will be two teams, and we can pick a team, we don't get to choose who'll be on our team," Lyn paused as some of them grumbled.

"There's no need for grumbling, we've been doing this for decades." She said sharply, she around and twitched her lips.

"So as I was saying, as we've always been playing, the only new person here is you Raina, so I have to repeat the rules over again." She turned to me.

"You all already know the rules," she pointed to the vampires.

"Whatever you pick on the piece of paper squeezed in the box there, that's your team, and if you pick the role as the judge, or the score keeper, that's what you'll do." Lyn added.

"So now, you'll go to the box and pick a piece of paper," she turned to the field, there was a net placed in the middle already, "Group A will stand at the left, Group B will stand at the right and we're good to go." She said.

"So now, go to the box and pick a piece of paper." She added.

They all went to the box and picked a piece of paper, Bas's mother was the judge and spectator as she picked in her paper.

Bas, Gabriel, Bas's father, Lyn, Diana, Bas's Grandfather, Diana's parents, and a weird looking vamp which I didn't know the name yet, were in team A.

Victor, Rafael, and seven other vampires I was yet to know were in Team B.

I picked the paper and I was the score keeper, the paper finished and the other vampires were seated watching the game, they were about six of them, In total they were twenty five vampires and I was the only human here among them.

"Okay, looks like you'll be recording the score Raina, there's the scoreboard." She pointed to the white board at the edge close to the field and I walked there silently.

"Is there no referee?" I asked.

"No, not really, all is fair in our game, you can use any means to win, so there's no need for a referee." Lyn said softly.

"So now the game begins." Bas's mother said.

They all used their vamp speed standing in position, they were going to play handball, but a reckless version of handball, the game didn't start yet, but I knew it was going to be crazy.

Bas's mother blew the whistle and everything became really fast, Lyn served the ball to group A and it went far and very high, I watched Rafael use his vampire speed and hit the ball back to Group A's area, the ball came back to Group B in a second as Bas hit it back and Victor hit it making it land close to their pitch, making group B loose and a score for Group A.

"What's the scoring level please?" I asked Lyn.

"A ten, every score is a ten." Lyn replied with a smile, I went to the board and drew a box with two spaces, I wrote group A and B and scored group A.

The game started again after Bas's mother blew the whistle, the went back and forth with the ball, Bas hit it and Rafael hit it back, Gabriel hit it and One other vamp hit it back, Lyn hit it and Victor hit it back, Rafael went at it again, hitting the ball higher, it surpassed them and went ahead of the markings to the next field, Bas went for it and got it before it dropped, I could feel my jaw drop to the lowest level, but I was amazed at how he went there fast and got it that easily.

I heard Rafael groan, he dragged his hair in frustration, Bas's mother blew the whistle again and the game started immediately, it was harder and brutal than before and the only score I got was the first ten Group A had, the game looked like it would just end with a ten zero, because the competition was harder now.

I was surprised to see Bas's Grandfather play extremely well, he kept his defense very well, he kept returning any ball that came his place so did Diana's parents, and even Diana herself, the back and forth was getting pretty intense.

Bas threw a shot and Rafael hit it back catching him off guard, Group B finally got their first score.

I wrote down the score and returned my attention to the game as Bas's mother blew the whistle again, I was sure this game was going to be tougher than it was before, the scores was equal now and there's no way any team wanted to be won.

If I thought my eyes were hurting from following their quick movements earlier, I was wrong because, the movement that happened immediately Bas's Mother threw the whistle was more intense and faster.

They kept speeding and balls kept going back and forth each other, it was mind blowing how they made a simple handball game this interesting.