
Chapter 55- Gaslighting.

Sebastien's POV.

I was surprised when she talked back to Triana Gamen, she adored her and the woman just made her disappointed.

"I'm sorry if you don't have manners and can't understand English, but my boyfriend told you I was with him, and I clearly told you I wasn't stalking, I was just a fan and was very excited to see, and I just came here for the first time, so I didn't know the rules." Raina said heaving slightly, I griped her palms and she griped mine smiling softly.

"Oh so you feel, you have what to say now?" Triana Gamen asked.

"What do you mean?" Raina scrunched her nose.

"You've come here for the first time, and you've managed to disrupt the peace of this very quiet and peaceful environment, you've managed to cause a ruckus bringing people out from their personal activities they came here for?" Triana Gamen said and people nodded Slightly.

"Yes, no matter what she's disrupting the peace here." A pale lookingman said.

"She needs to leave, this place was really fine." The woman close to him added and they all nodded.

Raina gripped my hands tightly sighing softly, she smirked and let out a little laugh, Triana Gamen glared at her.

"I'm sorry, but if you think I'm the problem here, then you're wrong, and whoever agrees to what you're saying, is as daft as you or really love gaslighting people like she does." Raina said.

"What do you mean by that miss?" The woman who said she should leave earlier asked.

"I meant what I said, or do you have comprehension issues?" Raina asked.

"Don't you dare come here for the first time , to insult everyone here." She glared at Raina.

"You must be birds of the same feathers," Raina paused pointing to her and Triana Gamen.

"You can't even realise who the problem is here?" Raina asked everyone staring.

"The couple who were accused of stalking were not stalkers, but our Queen of identifying Stalkers here mistook their identities." Raina said and I raised my eyebrows shocked that she knew anything about the stalking issue.

"They were stalking me!!" Triana Gamen yelled.

"They were stalking me, they were stalking me," Raina tilted her head after mimicking her words, "why does it have to be you they always stalk?, And must everyone believe what you're saying?, Must you always be right?" Raina said.

"I...I." Triana Gamen stuttered.

"Cat caught your tongue right, I clearly identified myself, my boyfriend did, and the security men confirmed it, yet you insisted to be the right one, you kept insisting that I stalked when I didn't." 

"Do you love creating scenarios and then let people take the heat while you sit out?"Raina asked.

"I'm sure you've been doing this for a long while now."Raina turned to the security men who nodded.

"See, you're a popular stalking complainer, you keep laying even false complaints, I'm sure every complaint here is laid by you, you keep putting people into those scenarios." Raina pointed her finger at her.

I was amazed because I didn't even know Raina had this in her, it was amazing to see this side of her, it made me fall for her more.

"I bet no one has called you out on this before that's why tried Gaslighting me, when I said the truth and tried bringing those who sided with you to try and send me out, you used your words to influence them." Raina said and people nodded with a gasp.

"You're the trouble here, not me." Raina added.

"Got it?" Raina said.

"I'm sorry." Triana Gamen mumbled slowly.

"I don't really care again to be honest." Raina shrugged, I just didn't want to be accused of what I didn't do.

"And you, try getting more serious with investigations and security here, don't just let anyone accuse someone without any credible proof." Raina pointed to the Security men who nodded Slightly.

"I'm off."Raina left sending a signal to me.

"Can I have the keys now, that's if she'll want to stay here again." I said.

"I'm really sorry sir.", The security man said and I shrugged.

"You have a very cool girlfriend sir." Someone said, I turned and smiled at the person, I saw others nod their head in agreement and people dispersed to their various penthouses.

"I know right, she's the best." I said collecting the keys from the security man.

I went out searching for her, she was nowhere to be found, I squinted slightly, the sun was already going down, it was going to be night soon, my best time ever.

I inhaled softly as her scent came to me, it was already windy and I could see people run inside slowly.

I smiled as I spotted her lean at the car, bitting her lips slowly.

She opened her eyes when she sensed me close to her.

"Hi.". I said with a smile, "are you still upset?" I asked.

"No ,I'm fine, I just needed to catch my breathe, this place is more overwhelming than I thought." She said.

"If you don't want to stay, then we can go home, my family moved to a new place and well, everyone has their house now, it's in a really big place." I said.

"It'll be fun to go there, I was wowed by the first house, I'm sure I'll be wowed by the second house, but I'm really not in the mood to ago anywhere." She sighed.

"Well I suggested because you may not like it here after all the drama, or should I find another good place I have a penthouse in to make us stay?" I asked.

"Nah, it's fine, I just need to shake away the bad feeling I'll be okay, I'm sure." She waved her hands dramatically and I laughed.

"Let's go, I got our keys, our penthouse is in the last floor." I said.

"Okayy, I'm ready." She said enthusiastically.

"You're being too excited about this." I raised my brows and she shrugged.

"Well, I'm giddy now, maybe I needed your presence to be happy again." She said and I could swear I blushed because she laughed when she looked at me.

"What's funny?" I threw at her keeping a straight face.

"Nothing much." She giggled.

"It must be fun right, laughing at me?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry I can't help it, it is.", She said.

"I didn't know men blush too." She beamed at my glare.

"You looked absolutely adorable." She said with a smile.

"Can't remember the last time someone called me adorable, even my parents don't do that." He said.

"They don't because they've never seen you blush, I have." She tapped on her shoulders blades, I rolled my eyes at her and she kept laughing.

"We're here." I told her and she turned her eyes beaming.

"Wow." She said, "I feel like the design here was really amazing, look at the details it's not like any other penthouse, I'm sorry I'm babbling away since I'm a designer myself but this is really aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. She said.

"Do the other penthouses here have this design?" She asked. "Though I have a feeling, it's just your penthouse that does, you must have gotten it design yourself, the interior is so eye pleasing, much more than Maple town, it's like another world in here, I love it." She said, I could see her eyes light up, I was glad she liked it, I had my penthouse personalized to a nice touch, the designers and management of Maple town called me once after I finished designing to me about how amazing the found my design, they had never seen anyone have or use such in all the penthouse they entered.

She ran to the toy box game and jumped up, sometimes she acted like a little kid and was very adorable, too adorable than she even told me I was, she ran to the jamboree, ran to the trampoline, she kept staring at every game I kept there.

She ran back to the toy box game, " I want to win a teddy." She beamed.

"Then win it, though it's not that easy." I said.

"I'm sure I could win it." She said.

She started the game, and tried carry a big teddy, it went up and fell back half way, she smiled and tried again, I clamped my lips together because I knew how hard the game was and it wasn't going to be easy winning it, she kept tugging the handle trying to get a toy.

She wiped her sweat and I realized that I hadn't put an air conditioner yet, I turned it on, she kept trying and trying and kept failing, I could feel her frustration.

"Hey, let me help." I said clamping my mouth again,so I wouldn't laugh.

"No, I got the hang of this." She said non enthusiastically.

I could feel the frustration emanating from her, she was getting tired already.