
Chapter 34- Back In Pineville.

Sebastien's POV.

I was back in Pineville and the board called for a meeting immediately.

The board of shareholders were frantic about the postponed festival celebration and release.

"Sir, you extended your visit and the festival celebration had to be postponed." Mr Evans said, dragging his tie a little too hard, I could see the plain irritation on his face.

I know how personal business could affect the company, but I had to stay back and made sure Raina heals for a while.

"Can you give us any valid explanation of how we're going to pull this sales, when our competitors did everything as we planned." Mr Evans said sharply.

I almost smirked when he finished, maybe I loved goading people who provoked me, but he didn't just do this out of enmity, he did it because he cared about the company, he is one of the most trusted employee here.

I shifted slightly and adjusted my tie, I was feeling stuffy, the A.C here didn't do anything to help, everyone stared, watching for any slight reaction.

"We need to find a way to release the sales, since we couldn't do it with the festival we planned." Miss Thompson said.

"Everyone is angry and the backlash is already affecting our stock market." She added.

"This all happened because he didn't come on the festival day, and he didn't give the go ahead for the festival, the items he went to get he took longer than usual." Mr Robert said, I tensed immediately, this was becoming more hectic than I thought, I know I was responsible with what happened but this was a mistake in my part and I planned to correct it.

"You're not saying anything Mr Edmondo." Mr Robert smirked, he relaxed back on his chair and waited for anyone who took his goading, and the hall became noisy.

"If you can't do your job as a CEO, then let someone else do it." He added.

"Yes, it's better that way." I heard an echo.

"He should just give way for a serious CEO." Another voice said.

"How can he make the company this vulnerable."

"We have important things to do and he is bringing the company down."

"We need a new leader."

I closed my eyes slowly, blocking away the voices as it got stronger.

Pressing the silence button, everyone stopped talking and some adjusted themselves.

"I'm very sorry for being absent last week, I had a personal matter and also business matter to attend to." I said sharply, I saw Mr Robert adjust feeling very uncomfortable.

"There's was a slight life threatening issue, and that's why I delayed, I'm sorry for making the company fail for the last week, I will rectify the issue immediately." I added.

"How will that happen?" Mr McClain asked.

"We'll go with the festival and launching plan as we said earlier, but we will make it more attractive and eccentric for success."

"I'll contact my planning and design team and let the board know the finalized plan, thanks." I left the room immediately.