
Chapter 22- Downstairs.

Raina's POV.

I went downstairs to the cafeteria immediately he went into the bathroom.

I was still embarrassed about what I did, my "incredible sleeping habit" as he called it.

I knew I was a bad sleeper, that's why I didn't want to share the room with him in the first place, it wasn't because I was shy of getting close to him, I wanted to get close to him, that's how deep my feelings for him became daily.

I bit my lips when I remembered his reaction to me touching him this morning.

I felt hot suddenly when I got flashbacks of what I did to him while sleeping, I saw him groan in pleasure when I touched him.

"Miss what type of Sharwama do you need? I turned when I heard the waiter's voice. He smiled at me and I smiled back, he had his hair slick back, and his uniform was well ironed, he looked like he didn't belong here but he worked here.

"I'll like a beef Sharwama and a chicken Sharwama." I said tapping the table I kept my hands on.

"Okay, you'll give us five minutes." He left to the kitchen.

"Miss is it okay if I sit here " a pale looking guy said to me.

"Yes, it's fine." I replied turning back my attention to the kitchen, the space in the cafeteria was still enough for anyone to sit on, I was surprised by his request, but I didn't  refuse his request either.

"Uhm, I'm Dani" he extended his hands to me, I stared at him and he laughed.

"Sorry for being overly friendly, I'm just used to it." He said, while coming close to the beat I was seating on.

"I'm sorry, just wanted to make new friends." He smiled.

I took his hands and he gripped my hands tightly, he was making me uneasy.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Raina." I replied.

"Wow, can I get you something?" He asked.

"It's okay, I already ordered." I stared at the

Kitchen door waiting for the waiter to come out.

"You can reorder." He winked.

I became more uneasy, if I was uncomfortable a little, I became totally uncomfortable and irritated.

I stood up immediately and he stood up too, I raised my brows and him, but he just smiled like a weirdo, I ignored him and went to the counter, I saw a pretty girl there attending to others, I tapped her when she finished with them.

"I've been waiting for my order for 10 minutes now, and he said five." I said angrily.

"I'm so sorry miss." She said swiping her computer.

The waiter came out immediately and gave me my package.

"I'm sorry," he bowed making me smile "I totally forgot about it." He said.

I left for the room immediately and I felt someone follow me and I turned, there was no one, I got frightened.

"So you stay upstairs." I stilled at the sound of the guy I met downstairs.

I turned to him and he gave me a creepy smile.

"Are you following me?" I asked.

"No I'm not." He replied.

"Then go to you room.", I said immediately In anger. The smile slipped from his face and he came closer to me, I clutched my meal tightly and walked faster to the room we stayed, I could swear he moved fast, because I felt a towel on my cheeks and I gave way to darkness.