
Chapter 15- Warm Heart.

Raina's POV.

I felt relieved after leaving his office to my department, I felt safe after he found out about the message, I was startled to see my attacker who I just found out was his cousin, but it felt good to know I won't be hurt by him and it was a mistake.

Opening my laptop with a smile I remember his words slowly.

"You're very skilled I was mind blown by your UI design"

"I missed you".

"I will love to take you out on a date".

His words warmed my heart, my feelings grew rapidly than before, it was just a crush, but I knew I liked him a lot.

I accepted his offer of a date readily, because I was waiting for him to ask me out on a date.

I turned when I felt a light tap on my shoulders, I saw Evelyn beam at me mischievously, I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"What's with that look Lyn?" I asked.

"What look?" she shrugged her shoulders.

"That look you have when you plan something mischievous" I said.

"Now what do you mean, and I liked it when you called me Lyn, please do that always" She winked at me.

"I don't whatever you're plotting, but leave me out of it" I warned.

"Of course you're part of the plan" she laughed.

"Wow, I knew it!!, what is it you're planning?" I gave her my best intimidating look but she just laughed at my attempt.

"It's not a plan plan" she twirled her hair slowly with a pout, "but I just got and interesting information from my cousin upstairs, so I thought of the best way I can get the reaction I want" she added.

"Well like I said, leave me out of it" I said sternly.

"Won't you love to come to a party with me" she said innocently.

A party will really be a nice idea right now, I wanted to dance, I haven't done that for a long time now.

"What's the catch?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"Nothing, just bring a hot outfit to The Binos by 8PM" she replied with a shrug.

I loved The Binos, it was one the best club in Pineville, I had never gone to The Binos though, because I couldn't afford a ticket there and it was an elite club for extremely rich people. I often saw reviews people made about the club on blogs and YouTube channels, we had important people from other countries and cities come to party at The Binos, it was a five star club, it has Every amenities you could think of and ones you couldn't imagine a club having. It was richly designed, and it had VIP and VVIP sections too.

"Why don't I trust what you're saying" I still had a feeling she had something up her sleeves.

"I'm very innocent in whatever you're accusing me of in your mind" she said non-too-innocently and I rolled me eyes and we laughed loudly causing stares from some of our colleagues, Daniella looked up from her computer and smiled.

"Whatever the plan is, count me in, I can't resist going to The Binos for the first time" Daniella said.

"Of course you're invited too" Evelyn winked at her.