
Chapter 146- Preparation/ Reminiscing.

Kathryn and Sebastien's POV.


I left my father's office after I was done with the files I took, I didn't want to leave early, but he urged me to go, he would come back to the house in minutes and Lyn was blowing up my phone with the constant text messages, which left me with no choice but to leave my father's office.

I met the meanies again when I was about to leave, "you're such a spoilt brat, having everyone do things for you, even throw you a party, even send invites, which you can't do yourself, always wanting assistance." Jessica said and the other druid girls who stood with her giggled, and I scoffed, they didn't know this, but they looked very ridiculous, and I couldn't help it, I started laughing, they stared at me weirdly, Jessica was clearly Irritated.

"What's so funny?, Or are you deranged?" She yelled and the whole hall of those training, which I knew weren't minding their business but listening in to the drama and some watching, but playing it cool turned.

"Nah, nah, I'm perfectly fine, very happy, if we were to check who was more deranged between both of us, everyone will think it's you." I said with a smile.

"Why will everyone think it's me?" She asked and I couldn't believe how stupid this girl was.

"Because you spend all your time trying to annoy me, I'm practically the reason you live, which is not healthy by the way," I said gesturing my hands round my head, "and also you can't even breathe if you don't come to insult me, it's like if your were a Vampire, that'll be your meal for the day, insult Kathryn or I'll die," I said in a mimicking voice and I could hear laughter,I wanted to feel sorry for her, but I didn't.

"And then your minions," I gestured to her minions who glared at me, "I'm sure y'all not like her, don't be okay, she doesn't have anything to clutch on but me, so she's making you all like that, don't join in." I said with a goading smirk.

I was about leaving when she yelled, "you're running away." She said.

"No I'm not, I have a party to be present for," I said with a smile, "afterall, the invites I asked someone to send won't get to you," I said loudly and she glared at me, "you aren't invited sweetheart." I added leaving the room, I could hear her screams and shout, what I said really got to her, her shouting faded when I left the training room totally.

I was still nervous, it was almost time, I had to go makeup and dress up for the event, but it didn't stop me from being nervous, I hoped they welcomed me sincerely, that would be very acceptable and that would make me happy, it was scary, I have gotten attached to this life I remembered living and now I wish they accepted me, maybe not everyone, but some of them.

I walked into my room with a nervous smile, the makeup artist were already waiting for me, they were into my room immediately I went it, like they were practically waiting for me, I sighed, Lyn was doing a lot.

"It's time princess." A woman who looked extremely happy to make me up said, I smiled slowly at her and she blushed.

"I'm Kathryn, what's your name?" I asked, I didn't want it to feel awkward, I would've done my makeup myself, but they said I needed a makeup artist, so I wanted to be free with the makeup artist, I could feel her surprise and that of her girls who were here to assist her, it was obvious she would dress me up too, in that gown I didn't see yet, I only saw the pictures.

"I'm Bina, Princess." She said, and I turned to the others who looked very nervous.

"I'm Carly." The blonde said.

"I'm Sandy." The brunette said.

"Okay, now we can start, I feel comfortable now knowing your names." I said and they smiled.

"We've seen the painting," Bina said, "so we'll make you up and dress you exactly like that, the druids have to see their princess." Bina added and I smiled.

"You have really beautiful eyes," Sandy said nervously, "scratch that, you're really beautiful." She added.

"Thank you." I said feeling confident just by that confession.

They started work immediately, they were really in sync and whatever they were doing with my hair, they were doing it effortlessly, with blend, I saw a curler, and I paused them.

"If you want curls, just soak my hair in hot or warm water, it'll be curly." I said and Bina pursed with a frown.

"Trust me, my hair can curl naturally, if you want it extremely curly then use hot water." I added.

"Okay, bring the boiler." Bina said to Carly who rushed, bringing the boiler with hot water she took from my bathroom.

They had me seat backwards and soaked My hair in, I winced at the hotness a little,then I relaxed, when it was removed

"Woah, she was right." Carly said in awe.

I stared at the mirror after my hair was dried and oil was applied to it, it formed the curls on its own, tangling together.

They were taken aback, but they brought out pins and worked in sync, packing it up and leaving some curls, the makeup was beautiful too, I smiled at them as I saw them bring the gown, I almost giggled, I was finally seeing the gown today, and I wouldn't just see it, I would get to wear the gown.


It was time for the party, I was finally back from my little escape, I went directly into the party hall, Lyn already called telling me they were all there and lot of guests had arrived, my family were all here, and our esteemed friends, the ones we left over at our castle in the outskirts of Pineville.

I couldn't wait to see Kath, which was the opposite of how I was feeling this morning, I had run away this morning, because after our last night, my feelings for here were so intense, I wanted to tell her let's mate and get married here, and also mate with her immediately, gosh I wouldn't say it was the nuts, I can't blame those poor nuts, it's not like I wasn't used to eating them or she was high on them, that night was all us, it scared me, I had to use and excuse and leave very early because I felt like confessing over and over again, that I loved her.

I loved her so much it hurt, I didn't even know why, but that night my feelings intensified, our feelings intensified, because I could see it in her eyes too, they way she saw it in mine, once I had a taste of her blood, something I had been itching to do all time, I almost lost it, if I thought the nuts were my favourite get high kinda thing, I was wrong, her blood made me so fucking aroused, I realized that more feelings left in me were not even poured out to her yet, I never knew feelings were that intense, but last night proved something else for me, I was still shocked, even when I woke up and was about leaving to meet the security head for the party and I met Matteo, Gabriel and Dylan, and a Lyn who ignored me because she was too busy with her party preparations, their teasing couldn't even get to me, because I didn't hear anything, I couldn't even hear it, all I heard was how hard my heart beat, I knew we were different vampires and everything, but damn, I never knew a vampire's could be like that, beating that way, I rushed out even when I wanted to stay in with her and hold her, I discussed with my father and he laughed, saying I was just in love, I told him I was already in love with her, he told me I was more and more in love daily, and I was just so entranced to speak.

I went into the hall, and I smirked with pride at what I saw, Lyn was one hell of a party planner, she gave in her all, she used it to distract herself and I understand it, she loved doing it and she was good at it, the party was booming

I was taken out of my Lyn admiration when she walked in, damn I had to hold on to the railings of the staircase in the party hall , I was supposed to take her hands and we'll go down together, she was so damn pretty, too beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off her, her hair was all tied up,but you could still see the curls, some were down fanning her face, the makeup brought our her eyes, those beautiful eyes, her lips parted and I groaned, swallowing I willed myself to be calm.