
Chapter 123- Happiness.

Sebastien's POV.

I was happy I could make her find her family, I hoped she could remember everything, that would drive her closer to them, memories were always the best thing everyone could have, and it was always the best thing, it could either be good ones or bad ones.

I sighed when I checked the content of my drink, I wanted to check something out in the city, I needed to confirm something.

I felt a little weird when I came into the Vampire city, I normally didn't like it much here, though it wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best place either.

And I normally felt weird when I was about to discover a new ability, and I had been feeling this way singe I stepped foot on the city, it was much weirder than I normally felt.

I smiled when I saw Raina's father, he smiled as he came down, "she is getting her memories slowly." He said with a smile.

I didn't know much about being a father and all, bit I know how hard it must have been for him to not find her again, for her parents and her brother to search for her and not find her, it must have been really hard for them, I knew how hard my father took it when I almost went off the grid and gone rogue, how hard he tried, searched hard in all my secret hiding spot and also find me and made me change from whatever I felt.

I knew how hard my mother took it, I even knew how hard it was for me when my sister was lost, when witches took her, I found every one of them and burnt them to ash when I found each of them, anyone who lost a loved one ended up being hurt and sometimes blamed themselves for doing so, I remember blaming myself consecutively when Lyn went missing and it was immediately after I quarrelled with her, it made me feel so guilty, and I blamed myself everytime, I was so delighted when I found my sister, so I understood how happy they must have felt when they finally found her.

And I'm sure she would be happy too, she always felt empty since her human parents died, now she had finally found her real parents and she would feel so happy, and this is what I wanted the most for her to be very happy, I wanted her to be very happy till the very end.

Her happiness was my biggest goal now, and I didn't want anything or anyone to deter her, she is all I want and whatever made her happy made me happy too, I felt so giddy and I was smiling like an elementary school kid, when I saw her so happy with her parents, it made me so excited, I smiled till I felt like my mouth would crack because of the excess way I've been smiling, Matteo even hit me so I should stop smiling, he told me dramatically that it was so weird to see me this way, but I didn't really care I was just so happy to see her happy, and her happiness meant a whole lot to me.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her father and he nodded.

"I'm just really overwhelmed right now, I'm so excited, I can't really really describe how I'm feeling." He replied opening a bottle of wine, I took my glass for him as he poured it, I finished the wine in one go, and he laughed.

"Thanks, I'm happy you could finally find her." I said and he nodded.

"So how is the city so far?" I asked.

I really wanted to know how the city had been, I knew it wasn't all perfect, and I knew no matter how much the councilmen and those in political power hid it, this city still had the worse stench of problem in it, they had lots of things lurking around, no matter how many times it was sugar-coated to be the best city and safe place for all supernatural creatures, I felt suspicious because I knew how much trouble brewed in this city.

"It hasn't been perfect, no matter how many times they make it look that way." He replied clearly Irritated, I was happy I wasn't the only one who felt this way about the city.

"I thought as much, any important happenings?" I asked, I was curious, if Raina was going to stay here for a while, I wanted to make sure the city was safe enough for her to stay in, it made me worry, I wanted to be sure this place was okay for her to spend time with her family.

"I should find a place for my family to stay now." I said and he looked at me like I grew two heads, I chuckled slightly.

Our family house in the Vampire city was being renovated, I had made that possible immediately we came here, we hadn't stayed there in a while and whenever I came here I stayed over at the VENETA'S, and my family members also had where they stayed too, they all spend time in different places in the city.

The house has been left vacant for long and needed renovation.

"Why don't you all stay here till the renovation is over, I mean you guys don't even have to leave, you're family." He said and I smiled.

I knew he would want us to stay here, I didn't need to read his mind to know this would happen, it made me happy that he was genuine, I didn't have to disturb him or worry about him being pissed, and when I finally read his mind, he really wanted us to stay here for a long time, he didn't even want my family leaving his house.

"Thanks sir." I replied and he frowned, I wondered why he was frowning, I loved reading minds but right now I didn't want to invade his mind.

"Don't call me sir, I saw the ring on my daughter's finger, you're marrying her soon, I should be called your father, and we're close enough for you to call me father." He said sternly and I smiled, I knew we were close but I wanted him to accept me willingly as his son-in-law and I was happy he did that right now, I did not have to convince him or try impressing him in any special way, he sincerely liked me, and he also liked me as his daughter's husband to be.

"Thanks a lot father." I said and he smiled widely, I smiled with him too, I had the smile I normally had when I was so happy, the past few days had been a rollercoaster, but I was really happy.

"Let me check on her." I said and he nodded.

"I should also check on my wife, good night Bas." He said and I waved at him and he chuckled.

I was still smiling while opening the door to the room, it was a little scattered, it looked like she did some research or was trying to find things that would make her remember, I saw her pictures, photo albums lying around, I searched for her close to where the photos were but I couldn't find her, I decided to move further inside, I saw her lying on the bed with a diary in her hands, it looked like the diary she kept when she was here, I collected the diary she clutched on her hands and kept it at the reading table, her hands was a little cold, colder than I expected, she looked so drained and tired, it made me worry, I didn't want anything bad happening to her, I stared at her face and realized that she must have been crying.

I didn't know what she found out and I didn't want to pry by waking her up and demanding what made her cry, I wanted her to relax and tell me when she woke up later, she looked so vulnerable right now.

I arranged the room immediately, placing everything in place, the room looked like her room when she was smaller but it felt like her parents upgraded it everytime it was her birthday to fit her age, they didn't forget her as they said, they didn't want to have false hope while clutching on some little piece of hope that she was alive, and that hope was them rearranging her room to suit her age, each birthday.

I carried her slowly since she slept badly, if I let her this way, she would wake up with pains in the morning and I didn't want that to happen.

I laid her down slowly and she mumbled rolling softly, I took off my shoes climbing the bed with her, it was big enough to fit us both, it looked like she was having a bad dream.

I held on to her, and patted her, waiting for her to sleep soundly so I would leave, I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.