
Chapter 119- Met her Parents.

Raina's POV.

He knocked the door and my heart beat faster than it ever did, I felt like my heart beat extremely fast when I saw the people who opened the door.

"Bas you really came." The woman said and paused with wide eyes when she saw me.

She paused blinking softly, she shook her head for some time and I couldn't do anything but just stare at her, maybe because I was actually seeing everything Bas told me about her that I had her hair and it was evidently showing right now.

"Why are you still standing around Love, invite Bas and the person he brought in," a man's voice said and it was obviously my father's voice, "or do you need help with…." The person who came out paused when he saw his wife staring at me, and he gasped in shock shaking his head softly, he kept blinking and I'm sure he was trying to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he looked to his wife who stared at me and the wife also gave him the eye that he wasn't seeing things, they both turned to me again, looking at me from head to toe, leaving no place in my body unscanned.

"How?, Is this possible?" The man muttered staring at me with shock etched on his face.

"I don't even know, she looks real." The woman replied staring at him with teary eyes.

"Who looks real?" I heard a male voice from inside ask, the voice was coming closer, and I suspected that it must be my brother just like Bas said.

He looked around Bas fake age, he was definitely my senior, he paused when he saw me just like the man and woman earlier did, he also blinked at me, he had my mother's eyes and my father's hair, while I had my father's eyes and my mother's hair.

They were really my family as Bas said and they looked so shocked to see me, I didn't even know how to react when I saw how true and real this was.

It was practically staring at me in my face, I was looking at my reality and the reality was staring back at me, when I thought of the possibility of them not wanting me, I was told they did, and right now the way they stared at me, it was obvious they wanted me and they were in shock of how I turned out to stand at their door step when they thought I had been dead.

The reality that I was someone's long lost daughter and sister made me feel extremely wholesome, I was lost in the world when my human parents died and I thought that was all, that I was just human, realising I wasn't just human made hopeful that I wasn't alone in this world that I wasn't an orphan anymore, that I wasn't an orphan to begin with, but one thing I would never forget was how my human parents took care of me, I was never lacking in love and care.

I looked at them all and offered a small smile as a starter, I knew we had a long way to good, but if it was possible I wanted to get my memories back as I found out I lived few years of my life here, I wanted to get those memories back eventually, I wanted to connect in every way possible with them.

 "Are you not going to invite us in?" Bas asked with a smile.

"I mean I need to be really fed with the surprise I brought you all." Bas added.

I smiled when Bas said that, I knew he was trying to lighten up the mood and it made me happy how thoughtful he was.

"Hey, you're here." The younger male ran to Bas and hugged him, and Bas hugged him laughing a lot.

"Yes I am, did you miss me?" Bas asked with a smile and he nodded.

"Can we all come in?" Bas asked as he stared at his family members who followed us.

"Yes of course." The older man said slowly.

We all went inside, if I thought decoration outside was beautiful, I was ready for the sight I saw when I went inside, it was not just magnificent, the design inside was so beautiful, the Aesthic wallpapers, it looked like something I would just do and I realized that I really did get the talent from them, it made me so happy that whatever the Tracker and Bas said was true.

The walls were designed with an aesthetic flower wall with ash and black colour, the chandelier was placed in the middle, crystals hunger at every side.

I paused when I saw the picture display, there I was when I was born, when I was still little.

I saw a picture of my smile when I think I was about five, I was with a drawing and another picture of me and my brother.

I saw my parents picture, when they were younger, when they married, when my mother gave birth to my brother and also to me, the pictures were pasted there in what I realized was a photo room, it was in the small intersection of the sitting room.

I saw a picture of all of us, and my fifth birthday, I gasped when I saw the picture of the descendant I looked like, I was her exact spitting image, she also had the curls I had in my hair, I noticed my mom's hair was straight, and this descendant hair was just like mine.

I kept blinking at the picture and even blinked more when I realized I had unconsciously accepted them as my parents and called them my parents while staring at the pictures, I couldn't believe that I had spent about five years in Vampire City, before I was taken, and that they were my family, my real family, my dad, mom and my brother.

"I hope you like this surprise." Bas said to my parents who kept staring at me while I was gazing at the pictures in the picture room.

"Bas I know I'm staring at her right now, but I'm still in shock and I can't process this, how did you find her?" My mother asked.

"Oh well, I wanted to find my mate's parents and in the search,I found out about her real parents." Bas said.

"Wait, did you say mate?" My mother asked and Bas nodded.

"Yeah, she's my mate." Bas said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Bas." My father said.

"Thanks a lot Buddy." My brother said and Bas smiled.

"And I'm sorry for my behaviour, welcome councillor," my mother, father and brother said to Bas's grandfather and he nodded, they also bowed to Bas father and mother.

My father stood up moving to me carefully, I still stood there staring at them, I didn't even know what to do or how to react, they felt like familiar strangers.

I didn't get any memory of them, but I felt like I knew them all my life, and right now looking at them speak made me feel happy and emotional as well, like I knew the voice always, and it was wonderful hearing it again.

He came closer to me, and a tear rolled down my eyes, he hugged me and I started crying as I hugged him back, I didn't even know why I felt this way, but I was so emotional right now, my feelings were jittery and all over the place.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry we gave up on you, when the witch disappeared, we thought she must have gotten you and we gave up, we were still reminded and since we tried everything we could to find you but to no avail, because the sage who hid you was dead." My father said as he cleaned my tears.

"Bas thank you so much, thanks for bringing our dear Kathryn back." My father added and I smiled nervously, I just found out my actual name was Kathryn.

"Wow, Kathryn as in short form will be Kath or Kathy." Lyn said excitedly and everyone laughed.

"Hey you." My brother came to me and hugged me, my mom followed and we all hugged at the Same time, I didn't remember much or anything about them, but this hug right here, felt so good and it made me feel the love they have for me, I was so happy and I began crying again.

"My baby." My mother said touching my face,my hands, she touched every part of my body.

"Yes." I answered softly and we began a hugging fest again, and I cried, and we all cried together.

I heard a sniffle and I turned and saw Lyn crying too and I smiled.

"Hey, don't cry." I said and she nodded.

"Oh well, I feel like crying." She said and we all laughed.

"I hope the crying festival is over, I'm hungry." Matteo said and everyone laughed.

"Sorry, bring out the food." My mother said and I saw caterers walk out with the food and we all went to the dining.