
My bossy possessive President.

I met him in college.He is my overprotective brother's friend.I had a crush on him since I can remember.He came into my like and disappear after disgracing me in college.He is now among NYC most eligible bachelors.He is also my boss.CEO to most richest company ever.How do I avoid him.

salamatu_awudu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


I hide my tears as I say goodbye to my parents.They know I'm going to miss them. "Don't be sad Bell,Nicole is already at the airport waiting for your arrival" ,mom said assuringly. "Really?" ,I said jumping up with joy and.hopping into papa's truck.I have really missed my one and only brother.There is another whom I miss more than my own brother.

When we arrived a phone call and as a result forgot to bade me goodbye.I was finally going to my dream school in Los Angeles.Keep this in mind everyone,I Bell am afraid of every fucking thing in the world.From an ant to an aeroplane.This time no one is with to close my eyes when the plane takes off.I guess I have to endure this.I closed my eyes tightly as if they will pop out their sockets if they are opened.

In no time,I zoned out.What I heard next was "Thanks for having a flight with the LA airlines" .I alighted from the plane and gazed through the crowd for any sign of my brother.I pouted my lips when I couldn't find.I sat on a nearby bench to wait for him while listening to my favourite song by Sia(cheap thrills).I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned and nearly broke my neck.The person standing infront of me did not belong to the planet earth.

He looked like the ancient Greek god Zeus himself.What more,he had a tanned skin.How I wish I could reach over to touch him. "You're Isabella right" ,he asked with a smirk as if he knew the effect he had on me.I nodded and snatched my luggage which he just took from his grip. "Hey,cool down girl,I'm not a dangerous guy" ,he said stepping right in front of me. "As if I've just started accusing you of being a dangerous BoY",I said stretching the b and y.

I stepped beside him and we started walking together.After we walked for sometime through the airport,he said" I'm not a boy,country girl. "Wow city boy just realised I called him a boy.Who are you then if you are not a boy.Don't tell me you're a man cause you're not qualified" ,I said flipping my hair back to look at his expression. "Don't you worry,you will know when we get to your brother",he said flashing me his million dollar smile.

As we walked out of the airport,I saw a Range Rover Sports waiting for us.This was my second time seeing one.I gasped as I looked into the car." Is this your first time seeing one of these cars?, ",he asked me." Nah,this is not my first time.I once saw my brother's best friend whom I... ",I stopped my sentence midair.It had just hit me that,I was talking to a stranger.I don't even know his name.I walked past him and hopped into the car.