
My Blue Lock System

Leonardo Marcia, a 30-year-old footballer from Verona, Italy, experienced a devastating injury 15 years ago, causing him to be released from La Masia, FC Barcelona's youth program. Despite multiple trials, he was rejected by most teams, leaving him no longer a promising prospect. In spite of being fat overtime, Marcia still adores playing football with children in the park and died whiles playing with them. He regrets squandering his talent and never reaching his full potential as a professional athlete. In a new world after he transmigrated, he received a Blue Lock invitation. The real story begins on from there.

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There's still more to do

Blue Lock leads against the U-20 Japan 3-1!! Entering halftime in high spirits!


Blue Lock Eleven-Locker Room


The locker room was filled with much energy and excitement, still buzzing from their surprising 3-1 lead against the U-20 Japan team.


"Hell yeah! We finished the first half with a double lead!! Holy crap, we can actually pull this off!" Tsunzaki said, excitedly pumping his fist.


"Really though, it's amazing! Everyone played amazing! Murano, Nagi, Shidou, everyone!!" Yukimiya chimed in.


"Did you see that first touch of mine? So stylish," Aryu boasted, waving his legs around theatrically.


"Okay! We get it, so quit waving your legs everywhere!" Raichi complained.

 Murano addressed the team, "We've worked so hard for this moment. Let's go into this second half with the same energy as the first half!"


"Yeah!" they all shouted.

"Good job in the first half, everyone!" Anri said as she entered the locker room with Ego.



But Ego wasted no time and went straight to business. "Quiet down, you unpolished gems. It's time for a halftime meeting."


"Ego is here to review the first half and to discuss tactics for the second half," Anri added.


Ego took the stage. "Well, for starters, you came in aggressive, creating early chances with good build-up play involving Hiori, Aryu, and Kurona. However, we were unable to convert those chances into a goal."


"Yet, you persevered and managed to score later on. It's crucial that we analyze every detail leading up to this moment," Ego said.


He continued, "Whether it be changes in formations or combinations, we'd anticipated and prepared various strategies in preparation for this match. But facing the top player of your generation, those plans initially didn't work."



"The ones who made it work were undoubtedly Ryusei Shidou and Hayashi Murano. They were the turning point," Ego praised, singling them out.



Turning to Shidou, Ego asked, "Knowing that the U-20 team was focusing on shutting down Murano, how did you plan to score the first goal, Shidou?" Ego asked Shidou to break down his thought process.



Shidou's grin widened as he explained, "Their defense was stacked on Murano's side. We wouldn't get anywhere without an early goal. It wasn't complicated. I saw the opening, anticipated the pass, and finished it."


"Murano spotted you, and you finished the job," Ego said. "A good answer."


"What about you, Murano? Despite having the eyes of all their defenders, you not only scored a goal but you assisted and then set up the last counter-attack, which led to a goal," Ego praised Murano.


"How did you do that?" Ego asked.


"Uh… It's simple, really. I just had to read the situation and adapt on the spot. I knew they'd focus on shutting me down, leaving gaps in their formation. It was just a matter of exploiting those openings," Murano explained.


"The goal was just pure instinct. The assist was me using the gaps. They can't shut me down if they don't know what's coming next," Murano added.


"That's perfect. All eleven players on the pitch see themselves as the protagonists of the game. The ego continues fighting within all of you. And that's the reason why you seized the lead in the first half." Ego explained.


"However, don't get too comfortable. Because there's no guarantee that the second half will go just as smoothly. In fact, there's no way it will." Ego said


"In the first half, we allowed U-20 Japan to control possession for stretches and conceded a goal from a well-worked play by the Itoshi brothers. So it's time to put an end to the festivities right here, right now," Ego added.



"Because you have not achieved anything yet. So do not be satisfied with this, keep attacking until the very last second. Do not give up on being the protagonist." Ego encouraged them.


"That's all. We will not change formations. Your only order for the second half is... to 'Destroy Them'. Show the world the essence of Blue Lock."


"Alright, let's go win this!" Murano said as he led the team out.


"Hell yeah!!" Raichi yelled.


"In quite the upset, Blue Lock has taken the lead! and the fierce first half finished in Blue Lock's favor," the commentator yelled as the players entered the pitch.


"There's no telling what drama awaits us in the second half!" he added.


"I can't wait to find out!" The co-commentator added.


"The second half is about to kick off!"



As U-20 Japan took the field with a new formation, a 4-2-3-1 geared for gegenpressing, Anri watched attentively from the sidelines.


"They've changed their formation," she informed Ego. "It looks like they're going for a high-pressing game."


"How are you going to respond, Ego?" Anri asked.


"We're not changing a thing. They will adapt to any situation on the pitch on their own. Besides, it's not like that decoration of a coach can use the Itoshi brothers properly anyway," Ego told her.


"Of course, if the egoists start getting complacent, I might have to utilize the substitutes," Ego added.


The players from both teams settled into their formations and waited till the referee declared the start of the second half.


Blue Lock

2nd Half

U-20 Japan 1-3 Blue Lock

Kick off!!!