
My Blackwood System

Rising from the ashes of death, a warrior unworthy to exist was born. He was born to lead, to be superior above others and ascend to a height beyond the reach of the world. ... How was a child who laid in the wilderness, wounded, hungry, thirsty with his life slowly seeping out of him, supposed to achieve that? He couldn't think about living past the next second, he was hopeless not knowing what hope even meant. Life had been unfair and he'd curse it if he had a known language to use, he couldn't speak, unaware of the fact that his lips were supposed to be used. He knew nothing, and even though amnesia did leave something behind, his left a blank sheet, void of most basic among basic knowledge. Unable to think about anything, a certain feeling moved all over him, being dense around his heart, and this emotion caused a certain transparent liquid to snake down his cheeks. The emotion got stronger and he could tell that it was the right one, this was what he had to feel - deep sorrow for his existence was a miserable one. Slowly, his dark skin turned as pale as it could, with the last of his blood dripping into the red river he laid afloat. His eyes lost their life as the second flew by, soon he was at the bridge between the living and the otherside, ready to cross over, when a sudden energy erupted in his heart. By - Xrisma Online•

Xrisma_Online · Fantasi
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15 Chs

An Urgent Meeting-2

The first to arrive at the Life Temple was the leader of the Imperial Union, something which was expected.

The locations of these two powers were known to few people with fewer knowing where the Life Temple was, and that included the Emperors and Empresses.

The Imperial Union, an organization which shrouded itself in mystery, was made up of actual knights unlike the Life Temple which was full of beings one couldn't comprehend.

For one to be called to serve within the impenetrable walls of the Union was every knight's dream and only the best made it.

The Imperial knights were ones to show off their strength, appearing in various battles against powerful enemies to change the tides at the last minute, just with a single knight.

Their power was incredible and when an entire army of them once appeared on the battlefield, every tree had to find some soil to root itself to view a priceless artistry of slaughter.

Leading the Union was a tree quite old enough to be in the generation of Ravond, the High Priest of the Life Temple.

Back in the days, generations ago a battle being one of the usual ones which wouldn't cause a clan to bat an eye for it to even get an entire kingdom to wiggle a finger.

The battle had been going on for an hour or 2 yet there was none who had the upper hand of it, not a slightly greater chance than the other.

Both were good being equally matched in skill, power and stamina that one would think they were one - though they should have.

However this battle had begun when one of them decided to threaten their oneness with the suggestion of adding up a new member.

The clanging of metals and explosions of skills and gadgets being used could be heard meters away in a certain settlement.

However, this wasn't your everyday battles with ferocious beasts, other clans and kingdoms or proud fishes to be precise.

It was a battle between them and in such times everyone would not miss the chance to spend their holiday wisely.

The foggy battleground was a sight to behold as the display of shear strength from both knights was mind-blowing.

If one were to be observing the battle it would just be one which was at a standstill, however if one knew the class of knights battling each other they would faint.

Being able to stand the hidden attacks of a Stealth Knight was something a mage should never be able to do; neither was one supposed to be able to cast a spell nor match a mage in one.

It would've been quite understandable if they were just pages - no it wouldn't as a matter of fact, it was a total impossibility unless it was a rare case, just like this.

Time soared high with eagle wings and it seemed like the battle would continue till the next day as dusk made a run towards them, munching the sun out of the sky as evening followed suit.

As the couple continued with their neverending battle, they had failed to notice the distortion of space above them because they couldn't see it.

However, the distortion grew into a crack and soon a large hole began to form up, unveiling nothing but inky blackness behind.

Emerging out of the abyss of the portal was a large root, one of what would be from a large tree of 'large' was even enough to describe its magnitude.

Unlike movies where the big guy coming out of the portal was slow, this one was as fast as visible light and in a blink of an eye the battlefield was a dead silence.

Where they went no one knew and whatever they had experienced, no eye had seen or ear had ever heard till date.

Whatever it was that took them there could either be thanked or blamed by Ravond and Monika for everything.

Ravond had rushed out of the Inner walls of the Core Temple where he resided full of excitement to welcome the Union Leader.

He was always glad to see the Leader arrive at the Temple for not only did he get another tree to have a good chat over a bowl of pork, but also he got the chance to make sure his skills didn't die down with some spars.

"Ah, Monika is always glad to see ya my dearest and closest of friends.", Ravond said, almost sounding like a little kid despite his unfathomable age.

"Yeah, yeah I had to wake up from a peaceful slumber just to come over."

"Sorry about that Mon, lemme give you a warm hug." Ravond walked closer, stretching out his arms, only to get slapped in return.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Hugging you so now come here, Mon." Ravond reaches out to hug her once again.

Monika bent on not getting one dashed off in any random direction and soon it turned into a cat chase as they ran around like little children.

With the only audience around being the Paladins since the Imperial knights dare not enter the Main Temple except for those assigned there - the messenger knights.

Ravond wasn't one to give up on achieving a goal when set, his discipline being top notch, after all who could live in such a temple rid of any other tree for generations without going nuts.

Though they had already been at it for almost an hour, none of them felt tired as they were full of energy just like when they began.

Running around did get fun for both of them as Monika would break out in laughter when Ravond's attempts to grab hold of her failed.

She would deliberately slow down and when he had gotten close enough to get her, she'd gas off causing him to fall.

Ravond for some reason couldn't get why he wasn't offended by her stunts as every life he fell, he'd rise up with a smile and a burst of joy in his chest.

Time and time again Ravond kept on falling much more and faster than a tree would grow a bunch of new leafs, after they wither during winter.

For some reason Monika came to a stop and soon Ravond was behind her embracing her with a wide smile engraved on his face.

"Now l won't let you go, Mon." Ravond muttered without realizing it himself.

Staring at the Sunset as they had found themselves at the Walls of the Core Temple somehow was Monika.

She couldn't remember why or how this current setting was so familiar to her, being much more real than a deja vu.

However the setting wasn't perfect yet as something was missing and when she felt his embrace and heard his words, it became perfect - she remembered.


Seated at a large round table were all the great leaders of the various powers which governed the entire race of trees from the frontier - the Empires.

Never did these Empires meet each other unless on the battlefield where they were at each other's neck or for their own personal reasons.

However, when the Power which actually ruled the entire race from the eyes of it summoned for them, they responded in all haste as it wasn't the Imperial Union but the Life Temple itself.

Their haste in response to appear here was one which caused them to stop whatever they are on with, thus explaining why Hyund was in a bathing robe while Lanie had appeared with a different face - one without any touch of her usual make up, a face any beast would die for.

(P.S: l mean actually die as in die).

As weird as it was, they were all seated and calm even though they had been waiting for quite the time.

Of course their pride would let them voice out their complaints about their time going to waste, however, the last guy who did that wasn't in a good situation currently.

It had soon been about an hour getting to two and now they were all as bored as the word bored itself sounded, yet none dared to slumber nor think about getting a nap with those Paladins around.

Bam!! The sound of someone slapping the table had jolted everyone to their feet as they had all miraculously slept off -some already in an ocean of drool which had no talking fishes, as the real ones did.

Sitting at one end of the two seats which were opposite each other, being for the High Priest and Union Leader was Monika.

Monika was a brown-skinned lady who had been blessed not only in looks but with a structure to fit it, as it wasn't too big or small - it was perfect.

Her beautiful white hair made her not only stand out among monsters of the realm but also among women - she was a goddess.

Many had worshiped her for her never fading beauty generations ago, and to put a stop to such things she considered nonsense, every single one of them died by her own hands.

This had caused her to go into hiding and the few who had the grace of seeing her even so up close , were the leaders of the Empire.

Opposite the Union Leader was a figure in a brown robe which wasn't its natural color but one painted with earth soil.

"How did that Peasant get here?!" A just awoken Zak blurted out, his hand on his head which still gave him a bit of pain.

Everyone's gaze turned directly to him, causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What's wrong, do l have..."

Thump! Zak was sent back from where had just returned from to extend his period - dreamland.

"Now, l welcome you all and l will be brief about this meeting. Listen carefully because what I am about to say is no joke."

"The Future has been hacked into."

Chapter updated with the edited version.

Please do keep the support coming - power stones guys, power stones.

Salute to the Daosist.

Thank You XD.

Xrisma_Onlinecreators' thoughts