
My Alphas brothers

Toni1990 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

MEETING Ch.1 Hanna

Its been nice sunny morning at remote villige in south part of South Caroline. Hanna just woke up and is making herself breakfast. There isn't much in the fridge beacuse Hanna's father didn't go shoping this week.

If you are asking where is Hanna's mother, you would be really sad to know that she died when Hanna was just a baby. That made Hanna's father very stressed most of the time and he started drinking. Since than he was abusive and would hit her often.

Today is Hanna's 16th birthday, she isn't going to school today, beacuse she didn't had time to study for math test. Insted she deceded she would skip school and hang out in park.

She ate breakfast, put on her outfit and went outside. Of course she couldn't forget makeup to cover her bruises and black spots all over her body. On the way to the park she called her friend Tj.

He was Hanna's best friend since kindergarden. He knew abut problems at Hanna's place, but he stays quite as he promises Hanna he wouldn't say a word to anyone.

It's just 10am on monday morning, but sun is high up and it's hot as hell. Hanna is waiting on bench near skatepark, when she spots familiar faces on the other side of park. They are her friends Tj and Mai. Hanna stod up and run into hug. They are all pretty clumsy so they end up falling on the floor. "It's nice to see you again Hanna. It's been to long since last visit." said Mai. She got in fight with her parents, so they sent her in bording school. But now that school is almost over she came back. "I miss u to bestie. I almost didn't recognize you" said Hanna. "Ha ha stop pretending. How couldn't you recognize her, she's always into dark clothes with the most eye hurting hair color posibble." said Tj. That is true. Mai has always had crazy hair color. Right now her hair is on one side buzzcut and the other longer side is dyed in green. They laugh for few minutes than they stod up and went skating for hours.

Now that they were skating for a few hours, they got pretty tired and it was almost time for lunch. All of sudden a phone rang. It was Tj's. He pick up and on the other side of the line was his mother. He talk with her for couple of seconds then he turn back at his friends. "I need to go guys my mom just call for lunch" he said with annoyed voice.

Tj's mom would do anything to keep Tj away from Hanna and Mai. She always says they are bad and would force him into drugs and alcohol.

"I need to go to." said Mai. "I bet mine are already super mad." So they went to subway where all three of them waited for the train to arrive. When the train arrived they said bye to eachother. Tj and Mai went on train and Hanna went back home, since nobody is home yet Hanna decide, she is first gonna take a walk around the city.

Hanna is walking to her house. Her outfit is already full of sweat. By the time she reach her neighbord it's already getting dark outside. She reach her driveway and there she see her dad's car. She takes a deep breath and opens fronts door. There is screaming and yelling coming from upstairs. Hanna's dad is standing on top of stairs with beer in one hand and belt in other. He wanted to go down the stairs but because he's drunk he just fall.

Hanna was just standing there for couple of seconds then it clicked in her head. She run into kitchen and grab knife. Than she run to the back door. She is now in back yard and with corner of her eye she spot blanket on drying rack. She grab it and run into forest behind house. All this time she hers screaming from her dad far behind her. But she was to scared to stop. She just kept runing and runing, with kinfe in one hand and blanket in other. While runing through forest she kept falling and hitting herself with treed and bushes. It even starts to rain.

After sometime she reach little stream and big tree. She hides under it for the shelter trough the cold night. Her blanket was all wet so it was in no use to cover her self with it. She was all muddy, scared, hungry and wet. But the most of all she was tired. she layed under the tree and fall asleep.

Hanna woke up by the smell of delicious food. She slowly stand up and realize she is not under the tree cover with her blanket and knife is nowhere near her. Instand she is cover with way biger and way thicker blanket. She starts panicking, after that she see another figure standing near bonfire.

This figure slowly stand up holding bowl with food inside. "Here my little darling, eat" the figure said. "Don't be afriad, I am not going to hurt you". Hanna took bowl and slowly eat whats inside. Food in bowl is amazing. She ate every last drop of it. "What a good girl u are. So tell me now what's your name sugarpie?" said figure with big smile on his face. First Hanna didn't wanna tell him that but she did it anyway. "Hanna. My name is Hanna" she said with quiet vocie. "That's really pretty name. My name is Rock and i think we will get along well Hanna" Rock said with simle on his face and fire in his eyes.