
My Adventure in the Multiverse with Gacha (SI)

So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut

ShadowRose13 · Komik
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17 Chs

17 Horcrux Hunting

Today is the 23rd the day before the first task. We all decided to take a break from training for the day and just do something relaxing. During the last few days I have been practicing my ID Create skill, when no one is around of course, and unlocked some new dungeons but the best was now I can spend 24 hours in my basic ID and only one hour pass outside of it.

I have been abusing that skill to sort through all the knowledge I gained from the thousand years of books I had read in the Room of Requirement. Turns out I can't kill, nor hire someone to kill, Petunia or Dudley or else I will be labeled a Kin Slayer through the eyes of magic here in the Wizard World. I am still going to off Vernon though, the abusive bastard. I wanna see how they will live without his money. Since I know

Voldemort is a Kin Slayer and that is one of the reasons why he started going insane other than splitting his soul like an idiot. Killing a family member is a heinous act to magic even the worst of the Death Eater wouldn't do such a thing. That's why squibs are dropped off at an orphanage rather than be killed like in some Harry Potter fanfictions.

I've also used this time to study the enchantments of Ravenclaws Diadem. It is a genius work of enchantments, runes, and arithmancy. The runes are so small they can barely be seen to the naked eye and require a magnifying glass to check them out. I was not disappointed with the research but was disappointed that this Diadem would not work for me very well since I already have things to enhance my thought processing. I was trying to decide to keep it or give it back to the school.

Speaking of the former Horcrux I can go hunting for the others today with my Golden Tiger Claws. The claws have been seen to work without having to have a clear picture of where you want to go. Omi wanted to go to the center of the Earth and managed it with the tiger claws despite not knowing what it looked like.

So I need to get the one from LeStranges Vault, the one in the shack, already got the diadem and the dairy was taken care of in second year. Then there is Nagini who I feel sorry for since she is an actual women stuck in the form of the snake but she is a Horcrux and works for Voldie so she has to go. Lastly there is the one in the Black House and the one in my scar. All easily taken care of. I can totally get all that done today.

I've also made way to my Zanpakuto found out it's name is Beelzebub. Yes the Prince of Gluttony. It's a katana with zigzag marks along the blade that look like sharp teeth. The handle looks black with red wrapping and the guard protector looks like a pair of lips. It's ability is to absorb other cold weapons and gain their effects. I already feed it Yamato and Rebellion. I also plan to let it absorb the Sword of Gryfinndor.

Other than that I have also shielded my phone from wizard magic so it doesn't break around this worlds magic power. Also my Kevin Levin and Batman cards have both finished this month too so I can equip new templates. Speaking of I do have enough points to do another draw. I wonder what I will get this time. Begin the draw

[Mythical Zoan Hito Hito no Mi: Susanoo

World Travel Card: RWBY

Fuinjutsu (Grandmaster)

Loyalty Tokens x 4

Character Replacement Card x 3

Complete Excalibur (DxD)

Split-Pot Poker (Dragon Quest)

Seal Breaker x 3

10% Sync Card x 1

Hari Potter (Harry Potter/Naruto crossover: Itachi, is that a baby)]

Let's see first is a new devil fruit I never heard of before but Susanoo is known as the God of Storms and the Sea so it should be overpowered. It looks like a cloud made of Grey swirly grapes so I used a curse removal card on it. Then I ate a grape and it was delicious despite devil fruits tasting like shit mine was yummy. I guess that the taste was part of the curse. I quickly ate the remainder of the grapes.

RWBY the place I got my Aura awakening potions from. Though I am sure they do not exist in canon. Sounds like a fun place to go. I may replace Jaune Arc if I go there.

Fuinjutsu the art of seals and sealing in Naruto another great thing to get. With this I can make gravity seals to further enhance mine and my crews training. I heard this style is limited to only a persons imagination. Jiraiya used it to seal fucking Amaterasu flames using a simple flame sealing scroll. How badass is that to have the best flame in Naruto be sealed.

More loyalty tokens more character replacement cards the complete Excalibur Wait… The complete Excalibur?! I may not know everything about DxD but I know this is supposed to be powerful. I google it on my phone and see the description that says.

Excalibur is a legendary Holy Sword rivaled by Durandal, and surpassed by Caliburn. Excalibur's true power stems from its immense versatility, having seven different abilities that can be used in combination. It can make either itself or its wielder invisible; shapeshift into different forms based on their will; create illusions and manipulates dreams; increase their speed and reflexes, letting them launch fast strikes; releases destructive power; enhancing Holy Spells, Rituals, items, and believers, and weakening dark creatures; and manipulate various existences such as legendary creatures, attacks from Magicians or Gods, and the laws of physics.

Holy shit that is a strange overpowered sword. Best let Beelzebub absorb it. Split-Pot Poker is a spear from Dragon Quest that ignores armor it too shall be absorbed into Beelzebub. That way Beelzebub will have all the abilities of both the spear and the Excalibur.

Seal breakers do exactly as said they break seals even the strongest seal can be broken by one. Sadly they are one time use items so I should be happy to get three of them on my first get. Another sync card which I use on Vergil letting it come up to 35 percent

Lastly Hari Potter from Itachi, is that a baby fanfiction. Hah this one if great his knowledge in runes and everything else in Hogwarts is just great plus all the Ninjutsu he was able to learn and use after being raised by Akatsuki Organization. Sadly the fanfic only went up to the fifth or sixth year, can't remember exactly, and up too Tobi starting the Fourth Shinobi War. Still it's a funny read I reread it like 4 times myself.

I equip him and the Kyle Trager card now that I know what Kyle Trager can do thanks to the Internet! He has Polarity Manipulation, Advanced reasoning and intelligence, holographic memory, enhanced senses, electricity Manipulation, telekinesis, Super Kinetic abilities, Superhuman healing of others, and sensibility.

So yea I equipped him and Hari since I had two slots open and I don't want to waste the women cards. Even though I won't summon them while I am in this school.

Anyway now onto the remaining Horcruxes I think I will start in the shack. I whip out my golden tiger claws and slash the air opening a scratch in reality and space that I soon go through.

He arrived in the middle of thick and twisted trees that blocked all light and view of a valley below. It's walls were mossy and so many tiles had fallen off the roof that the rafters were visible in places. Nettles grew all around it, their tips reaching the windows, which were tiny and thick with grime. There was a snake pinned to the door that possibly had preservation charms on it to keep it from rotting away.

I pulled out my wand and started a scan of the area before I started disabling the wards and enchantments left by Voddle Snoot. It takes an hour before I was finally finished with that job before moving into the house and checking the floor boards for any loose.. Soon finding the loose board I pry it off to see a small box of gold coloring.

I had already set Gamers Mind to max so I wouldn't be affected by it's curse. I pulled out a few black soul gems and placed them in my pockets which I enchanted to be extendable. Then I open the box and see the ring with a black stone with the Hallows symbol on it. A circle inside a triangle with a line through it. I cast soul trap then use Beelzebub to split the soul and curse from the ring. The curse dissipates while the soul is sucked into my pocket.

I reach down and grab the ring before leaving the place and heading to the next location, the Black Family House.