
Chapter 29 Questioning the Professional (3)



Mai Xiaomai looked at him with confusion, "Is there something wrong?"

"Forensic Doctor Mai, do you truly think that this is a suicide case?"

The young detective's black pupils stared at her intensely as he asked.

"Based on the condition of the body, it does indeed appear to be that way, as for whether it's a suicide case, that is the job for you detectives to investigate,"

Mai Xiaomai said indifferently.

"However, your assessment could lead to a premature closure of this case, which is highly irresponsible."

The young detective said, "The position of the other slipper by the deceased's foot is clearly suspicious. Just because the deceased held a knife and stabbed it in does not mean it was self-inflicted. We cannot rule out the possibility that someone deliberately staged it to look like a suicide."

"There were only the deceased's fingerprints on that knife handle, there were no suspicious fingerprints from anyone else."