
Mutant in the Agents of Shield

This is the story of Alexander Summers in the world of the MCU. ( I own nothing except for my OC) Word of warning one of my First stories and I'm not sure how different it will really be from the Show and movies, but I hope you enjoy

Jay_Rich · Televisi
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2 Chs

Heavy is the Hand

When we land the Three of us exit, the two start a conversation, I ignore them and go straight to Coulson. When he notices me we shake hands as he says " Agent X it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person." I answer back " The same Director." Skye and Tripp proceed to join us, giving me a glance. " You got the Quinn jet, good job." Coulson says. " Thank you sir" they say before Skye asks " Any word about Hartley?" Coulson just tells her "Not now let mack know the jet is here. I wan hime reverse engineering the hardware. The sooner he does, the sooner we get the bus operational again." Before we all enter the base and I split off to find a room to rest in.

(Hours Later)

I wake to being called to meet Coulson in his office. When I walk in I am met with Agents May, Skye, Tripp, Hunter, and Director Coulson. " Glad you could join us Agent X. We have found Creel and the obelisk and need to get it back." I stop him " What obelisk." " It was the object I sent you for." He answers before continuing, " Everyone here will be apart of the ground team, so let's get a move on it."

"Hold on. If we're to work with him we should know who he is." May says. Shit is the only thing I can say. " May he worked for fury and he's watched your back maybe we could let this one--" Coulson starts to say " No we don't want another Ward situation." And when she says that most of them get tense, especially Skye. Coulson sighs before saying "Sorry but she's right I didn't want to do this now, but it needs to be done if this is going to work."

I stare at them for a second before raising my hands to my helmet and closing my eyes as I take it off and look down. I keep my eyes closed as I reach into a pocket and pull out a pair of glasses putting them on and looking up.

[the glasses]

[what he looks like]

I immediately look into the eyes of may seeing the anger " Hi May, it's good to see you." all except for Coulson gasp and May just walks out of the room saying " Let's go" focusing on the mission. " Fuck. My name is Alexander Summers and at the moment that is all you need to know." , I say before replacing my glasses back with my helmet following after, and joining everyone for a quiet van ride.

(At the mission point)

When we get there the Raina's tracker goes off. " Looks like creel is talking with the guy behind him."May says " That's his HYDRA contact. The Deals going down. Skye?" coulson says " Running facial Recognition now. let's put a name to that face." She answers, " Good let the exchange happen. Skye and Hunter follow the new player, May and Alex stay with creel." We all say copy and then I look over and see the face of the new player I recognize him and say " Sunhil Bakshi" before hunter Shoots us all with his Icer.

When we wake up everything had happened, while me and May were pissed at hunter. I am walking down the hall when I see May and Skye talking I wait before going up to May. " Can we talk?" I ask and coldly she replies " No I have to talk to Coulson." and tries to brush past me but I Grab her arm " He can wait this can't."

We go to a private room before sitting down and staring at each other. " I'm sorry." I say " I really am I was under orders an--" " Eight Years. Not a word from you for Eight years. an apology isn't going to fix this. I thought you were dead Alex. You left and I thought you were dead." She yells. " Look I get it you're mad but you should be able to understand orders from the Director, especially Fury, are to be followed." I reply back with anger " I know Alex but this is different I took care of you." she says but I am quick to say " Fuck all of that May. (pause) I just want my Aunt Back." Her face softens for a second before she says " Well its going to be awhile." and Walks out leaving me alone, just like what I did to her.

After that fiasco of a talk I went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. " So what's up with you and May?" Skye ask with Tripp standing behind her. I look at her before going back to my beer and telling them " May is my Aunt and I disappeared for eight years." they looks surprised, then they sat down and Tripp asks " What's the story with that? I mean I didn't even know May had a sibling let alone a nephew" I reply " She doesn't. I am not actually blood related to her but some shit happed and she took care of me. Then Fury came one day needed my help, and for the next eight years Alexander Summers was dead, and Agent X existed." once again they were both surprised before Tripp get up and leaves while Skye stays.

We sat in silence for a little drinking before she asks one final question. " So what's with the glasses?" I look at her before saying " Bad Shit happens when I take them off." Then I get up and leave.