

First 'twas the blinding light

That seared through my glassy eyes,

Then 'twas the touch so soft

That branded my coat of skin,

Soon after, 'twas the voice like music

That stirred my awakening soul,

And lastly, the radiant heat

That warmed my every bone.

She should have never known

Those feelings from the distant past

Yet it clings like fetters in the heart,

Rewinding like a never ending show,

A memoir of some sort

That always ends with a quiet sob,

A silent crackling of a fragile heart.

A fly page of a book,

A note with no heading,

A query without an answer,

A life with a blank start,

That was what she had.

For forgetting was never easy

To the one with a broken heart,

To the one with a punctured soul,

To the one with a question like;

Why am I given a chance to live, when you would leave me upon my very first breath?

Just some musings when I have some downtime... enjoy..

France_Jaydoncreators' thoughts
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