
Music makes me loose control

Penulis: Woke_priest
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What is Music makes me loose control

Baca novel Music makes me loose control yang ditulis oleh penulis Woke_priest yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Desolate 2021

Who do you trust when your world starts falling apart? Your perfect life was not so perfect. As much as you want to turn around and walk away, you cannot, and your past catches up with you? Jamie takes the blue pill; "you will be fine"; breath; We have been over this before". Close your eyes; this was all just a bad dream. Jamie is convinced she is delusional, but why would her husband and kids lie to her? This does not make sense. I vow to love and protect you through sickness and in health. Your life, your marriage, your kids, were it all a setup? Jamie is a beautiful thirty-two-year-old Asian woman; she loved to travel. Jamie had this indomitable personality that everyone loved. The family came first then her career, pride, and principle are what defined her character. Jamie had her best friend Christopher, she had known him since school, her family loved him and her friends he was outgoing and always had that overpowering charm that a lot of women admired. Christopher then, one evening, "told her how he felt about Jamie". Jamie never saw him more than a friend. But how far will you go for the one person you loved your whole life, fake your death? Create a new identity; Christopher had a past that will make Jamie’s life turn into a nightmare. Jamie is now living in a nightmare, but after her accident, everyone thinks she is delusional. The pills Christopher gives her make her lose bits of her memory. Until one day, Jamie consulted a doctor about her sudden loss of appetite and always feeling tired. When the doctor asked her if she is suffering from anxiety because the doctor found a Benzodiazepine in her blood, this drug is used to calm or sedate a person by raising the level of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, which suppresses the activity of the nerves, which can lead to a psychological disorder. Not only was he giving her the wrong pills to treat her short-term memory loss but also killed her slowly. Your mind is a prison.

Legacy_za · Realistis
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The Male Lead Lover Is The Villain Big Boss

Dunia akhir zaman Penuh dengan onak duri Pengkhianatan berada dimana-mana tidak kira kepada siapa dan siapa yang melakukannya. Cinta yang diagungkan turut punah disebabkannya.... Jing Xielan ialah seorang introvret yang berada ditahap teruk iaitu tidak bergaul dan hanya berkurung di dalam biliknya dan mempunyai cita-cita menjadi penulis yang dikenali. Dia bermula dengan menjadi penulis yang dikecam oleh pembacanya dan hinggalah ketika usia 20 tahun dia berjaya mendapat tempat dalam pertandingan menulis. Semasa dalam perjalanan menerima anugerahnya sebagai penulis terbaik dia telah tersadung dengan batu ditepi jalan dan terjatuh di atas jalan raya sebelum dilanggar oleh Mr Lori. Apabila dia sedar dari pengsan dia telah transmigration di dunia apocalypse. Zombie. Tidak mewarisi ingatan tubuh yang didiaminya kini buat dia tidak tahu apa-apa yang berlaku dan juga identitinya. Apalagi dia kononnya telah mencederakan seorang general yang telah menyebabkan dia menjadi pelarian? Dan bersembunyi dari pihak tentera.... Kehidupan introvretnya terpaksa dihentikan juga apabila semasa dalam usaha menyelamatkan diri dia telah diselamatkan oleh pasukan 'pelarian'. Mereka yang diselamatkan itu langsung tidak menyangka yang mereka telah mengikut sebuah organisasi yang berbahaya di dunia apocalypse itu. Disebabkan tidak mewarisi ingatan pemilik tubuh asal 'Xielan', dia tidak tahu yang dia sekarang berada di dalam dunia novel.... * Note: 1. This is BL.

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  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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