

When I opened my eyes, If in a myself in a vast white void space. I knew this place isn't real. It must be some sort of a weird dream.


When I looked down to myself, I saw muscular body that was really familiar to me. I found myself in my old teenager's body of my previous life. I could even see some hickies on my body, evidence of my sexual life.

Eventually, I noticed that a weirdo had appeared in front of me. The individual in question had a blank, white face, marked only by a big, wide grin.

"Hey there, nice to meet you Rudeus."

"Hoh... Going by this kind of pattern, you must be some kind of a God right?"

"Oh wow, that's interesting deduction! How did you even know that?"

Well you could say it was merely my gut feeling. I played video games too you know? With this kind of storyline and stuff with Gods, never ends well.

"Nothing really. Then? What else do you want from a mere mortal like me God-sama? Do you want to send me back in my world because I don't belong here, or what?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I couldn't send you anywhere outside the Six-Faced World, obviously. And for your second question, that's your astral form. It's distinct from your actual body."

The weird God said to me.

"So we're talking about souls right now huh."

Guess if we're in a fantasy world, souls and stuff could take a tangible form or stuff. I guess it would be somewhat different from Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle's since this world, or the universe rather, followed a different set of rules. The world is even called six-sided world, so you can expect it goes against the common sense if you previously live on Earth.

"Again, what does a God-sama like you have business with a mere mortal like me?"

"All right. I've been keeping an eye on you for some time now. You've been living quite the interesting life!"


That's an invasion of privacy you know? I wanted to complain, but knowing that he's a God he must have some kind of Divine Powers to do that.

"I'm not some kind of pet to make you feel amused."

"Come now, there's no need to be so hostile! I'm only talking to you because I saw you were in some real trouble."

That's a flag you know.

"You're suspicious."

"No, no. I'm on your side, friend."

"That's what makes you even more sus, God-sama."

"Goodness, that's a problem. Hmm... Why don't I just offer you a little advice then?"

"Advice, huh..."

"That's right. Feel free to ignore it completely, if you want."

"Whatever... Hurry up..."

Staying in this body just made me feel really weak it's uncomfortable. It's similar to Mana Exhaustion.

"Now listen carefully, young Rudeus. You were transported in the Demon Continent. Soon after you awake, you'll see a man. Rely on him, and do what you can to help him. There will also be a girl with you. Get her to be friends with the man and get together. Do so and you'll be just fine."

As these brief and final words echoed through the void, the blurred-out god abruptly disappeared.


The cloudless clear night sky littered with sparkling jewelry stars greeted me when I woke up.

Shadows cast by a flame danced across the ground. I could hear the crackling of burning wood. It seemed I was sleeping next to a bonfire, although I didn't remember making one, or even setting off on a camping trip.

The last thing I remember... was a blast of light coming to us. And then an unpleasant dream of a strange God with a censored face like in porn.

I tried to get up to look around for anyone. If that blast of magic seems to transport me all the way to the Demon Continent, then it is fair that everyone also was in a similar situation.

Just as I began moving, I noticed a girl sleeping on the ground behind me.


It was a girl.

That's right, that stupid God told me there was a girl with me. I look at her and found out it wasn't Sylphy, or either of my sisters. She seems older than me going by her body structure, must be around 12 years old.

Then, right. A man will also be with me.

I turned away from the sleeping girl and looked around vigilantly. And there right beside the crackling bonfire I spotted a man staring at us with a scary expression.


Well scary isn't the word, it's actually horrifying. If there was a theatre and movies in this world, this man could star in a horror movie. Anyone in this world would crap their pants the moment their eyes laid upon his sight.

His hair was emerald green, his skin porcelain white, and he had something like a red jewel embedded in his forehead. There was also a long scar running across his face. His eyes were sharp, his features stern, even at a glance, he looked like a dangerous man.

Just to drive the point home, there was a three-pronged spear lying by his side.

When I was very young, I'd been tutored in magic by a girl named Roxy.

One of the things she'd taught me concerned a certain race of demons—the Superd. I remembered her words perfectly, even now.

"Don't talk to the Superd. Don't go anywhere near them."

I observed the man quietly and calmly. You know what? It seems like he wasn't that scary at all. I get the feeling similar to my sister used to timidly approach a cat she wanted to pet.

"Good evening, mister." I greeted the man.

It was my gut feeling, and I know I'm going against what Roxy told me, but I tried to start a conversation.

"Hello." The man answered.


As long as words could go across him, there is a chance for diplomacy. It's only up to my negotiation skills next, though I doubt I had that skill in the first place.

Humans used words and communication to peacefully settle things. There has never been the need for war if they talk things through.

"Are you a servant of a God?" I asked.

The man tilted his head in puzzlement. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I found you two here after you fell from the sky. I know human children are delicate, so I made this fire to keep you warm."

Wow! He seems to be kind!

He could have ate us earlier while we're sleeping you know? Chopped us up to pieces and put us on a boiling pot? Who says Superd people eats children?

"Oh really, that was really kind of you. Thank you very much."

"...Are you blind, boy?"

Now that was a peculiar question. "What? No, my vision's perfect, 20/20 grade."

"Did your parents not teach you about the Superd then?"

"My parents didn't, but my master did warn me to stay away from them at all costs. She even said they would eat us if we antagonize them."

The man paused again, then spoke more slowly and carefully than before. "You're disregarding your master's words, you know."

The unspoken question, of course, was 'I'm a Superd. Are you really okay with that?"l' The man seemed surprisingly insecure.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What are saying? Didn't you just say you saved me? Why would I be afraid of the person who saved me? That would be really rude, you know?"

Even if I didn't learn etiquette, Dad and Mom has been teaching me about values. Like what Dad said about "The strength of a man comes from the heart, and help the weak", and there's also about Mom saying "Be kind to girls and never let them cry."

"Hm. You say the strangest things, child." There was a look of genuine bewilderment on his face now.

"My name is Rudeus Greyrat. What's your name, sir?"

"Ruijerd Superdia."

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