
Chapter one

She kept on calling me . I tried to ignore it , but she kept appearing again and again and again, and here I am , "Bayview High." In the same place , at the same time , here is where my best friend Alice was found dead 8 years ago...

Chapter 1.

"God damn! It's freezing cold out here!"

Looking around , this place hasn't changed that much, or maybe I hadn't paid much attention to the details in the early days . Well, either way, it's pointless -


Ugh! That annoying voice , I could recognise it everywhere .

"Susie Baker, is that you ?! Hi!"

" Not Baker anymore , soon to be Golders!" She says, flashing her enormous engagement ring.

Heh! The irony

" Wow ! Congratulations, who's the lucky guy?"

"What do you mean? You know him, girl ! Leo Golders, you know ,the one who asked you to prom, but you rejected him ."

" Oh my, who would have thought ! You and Leo , I thought that you didn't even know his existence since you only had the eyes for Jack."

"Oh well, people change , I left Jack a long time ago, ever since he left for England 5 years ago and -"

Pathetic! She caused a rucuss in school just so she could date him only for her to dumb him . And I didn't remember her being this talkative. Annoying!

"....and also there are the others too."

" What others? "

" Um, hello? Were you paying attention? "

" Sorry I zooned out ."

" Jeez, I got to say Eli, you have changed so much ever since her dea- , I mean ever since high school ended . Like, you didn't even come to the reunion 3 years ago . You have become so gloomy, wearing black clothes and those dark circles , have you even slept ?"

"Ha , I was busy that day, I had signed for an internship for a company in California . And these days, well , lately have been kinda tiring and I didn't get much sleep. What about you, why are you here ?"

" I work here, silly!"

"Wait, like a teacher or something?"

"Yeah, English teacher, amazing, right ? Susie Golders became an English teacher! I came here to grade some tests that I had forgotten about ."

" On a Friday afternoon?"

"To be fair, they were supposed to be handled a month ago , but I had been busy with the engagement . Why are you here? It isn't like 16:30 ?"

"I was feeling...nostalgic, so I thought why not drop by ."

" Then why don't you come in? There aren't any other people in the school , so it's going to be like our little adventure ."

" Yeah, sure , why not!"

Normally, I wouldn't go , but lately, I had been haunted by nightmares, and all of them were placed inside the school. Maybe it was fate that brought me here , or maybe it was my paranoid self telling me to worry about everything. I can't believe I used to laugh in the corridors. I can't believe someone else is using my locker .

"Hey , isn't it kinda dark in here?"

" Yes , the principal has changed. Do you remember Mr. Martin , the math teacher ?"

"Oh yeah, the cheapskate one ."

"Well, he still is . He turns off every light before he leaves . Well , here we are ."

"Isn't this ? "

" Yes, you got it ! It's our old club room !"

It's the same as it was 8 years ago , the stuff is in the same place . Our club room was weirdly the biggest room in the whole school, and this made the other students mad and eager to get in , but the president of the club only allowed 6 students . 6 goddamn students.

"Oh, Eli, doesn't it remind you of the good old days?"

" Yeah, me , you , Jack , Noah , Clara ,,, and Alice." I say as I touch the old records book and look at Susie's troubled look.

"You know what the others are doing ?"

"... Eh, um, J-jack, as I said before, went to Englad 5 years ago to study for who knows what, you and him both didn't come to the reunion . While Noah became a lawyer , the best on his field, well, that's what he says. "

I laugh at the statement . It seems Noah is full of shit as always .

"What about Clara?:

"Don't know , don't care, she can go to hell for all I care !"

"Hold your horses, Susie, weren't you and Clara like bff's ?"

"We were until she stabbed me behind my back and wanted to stela my man!"

Well, forget it , it's been many years already. What about you? What is Eli Browny doing?"

" Well , I'm working as a software engineering. "

" That's where the big bucks are . Great job."

"Yeah , if you consider staying in front of a computer all the time , having a breakdown every time a code doesn't work and always having back pain , then yes, it's a great job . Well, anyway , didn't you have some tests to grade ?"

" Oh yeah! I almost forgot , where did I leave them?"

" You work in the old club room?"

"Uhmm, nobody uses this , plus it makes me feel more comfortable. "

" I see . Well, I'm taking a walk around the school , and I will be back soon."

" Kay Kay !"

Kay my ass...