
Multiverse's Ghost Rider

[A Multiverse Ghost Rider Fanfiction] ---------------------------------------- Jon Vinson, a towering figure with a pallor that contrasted starkly against his raven-black hair, was a mere 22 years old when he found himself on the verge of death on a train. In an unexpected twist of fate, he became the latest incarnation of the Ghost Rider, awakening the Penalty System within his mind. From that moment on, he will be committed to a path of retribution, meting out justice to the wicked across the multiverse of Hollywood's cinematic creations. His primary domain is the Marvel Universe, but his journey would extend to other cinematic universes, including: 1. Harry Potter. 2. Marvel: The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. 3. Men in Black. 4. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 5. American Horror Stories 6. The Boys. 7. ....... --------------------------------------------------------------- Expect 2 chapters a day, 14 chapters a week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic, nor the cover photo I put here. ------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: patreon.com/TheMightyZeus ------------------------------------------------- Feel free to share your thoughts, theories, and fan art here. Let's come together and delve deeper into the captivating world of our Multiverse's Ghost Rider. Enjoy your time on the Discord page! https://discord.gg/BK8zdjeT

TheMightyZeus · Filem
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182 Chs

Chapter 42: Fireman Johnny's Conflagration

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The deafening echo of gunfire reverberated through the room, punctuating the tense silence that had fallen over the crowd. "Don't move, you bastards!" The voice was as cold as ice, as commanding as a king's decree. Three more gunshots rang out, a chilling symphony of power and control. The audience, once lively and boisterous, was now a sea of stunned faces, their eyes wide with fear and confusion.

Emerging from the shadows was a figure as striking as he was terrifying. A blond man, his skin a dark, fiery red, stood tall and imposing. His attire was as unusual as it was intimidating - a blazing red chemical protective suit, red goggles masking his eyes, and a thick fire-breathing weapon strapped to his arm. Two menacing tubes were attached to the weapon, connected to a gas container he carried on his back. Flanking him were two men in black suits, their hands gripping guns that had just spewed deathly fire.

"Listen to me, bastards," the man's voice boomed, echoing off the walls. "Some of you might know me as Fireman Johnny. On any other day, I'd have no qualms about reducing this entire bar to ashes. But today, my boss has ordered me to avoid unnecessary trouble. Consider yourselves lucky!"

His gaze swept over the crowd before landing on a man standing on the concert stage. "Mr. Chris Bourne!" Fireman Johnny's voice rang out, clear and loud.

Chris, caught off guard, froze on the spot. His band members, equally surprised, turned to him with wide eyes, their minds racing to understand why their boss had attracted the attention of this notorious figure.

"Listen up, Bourne!" Fireman Johnny continued, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "As long as you cooperate, everyone here will be safe. But if you resist, well... you know what will happen."

Chris took a moment to compose himself, then replied, "If you promise not to harm anyone here, I'll go with you!"

Fireman Johnny was a name that sent shivers down the spines of many. A pyromaniac with a twisted fascination for flames, he was infamous for his fiery weapons and his penchant for arson. His path was marked by the charred remains of buildings and the tragic deaths of countless innocent lives.

"Chris, are you out of your mind?" Ferrante stepped forward in protest.

Ignoring him, Chris asked, "Before I go with you, can I know why?"

The room fell silent, the band members and the audience holding their breaths, waiting for an answer.

"Do you think you're in a position to ask questions?" Fireman Johnny retorted, his tone mocking.

Chris sighed, "Just don't harm anyone here!"

As he stepped off the stage and walked towards Fireman Johnny, a sense of dread filled the room. But Fireman Johnny only sighed, "Oh, how boring. I was hoping for an excuse to set this place ablaze."

"I hope you keep your word," Chris said, his voice steady. The two men in black grabbed his arms, ready to escort him out.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, "Alberton!" It was Lilian, her voice filled with desperation.

One of the men in black grunted in pain as something hard struck the back of his head. He turned around, only to be met with the sight of Alberton's massive form charging towards him. The man was knocked off his feet, and Alberton's fists rained down on him, each punch landing with a sickening thud. The man screamed in agony before falling unconscious.

The other man in black quickly drew his gun, but Alberton was faster. He lunged at the man, snatching the gun away before he could react. He then pointed the gun at Fireman Johnny, his voice cold and unyielding, "Let go of Chris!"

Alberton's sudden display of courage left everyone, including Chris, in a state of shock. The usually quiet and reserved man had transformed into a beacon of bravery, standing tall against the menacing Fireman Johnny.

Yet, the unexpected turn of events did nothing to rattle Fireman Johnny. Instead, a smirk spread across his face. "Buddy, it seems like this is your first time handling a gun," he taunted, pointing the fire-breathing weapon on his arm at Alberton. "Next time, remember to disengage the safety. Although, I doubt there will be a next time for you!"


His words hung in the air for a moment before a torrent of flames erupted from the weapon. Alberton was engulfed in an instant, his screams drowned out by the roar of the fire.

"No—" Chris's voice was a strangled cry, his eyes wide with horror.

"Alberton!!" The band members sprang into action, rushing off the stage. They stripped off their jackets, frantically trying to smother the flames that were consuming their friend.

But it was too late. By the time they managed to extinguish the fire, Alberton was unrecognizable, his body charred and lifeless. Ferrante, his hands trembling, checked for a pulse, but found none. Alberton was gone.

"You bastard, you killed Alberton!" Chris's voice was raw with grief and rage. He lunged at Fireman Johnny, his fists swinging wildly in a desperate attempt to avenge his friend.

But Fireman Johnny was unfazed. He struck Chris on the head with the jet tube, knocking him unconscious. He then grabbed Chris by the collar and began to drag him away. "Calm down, man! Your turn will come soon enough," he sneered, leaving behind a room filled with shock, grief, and the haunting echo of his chilling words.


Meanwhile, Jon and Annie had returned home, their bodies weary from the day's events. After freshening up, Jon retreated to his room to open the Universal Emporium. He spent penalty points to acquire magical amulets and formations, strategically placing them around the house. These were safeguards, he reasoned, to protect Annie and Ayla in case of an unexpected event when he couldn't be there.

Annie, having spent the day in a whirlwind of activity, returned to her bedroom after washing up. The sudden ring of her cell phone broke the silence. "Hello?" she answered, her voice soft. "Lilian, what's going on? Take a breath and speak slowly."

Her face drained of color as she listened to the voice on the other end. "What?! What happened to Chris?! Okay, I'll go there right away!" She quickly dressed and left her room, calling out, "Jon, Ayla, I'll be out for a while, you guys stay at home."

Her words hung in the air as she left, leaving Jon and Ayla in a state of confusion. "What is Annie going to do?!" Ayla asked, her eyes wide with concern. Annie's flustered tone had not gone unnoticed, and even Ayla could sense that something was terribly wrong.

Jon, trying to maintain a calm facade, reassured her, "Don't worry, I will go to help her."

Ayla seemed somewhat relieved at his words and nodded. "Okay, don't think too much, go back and rest!" Jon said softly.

Once Ayla had retreated to her room, Jon's calm demeanor faded, replaced by a look of deep concern. He had cast the Avenseguim Spell on Annie, Ayla, and Chris not long ago, a spell that allowed him to track their every move. It was a morally questionable decision, but it was the best way he could think of to protect them.

He couldn't understand why the gangs were targeting Chris and his Diamond Band again, but he was furious. He had decided to unleash the wrath of the Ghost Rider on these criminals. Using the tracking spell, he had already located Chris. It was time to make these sinners pay, to burn their souls to ashes!


(A/N: The next universe will be Men in Black, non of you guessed right :(


A/N: I know this work is still very new, but your opinions matter a lot to my progress, please write a review 🙏.


(A/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

