
Multiversal swordsman (Dropped)

Travel the multiverse getting stronger and creating a family Irregular updates [I MIGHT MISS “,” and “.” If y’all have a problem idgaf because writing theses chapters take a long time and I work A LOT so can y’all be considerate and stop complaining and there are way worse stories on this app that don’t punctuate at all at least I try so pls stop complaining thank] I don’t own a damn thing except the Oc

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22 Chs

Upper moon?

As Naoki was running on the rooftops he was searching for the demon as he was about to give up he heard a women's scream.

'Damn he was in the other direction' thought Naoki.


As soon as he arrived he seen the demon about to eat the woman who is hitting the demon in the face.

"GET OFF ME YOU MONSTER." yelled the woman.

"You damn bitch let me eat you, you won't even feel a thing HAHAHAHA." The demon said as he laughs.

As soon as he was about to eat the woman he was kicked in the face and dropped the woman. As he looked up he seen a boy with a black blindfold on 'looking' at him.

"You damn human why did you interrupt me I was about to have a late night snack." Said the demon with a hint of anger in his voice.

Naoki looked at the demon and then looked at the woman on the ground.

"Are you ok miss? Are you hurt anywhere?". Asked Naoki

"No I'm fine thank you for saving me." Said the woman with a slight smile.

"That's good to know make sure you make it home safely I'll kill the demon." Said Naoki.

As the woman ran away Naoki turned and faced the demon.

"Ok human I'll kill you and then fine that woman again she had a beautiful face it's a shame she won't be needing it HAHAHA." Said the demon while laughing.

"What makes you think you're leaving here alive? I have a question how many humans have you eaten?" Asked Naoki

"I don't know I've lost count but if I had to guess It would be in the thirties. But that doesn't matter because you'll be added to that's list." said the demon.


The demons eyes widened as he couldn't see Naoki anymore but when he felt that he was about to die he jumped forward.

"How did you get behind me I was just looking at you?"asked the demon.

He looked at Naoki with fear he had never seen anyone move that fast the last time he felt this much fear was when he seen the demon who turned him into a demon.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out now goodbye I have a upper moon to hunt." Said Naoki as he got into a stance.

[Star breathing 7th form: Shooting star x1]


Naoki shot forward at an extremely fast speed and sliced the demons head off. When Naoki dashed forward you can see blue and purple light with white particles.

(A/n: basically thunderclap and flash)

As Naoki sheathed his sword he looked at the demons body as it was turning into dust.

'Time to get to yoshiwara' thought Naoki.


[4 hours later]

'It's morning so I'll have to wait but I'll use the same idea uzui used I'll dress as a woman as much as I don't want to it's effective.' Thought Naoki.

'Rika buy transformation jutsu thanks.'



Transformation jutsu

Allows the user to transform into anything but one must know what there transforming into such as key information about the objects or even a person they want to turn into. (A/n: definitely did not just make this up)



'Thanks rika what has tanjiro been up too?' asked Naoki.

[ a couple days ago he fought a demons who kidnaps woman and it's Blood demon art seems to be connected with puddles of water he can travel in.] said rika.

'Ok thanks now to fine the kyogoku house' thought Naoki.

Before he started searching he transformed into a woman. He looks like a a beautiful woman with long black hair and sky blue eyes (took the blindfold off) and he had on a white and blue kimono with a flower in his (her) hair.(image—>)

'Now time to get going' thought Naoki.

So he(she) soon walked around and asked people where house kyogoku is and when he(she) got a answer he(she) headed towards the places direction. As he(she) was walking he(she)was getting stared at by, woman who looked at him(her) with envy. Only if they knew the 'woman' they are envious of is actually a man.

'Here it's is I found it finally.' Thought Naoki.


as Naoki was waiting a middle aged woman opened the sliding door (idk what it's called) the woman looks at Naoki with a frown on her face.

"Can I help you with something miss?" Said the woman.

"Yes is this the kyogoku house I was wondering if you can employ me as I need a job you can call me toki." Said toki.

"Well toki I'm the manager my name is Omitsu and I think we have a spot for you, you are certainly beautiful so I can hire you come in and I'll show you around." Said omitsu (looks—>)

As toki was shown around they stopped at a very dark corner of the building omitsu explained that this is Warabihime's hallway and no one is permitted to go in there.

'With my haki I can feel that's she in there but I feel two people are in there it's most likely her brother.' Thought toki

[2 hours later]




Name: Naoki Hirose


Race: Human 97%/ Origin 3%

Bloodline: Amatsu-Mikaboshi (3%)

STR: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

AGI: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

STA: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

INT: super high

LCK: 50

SP(system points): 110,140,000

GT(gacha tickets): 150

Inventory: yamato(dmc), Uo Uo no mi (azure dragon), kunai x50, shuriken x50, DS uniform (indestructible)

Skills: Shunpō, 3 colored haki, total concentration breathing, breath of the stars, kidō, "B" the balance, shurikenjutsu, transformation jutsu

Bloodline skills: LOCKED


As Naoki reverts back to his original appearance he puts his blindfold on and looks at his status.

'Looks like my bloodline went up by 1%.' Thought Naoki.

'Now I have to wait til tonight I almost forgot that's one of uzui's wives are here I haven't seen her yet so I guess she was in her room.'

As Naoki was making his plans two 'people' were talking to each other.

"Daki you need to be careful I sense a strong presence if might be a hashira so be careful when you go to eat tonight." Said the demon with a mop head this was gyutaro Daki's brother. (looks—>)

"I know nii-San I'll be careful and you're here so I'll be fine." said a beautiful girl with white hair with green at the tips. (looks—>)

"Just call me if you are in danger."said gyutaro.

Soon time passed by and it became dark outside and the streets where very active with men going in each of the brothels.

Naoki back in his disguise was serving tea to each of the women and men in each room as he(she) made his(her) way to another room he ran into Daki in her formal attire.(looks—>)

"Oh I apologize I was in a hurry I didn't see you there." said toki as he(she) almost dropped the tea that was in his(her) hand.

"Yes you better watch where you're going next time if you would have spilled that on me that would have been your life, who are you I've never seen you around here before?" Asked Daki.

"My name is toki i just started and I was a little nervous I apologize once again." Said toki

"Your words don't sound sincere kneel and apologize and I never want to see you in this house again." Said Daki in a threatening tone

"Huh what did you just tell me to do?" Asked toki as he(she) was get angry that he(she) was told to kneel.

"I said kneel and apologize and leave this house."said Daki again but this did she used her bloodlust to scare the person in front of her.

But to her surprise toki wasn't scared at all but what happened next caught her off guard she felt some pain his her chest and looked down to see toki stabbed her with a kunai.

"What have you done you filthy human."roared Daki as she was about to kill toki but realized she(he) wasn't there.

"Damn I don't know what came over me I got so angry."

Daki heard a voice the switch from female to male. When she turn to look at the person she seen a boy with jet black hair beautiful blue eyes and a red tori gate under his left eye. When she seen him she had a little blush as she had never seen a man so beautiful and his eyes took her away.

"Who are you and where is that woman who stabbed me?" Asked Daki in a threatening tone.

"Huh…Oh that was me it was a disguise I was supposed to watch you for a couple weeks but you said something I didn't like and now here we are." Said Naoki while putting on his blindfold.

"So you where a man I'll have to admit you a beautiful but not as much as me now how about you let me eat you I only eat beautiful people and you will do just nice."said Daki.

"How old where you when you were turned into a demon?" Asked Naoki. (even tho he already knows)

"Huh why should I tell you?" Asked Daki.

"Just my curiosity so are you gonna tell me?"asked Naoki.

"No now I'll kill you and eat your beautiful skin." Said Daki.

As she said she sent her obi at Naoki who used shunpō to escape and appear behind Daki. He sent a slash at her but she blocked it with her obi but when she was about to attack she felt pain on her arm she looked down and her hand was gone but then it grew back.

"Damn you how dare you hurt me I'll admit you are strong you are definitely on the level of a hashira but it's to bad that you will die here." As Daki said that her hair turned white and unraveled it's self.

"Oh you're getting serious well I guess I'll get serious too." Said Naoki as he took his stance.

When he got ready the air around him changed and this was felt by Daki she soon attacked out of fear.

[Blood Demon Art: Eight layered obi slash]

Soon a huge net was formed, destroying the building and killing the surrounding people but you can see a three women dodging the the rubble from the buildings.

[??? POV]

'What the hell is going on I was investigating a possible upper moon for tengen-sama there is a demon but why is a demon slayer fighting her how did he know.' Thought the woman.

"Hinatsuruuuu what's with all the boom sounds? why is that building destroyed? are we gonna die? I don't want to die not before I see tengen-Sama." Said a woman while crying.

"Suma shut up and stop crying your not gonna die so quiet." Said a woman with black and blonde hair.

"It's fine makio and there seems to be a demon slayer fighting an upper moon we where investigating." Said hinatsuru.

"Huh how I thought the only ones who knew where tengen-sama, us and the master." Said makio.

"Well this could be a coincidence he must have be passing through here and ran into her feeding for something." Said hinatsuru.

'But apparently there was a new girl who started today maybe it's him it could have been a disguise.' Thought hinatsuru

[Daki's POV]

'What the hell is this human it's like he can see my every move before I do it muzan-sama said there are humans with special abilities he might be one of them.'

[General POV]

As Daki kept trying to hit Naoki he was thinking of a way to bring gyutaro out so he decided to use his 11th form.

[Star Breathing 11th form: Severed Universe]


All of a sudden everything froze and you can see golden feathers floating in the air then Naoki walks forward and the slashes Daki's head off and everything resumes.

"Huh where did you go di-"when she stopped talking her whole world turned upside down and she was looking at her own body.

"Huh how did I get my head chopped off I didn't see it how I'm an upper moon this isn't supposed to happen why did this happen I'm strong why, onii-Chan help me this guy is bullying me I need help help." As she was have her temper tantrum something started to form on her back and someone bursted out.

"Shhhh crying won't help now stop and put your head back on."as the other demon said that he looked at Naoki.

"So you where the one who cut her head off. nice man and you're handsome I bet you get all the ladies nice skin, nice face and you smell good to i'm totally jealous." Said gyutaro as he scratched his face

"But that just make me want to kill you even more." Said gyutaro

"So you're the big brother I respect that you are protecting your sister but killed innocent people I can't forgive but the criminals and r@pest actual human scum them I wouldn't care you should've went for them but i know your excuse 'innocent people taste better' I don't care you and her are going to die and you better hope you reincarnate as better people." Said Naoki

It was dead silent until gyutaro made his sickles and dashed at Naoki.

[Blood Demon Art: Flying Blood Sickles]

Gyutaro sent a flurry of slashes at Naoki but Naoki just dodged and ran towards gyutaro.

[Star Breathing 6th form: Crimson Peak of The Red Dwarf]

Soon the air gets cold and Naoki's blade starts to glow red and dashes towards gyutaro and slashes his head clean off.

But when Naoki thought it was over Daki tried to kill him with her obi.

"Dammit fighting two demons is gonna be a headache." Said Naoki.

"Well let's go I'll don't have all night." Said Naoki as he readies his stance."


This chapter was supposed to come out yesterday but I got lazy and didn't finish it so here it is now.

Ok so now I lied solo leveling is not next MHA IS because if he went to SL world and went to others after he would be OP as hell so MHA Is next. He's gonna be a student but all the other shit will be a surprise now on to the real question.

Parents do y'all want him to have them even tho origin is his father do y'all at least want him to have a mother because I feel like a character needs a mother figure to keep them how they are prime example Spider-Man aunt may is the driving force for peter and if y'all read one of his comics when kingpin sent people to kill her peter literally broke into jail and almost killed kingpin so do y'all want something like that but she will have powers so y'all don't have to worry but she won't be that strong (in other worlds)and she will stay in his dimension when he's in different worlds.

mom (vote —>)

no mom (vote—>)

Hero names (here—>)