
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


"Come on Kai!" "You're so close sweety! Just a little more!" As I heard my new parent's encouragement, I took another slow step foward. 'Come on! You can do this weak baby limbs! Your a future Herrscher! Think about what will happen, if others see you like this!'

As I try to keep my balance, I carefully walked foward and finally went into my mother's embrace. "You did it Kai!" "Nice Job!" I looked at my proud parents and giggled like a baby. "Dada! Mama!" It has been a few months, since I got reincarnated.

Nothing much happened except knowing things about my parents and the world. Though, I did have some sad reminiscence about my old family. It's not too long, before I accept the fact that I may not be seeing them again.

My new family is not a normal family... Well... atleast in my point of view. My father, Akira Fukuna. He is a strong man with white colored haired and yellow eyes. His body is fit because of his job requirements on being a hero. I say, he could become an Emiya Shirou with his quirk.

Yep, you heard that right. His quirk is what I would call, Temporary Creation. Though, he calls it Projection. Similar to the Herrscher of Reason, he needs to understand everything about an item before he could project it... Well not everything but you get the point.

Then there's my mother, Katherine Walter. She's German and is a support hero. She has grey hair and dark blue eyes. Her... body.. Do I need to describe my mother's body? Yes? Fine... She has a... Mommy Momo body... What? Just deal with it!

Anyways, I have seen her naked before... and I can safely say my mother is one of the most beautiful character I have seen and I would put in my waifu tier list. Of course I wouldn't! She is my mother! She has a kind motherly personality that I very much like...

...And a very 'Void' personality as well...

No, I'm serious. It was a few weeks ago, when my mother was buying groceries with me. A villain attacked the store and threaten everyone inside. I didn't even know what to do. I didn't want my mother to die by a villain attack!

But... I was wrong... Very wrong. Instead of worrying about my mother... I should have worried about the villain. My mother's quirk, Energize. She can use energy to power anything and anyone, even herself. Energy is a... very broad term.

But it doesn't change the fact on how powerful her quirk is. Electricity, thermal, even stamina, she could use everything as long as she's strong enough and have enough control. Though, this only makes me more worried for her. This ability is too strong. She might get caught by All for One...

That's when I made a kill list on who to kill in this world. There's All for One, Shiragaki, Detnerat. So far only those three made it to the kill list. Why not the others? They all have very bad childhood. That's why.

Even Endeavor had a very sad story... We're going off topic. Anyways, that's all about the first few month in this world. Don't even try to use your logic on how I could walk normally in a few months. I saw some fanfics where babies like me could kill people! Double standards!

[2 Years and a 10 Months Later]

'So, this is how her energize works...' Right now, my mother is sending me a bit of energy from herself. It feels great, it's similar to how coffee works but in an instant. My mother and father already knew about my 'abnormality'.

No, not the honkai energy or anything. Just about my intelligence. They notice how I am smarter than most kids my age but they didn't think badly of it. Instead, they helped me learn more and more things at home. I literally benefit more at home than pre-school.

But Kai! You will need childhood friends for the route to unlock! Well fuck childhood friends! They couldn't even understand what I was saying! I'm in pre-school for God's sake! I could make friends in the future! They don't even get together with the main character most of the time...

I'm a Herrscher! An enemy of humanity! How could I say, "This is my human girlfriend, Humans!" That would be... very hilarious actually. Hehehe... Anyways, those idiotic little humans... Can I use that line? I'm a Herrscher... right?

I looked at my mother who had a tender smile, "Kai, I think it's time to sleep." I pouted, "Eeeeh~ But I want mommy to do it again." She shook her head and gently carassed my head, "You would not be able to sleep later on. Now, let's get you to bed."

With that, she carried me in her arms and gently placed me back on the crib. My mom gave me a goodnight kiss and smiled, "Goodnight" I felt some of my energy getting sucked while she did that, 'Oh, you dirty human!' My vision slowly went dark and I slept with a cute smile on my face.

[1 Year Later]

"My time has come. For the Herrscher will rise in this world once more! I will destroy humanity and it's disgusting nature! Muahahaha... Okay, that's a good line to use." I said while writing the line on my 'How to become a proper Herrscher 101' notebook.

Yes, I'm that bored. I literally created lines for me to say later on when I get my powers. It should come in my birthday... So a day from now, I will become the youngest Herrscher to ever exist! Haaa... I'm too excited and bored... How does that even work?

Suddenly, I heard the door creak and found that my mother was recording me doing my super secret line reciting session. My eyes widened as my embarressment covered my entire being. My mother gave me a thumbs up and left with no words.

I stayed frozen and dumbfounded on how I didn't notice my mother this whole time. A dreadful feeling came over me as I thought how this video could be use as blackmail. "MOOOM!! Delete that video! That's Illegal information!!"

As I try to get rid of the evidence of my reciting, I will tell you what I've been doing. Though I don't even know you exist. This is just a habit I like to do. Anyways, for the past months, I've been learning about weapons... Yes, weapons.

From what my father explained about his quirk, is that he needs to understand the item before it can be projected. For example, a gun is a ranged weapon designed to use a gun barrel to launch projectiles. That's how it is for him.

(A/N = Am I correct in this one? Because the google says 'The power of Herrscher of Reason is the ability to construct things (human creations) as long as they know how it works' So if you know how guns works... Doesn't that mean you can create it? For example, revolver works by having several firing chambers arranged in a circle in a cylindrical block that are brought into alignment with the firing mechanism and barrel one at a time. If you know this doesn't that mean you can create it? I'm just a highschool student so I don't fully understand their abilities...)

That... is quite simple actually. I just need to learn the concept of something and I should theoretically be able to create it.... Why am I even trying to understand my powers before I even have it...

I'll just think of all this hard stuff later...

(A/N = I need some help for this one. Any of you readers that are smart! Help me)