
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Daily Life of the Young Herrscher

(A/N = SORRY!! I'm still thinking about a plot! I have been stressing out about somethings! Enjoy this for now!)

*Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!* "Ugh... Shtop..." *Ding!* I rolled around on the bed and covered my head with my pillow. When I heard the sound finally stops, I felt the darkness taking me back.... *Ding!* *Ding!* *Ding!*

I made an annoyed expression and groaned, "Ugh... Why is my phone so loud..." I tiredly pushed myself up and yawned before trying to find my phone. My hand went everywhere and finally stopped at the phone.

I grabbed it and checked the notifications... "Momo... Whyyy..??" I fell backwards and laid down on the soft bed. My body kept trying to make me sleep but the phone kept on making notification sounds and it made me stay awake.

I tiredly sighed and looked through the phone. It has been a month, since we left the Aichi Prefecture. Nothing much happened except laying low most of the time. So far, it has been peaceful. No kidnapping attempts. No All for One and his goons. Just a normal, peaceful life.

After replying to Momo's messages, I decided it was time to take a shower. I did some stretching before going out of my room. I went inside the bathroom and tiptoed up towards the bath tub and turned on the warm water.

'A four year old taking a bath on his own... That's good.' I thought, as I place the helping stairs in front of the sink. I went up the stairs and splashed my face with some cold water to refresh myself. "Wooh! Let's go!" Feeling a bit more refreshed, I started to brush my teeth.

After brushing, I hurriedly turned off the water and submerge my body in the tub filled with warm water. "Ahh... This is nice...." I said while smiling happily. "Kai? What did I tell you about taking a bath by yourself! You could have hurt yourself!"

I heard my mother's condescending voice from outside the bathroom. "But mooom! You were sleeping! I didn't want to wake you up!" I shouted back from the tub. I heard my mother sighed and went inside the bathroom.

'Oh... I forgot to lock the door.' I thought, as I saw my mother coming inside the room with a messy bed hair. She was still using her pajamas and was looking at me with a tired expression. She yawned and said with some tiredness, "You really need to listen to your mother sometimes..."

I gave her a wry smile and let her clean me instead. This would be embarrasing... if it wasn't for the fact that she's been doing this for my whole new life. As she was shampooing my hair, I was playing with the bubbles... What? I'm bored...

"EEEK!!" I squeeked, as I felt the cold water washing my body, "Mom! Why are you using cold water?! There's already warm water in the tub!" She had a playful smile, as she said, "Cold water makes you feel refresh, besides this is way cleaner. Now, stay still." "Nooo~!" I cried playfully with a smile.

After the playful time with my mom, I went down stairs and saw my father making breakfast. "Hi dad! What's for breakfast?" My father heard me and responded with a smile, "Oh, just the usual." I nodded at his answer and went to the coach to watch some TV.

I went through the usual channels and found some All Might news. As I watch the news, I thought, 'It's still amazing how the guy could reach a few hundred meters in a single jump... And that speed is amazing... How the hell did he even got injured by AFO...?'

"Kai! Breakfast is ready!" Before I got my answer, I heard my father calling me from the dining table. "Okay!" I responded while walking there. As I was eating my breakfast, I heard my parents talking about father's new job.

Yep, my father changed job for the duration of my mother's pregnancy. Why? because he didn't want 'them' to know we're here. He even dyed his hair auburn red and use colored contact lenses whenever he left the house. I chose the colors for a joke that I thought was funny at the time. Papa Emiy-

My monologue stops, as I realized something I could do. 'Should I go to the fate and learn structural analysis...?' But then, I remembered the horrors that lies in the world of the fate series and thought. 'No... there's too many strong beings... but... infinite power...'

Suddenly, I felt a hand resting on my head. I looked at the hand and found that it was my father. He smiled and said, "Kai... Stop day dreaming and eat your food. It's going to get cold soon." I looked at my food and saw it wasn't finish.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry." I quickly finish the rest of my breakfast and head upstairs to get ready for kindergarten. As I was getting ready, I heard my mother calling me from downstairs, "Kai! Let's go! Are you done yet?"

"Coming!" I quickly used the uniform and took my yellow backpack before creating a portal to the garage. As I landed, I saw my parents inside the car waiting for me. I quickly went in the passanger side and waited for the car to leave.

After a while, we finally reached the kindergarten and they left me here. I looked at the classroom door and sighed. 'Another day, another boring lesson... Why do I even do this?'


"Hey Kai-chan, what are you doing?" As I looked at the clear blue sky, I heard my classmate, Aoi Yuuki's voice behind me. I looked back and answered, "Hm? I was just looking at the sky." She pouted and said, "Moouu! Why are you so boring? What's so fun in looking at the sky?"

I shrugged and said, "Ehh... It's nice, just try it." She huffed and sat beside me. She stayed silent, as we looked at the sky together. "This is boring." I gave her a wry smile before answering, "Well that's because your waiting for something to happen."

"Just try to relax and take a deep breath." I said with a relaxed expression. "Fine..." She said, while doing WWwhat I told her to do. I continued to relaxed until I felt something was wrong. Aoi is silent. Too silent. I turned myheads towards her and chuckled.

"And she said it was boring." I looked at her, who fell asleep while trying to relax. "Everyone! Playing time is over!" The teacher said from the middle of the playing ground. While many of the kids went there I tried to wake Aoi up.

"Wake up! Aoi! Wake Up! There's cookies! Very yummy cookies!" She instantly opened her eyes and looked around, "Where?!" I pointed at the teacher and smirked, "There" She looked at where I pointed and frowned, "Lier"

I giggled and pulled her up, "Let's go." With that we both went to the teacher.


"Bye!" I said, while waving my hand to the teacher. She waved back at me and I went in the car. "How's your day Kai?" My mother asked with a smile. "It's normal. Nothing big happened." She nodded and started to drive the car.

"Did anything happen to mommy?" I said with some worry. My mother shook her head and smiled, "You don't need to worry Kai. Nothing happened with me." I nodded and stayed silent. While driving, I looked putside the window with a smile on my face, 'This is a nice, peaceful day... I don't want this to end-'

The moment I thought of that, red laser beams started to rain down on the road. Some of the beams was blocked by floating rocks that protected the others on the road. I deadpanned and thought, 'Why? Why must I tempt fate? I'm not even in the fate series.'

Then I heard a laughter coming from the top of the building, "Foolish hero! You have made the worst mistake on challenging me!" The hero, who was wearing a thight red spandex and a giant rock fist, clicked his toungue.

"Dammit! Eyebeam! What happened to your dreams of becoming a hero?!" The villain, who is wearing some type of visor smiled sinisterly, "It's because of you people, I took the role of a villain! You have made me the villain!"

The hero became angry and shouted, "EYEBEAM!!" "STONE WARRIOR!!" The fight continues, as me and my mother watched them with a deadpanned expression. "What kind of hero and villain name is that?!" I said with some ridicule. My mother shrugged, "This is why you don't do drugs Kai. Don't be like them."

I stayed silent, as I watch the battle going on.


After a while, the hero won by making the villain repent himself. I clapped my hands after watching that. "That's a good story." My mother shrugs, "Meh... I've seen better. Now let's go home." With that my mother stepped on the gas and we drove off to our house.

When we arrived, I left the car and went to my room in an instant. I took my phone and chatted with Momo.

HVR : MOMO!! I finally got back home!

YMM : Sorry, I'm in the middle of studying.

HVR : ...

HVR : Okay...

My face was stuck in a smile, as I place my phone down and thought, 'Is this the feeling of getting rejected?' I shook my head and went down to the living room where I saw my parents watching the TV together.

"Mom! Dad! Can I go to a friend's house?" My dad heard me and nodded, "Sure, just come back before six." I nodded and created a portal to the L4D2. I landed on a destroyed building and looked around to see the zombies walking away.

"Time to do some warm ups." I said, as I created a portal beside the walking zombie. A giant fist rushed out towards it and the force made it crash into a wall. I grinned and created even more portals right above the surrounding zombies. A giant leg came stomping down on the zombies and killed them.

I covered my body with honkai energy and flew up before landing on a roof. I looked around the destroyed buildings and turned on my timer before doing some warm ups for the normal stamina training.


I jogged on the broken road of the destroyed town and smiled. "So close..." I looked in front of me and saw the flagpole with my stigmata on it. After a bit more jogging, I finally reached it. My body felt tired, as I fall down on my butt.

"Whoo... That was a long run. Herrscher body for the win!!" I cheered with a happy expression. As I was resting, I heard footsteps from the corner of the building. I began to panic and saw four people.

A man wearing a purple coach shirt and a woman with a pink shirt. My eyes widened as I knew who they are, 'Coach and Rochelle'. Rochelle saw me and widened her eyes in shock, "A Kid?!" Coach looked towards where she pointed and also got suprised, "What?!"

Before it got complicated, I created a portal and left. I appeared on top of the building and looked down at them. They started to look around and became very confuse. I chuckled as I saw their reactions. I don't really have much to lose in this world. So, why don't I have fun with the people here.

*BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* I immediately turned it off and sighed, 'I guess I could mess with them another time.' I created a portal and went back to my house. I appeared back on the living room where my mother was trying to do some knitting.

"Umm... Mom? Why are you kintting?" I asked with some confusion. She sighed and looked at me with a bored expression, "It's not knitting, It's crocheting. Mommy is just very bored Kai. When you're pregnant, you don't have that much things to do. So I tried learning how to crochet."

She showed her work and I am actually impressed, "That looks nice." She smiled, "I know right?" I nodded and went to the second floor to take a shower before going back to my room and chat with Momo.

HVR : Momo!

YMM : Kai! Hello! What were you doing while I was studying?

HVR : Just doing the normal training routine.

YMM : That is nice, did anything happen?

HVR : Nope, it's very peaceful actually. There's no kidnapping attempt or dangerous things.

YMM : Really?! That's great! It means they stop going for you!

HVR : Yeah

'Not it isnt... It just mean they are waiting for an opportunity.' I thought while looking at the phone.

YMM : Anyways, do you want to do anything?

HVR : Hmm... I don't have anything to do now.

YMM : I have this game.

YMM : Nevermind... My mother told me to go to the dining hall to eat dinner.

HVR : It's alright. I also need to eat diner. Bye.

YMM : Bye

I closed the phone and went downstairs to eat dinner. I arrived there and found mother and father already waiting for me. I sat on my seat and said, "Itadakimasu!" Before eating my food. As I was eating, I overheard my parents talking about their day and both said the same thing that made me very happy.

Nothing bad happened.

A normal day without anything bad happening is very nice, especially after everything that happened a month ago. I finished my food and went back upstairs to my room. I went up on my bed and laid down on it.

I sighed happily and let the darkness pull me away to my dreamland...