

Penulis: RosewoodFist
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Baca novel Msjnssnsjs yang ditulis oleh penulis RosewoodFist yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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Crown of Glass

Seraphina's eyes widened at the sight of crimson on her doorstep as she came to a halt. The deep red stain, stark against the pale stone, sent shivers down her spine, a foreboding omen she couldn't ignore. With trepidation gripping her heart, she stepped closer, her breath catching in her throat as she recognized the unmistakable scent of dragonfire. Fear mingled with curiosity as she traced the crimson trail with her fingertips. It led her through the winding corridors of the ancient castle, its echoes whispering secrets of forgotten tales. The palace walls seemed to hold their breath, as if in anticipation of the imminent revelation. The trail of dragonfire led her to a secluded chamber, hidden away from prying eyes. As she pushed open the heavy doors, her gaze met a scene of awe-inspiring beauty and danger. There, bathed in the flickering glow of candlelight, stood a majestic creature—an elegant dragon, its scales shimmering like molten gold. But it was not the dragon that held her attention; it was the figure beside it. A man, tall and regal, with piercing eyes that mirrored the intensity of a tempest. His presence commanded the room, and Seraphina knew in her heart that she was standing before the Crown Prince himself. He approached her, his voice low and mesmerizing. "Seraphina, daughter of the Glass Weaver, you are chosen by destiny to be my bride, the one who will unite our kingdoms and bring balance to the realms." Conflicting emotions swirled within her—fear, fascination, and an unexpected attraction that ignited like a flame in her chest. She had dreamt of adventure and purpose, but this path was far more treacherous than she could have imagined. With the weight of her decision pressing upon her, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the journey that lay ahead. As she reached out to touch the Prince's outstretched hand, she knew that her life would be forever changed, entwined with the destiny of dragons, and the fragile yet unyielding threads of love that would bind their fates together.

karmaisakhaleesi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Bound by the Moon

Amaya is the youngest daughter of Lord Bailey, the leader of the humans after the world revolves such that lycans owned half of it when they decided to step out of hiding. With problems arising at every turn, Lord Bailey has no choice but to give his daughter, Aimee, as a bride for an alliance between the lycans. However, rebels threaten the peace and Amaya is forced into play as she is the remaining princess to deal with the lycan king, who happens to be the mate who rejected her. ******* "Can I know why?" I croaked blinking away the tears that tried to leak out of my ducts as wind blew around us l, carrying my hair everywhere. He looked at me, gaze hard, cold and condescending. "You're not enough. You can never be enough." I knew he hated me, I just wished it wouldn't be this much. I shifted my weight on my feet, dropping my gaze for half a second before looking at him again, my heart breaking over and over. "Why? Why can't I-?" I stopped, choking on a sob. "I'm your mate." ***** I never imagined I would learn so much about him through heartache. I had never felt this broken before and I was barely holding myself together. "What do you want me to do? What should I change?" I begged, almost dropping to my knees. His lips quirked up slightly and amusement played in his eyes. Was he finally letting me in? "There is one thing," he replied with a wry grin. "Maybe you could just not exist. I don't want you, and I wish I never met you."

Mally_Dove_Beryl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
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  • Desain Karakter
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