
Choose you forever

"Oh really? Thanks for sharing!"

I got an interest by the stranger who texted me, I'm in my hyper mood to reply in that message, now I have an admirer so I will take this opportunity, that was I thought.

"You're so funny" I rolled my eyes and start to compose a message.

"Who are you" I only wait seconds before my phone rings.

"Your forever!" I laughed when I read the message but I stop myself to reply, I went down to eat, they were asleep already because it was late at night, then when I ate I put away what I had eaten before going upstairs. I will only make one plate and it will be pass next week, I will finish it to reduce my workloads, I would have gone to sleep when my phone rang.

"Sleeping" I frowned, 'who is this?' I just ignored it and finally fell asleep. I woke up early to do my workout, I still have class at 9am so I still have a lot of time, I was wearing a white sport bra with a blue crop top jacket, black leggings and black sneakers, I took my bag before leave our house, the gym is just nearby and walking distance in our house. When I got there, few people are already doing there work out, I put my bag on the bench and I started running on the treadmill, I put on my airpods and focus on what I'm doing, a few minutes later someone use the other treadmill beside me, I turn to Frank who use the other treadmill, he smiled at me when he turned his gaze towards me, I often see him here I thought he was just visiting, he also lives here in the subdivision, when I finish my workout I go straight to the shower room and take a shower, I also changed my clothes, I just wore a white shirt and Jeans, I was still wearing black sneakers, I went out and sit on the bleachers.

"Where are you going after this?" I look Frank and take a look on his outfit? He is wearing a gray sweater, black short and black nike shoes.

"At home! Why?" I adjusted my gear before standing up.

"Let's go together!" I just nodded and waited for him. "Is your motor bike okay?" We are already walking in the subdivision when he ask that.

"Not yet" I just kept walking, I was not looking at him because I'm not comfortable when he is around, we were also close to my house.

"Will you walk again later?" he frowned when he ask me, waiting for me to answer his questions.

"No! I'll use my car." I answered quickly, he just nod and did not speak again. We stop in front of my house and face him to bid goodbye but he spoke immediately.

"Oh, I'm leaving! Ahhmm I need my jacket on Friday." I forgot thatI have his jacket, I haven't washed it yet.

"All right, I'll just message you when I've washed it." He smiled at me before waving his hand, He turn around and start walking.

"I bought you a condo near at Coliman" I was surprised by what Daddy said.

" really? It's not a prank? We had breakfast when Daddy said that.

"What? you have a condo, Dad I don't have one." my older brother Wintyr frowning and complaining about dad buying a condo for me.

"You own a hospital but you don't have a condo" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

" 'cuz I have a penthouse" he fired back.

"penthouse for your whore" I smirked.

"Hey your mouth is rude" he said softly, I just laughed and shook my head.

"That's enough the plates might fly." Mommy intervened.

"I'll pick up Bryte later at the airport" I just nodded to Daddy.

"By the way, your Model sister is coming home" my older brother whispered to me.

"That's not my sister! That's your sister, you're both artists!" I whispered back to him.

"Both of you stop now! I don't know if you really are my child" Mommy interject.

"It's not my child either, I'm too smart, I'm awesome" Daddy grinned proudly, I was just shaken by the chaos of my family like a kid my God. I hurried eating my foods so I could go to school.

"Oh Thanks God it's done, I'm hungry!" Merrow whispered exaggeratedly to me, it's lunchtime so we went straight to the cafeteria, I let her complain next to me 'cuz I can't stop her.

"Then there are so many plates to do! I'm really going to die in archi. It's really your fault Rayne. You take that course that's why I took it too." Merrow repeatedly complained.

"Who said you should take archi. Huh? You idiot!" I chuckled when Astra slap her a little on the side of her cheek.

"Yes! You idiot! All of the courses is difficult, let's go to the bar on the weekend so you don't get cracked!" Erl chewed carbonara while saying that.

"past! I have training" I said softly, I'm busy eating my food, I'm also hungry.

"Fuck your excuse Rayne" Astra exclaimed without looking at me.

"Well excuse me!" I smirked as I turn to look at Astra.

"Damn you motherfucker. PERIOD" Astra mocked me, I laugh so loud.

"Are you in your mood? Care to share baby love" Erl said artfully.

" I have a condo bitches." I was still smiling while eating.

"Wow! Literally jaw dropping!" Astra shouted.

"Let's baptize your condo, let's go party." Merrow hugged me softly, her face was still pressed against my neck, she was really obscene.

"There is no furniture there yet" I lied, I want to enjoy my freedom :).

"You're so mean, you're not belong in this squad anymore" Merrow even hit me.

"Awwww! I was planning to treat you in 5 star hotel on your birthday! Too bad I'm not belong here.." I said passionately and pretend I was hurt.

"Hey I love you. Welcome back! Let me kiss you." Merrow grab my face and force to kiss my cheek, I push her away and she just laugh at my reaction. We went back to class after lunch. "Hey 5 star okay!" Merrow still teases me until the end of our afternoon class.

"Okay ! Okay!, you might not be able to sleep!" I check my things before leaving the room.

"Yey Baby! Go SPARTAN!" She even cheered me, I just laughed before going straight to the locker room.

"Miss Architect" I turned to Frank when he called me. I was about to leave the locker room when I saw him.

"Oh?" I ask when he walk towards me.

"What time is your training" he accompanied me to walk.

"6pm! Why?" I looked at my watch to see what time is it.

"Come on! Come with me outside. I'm already hungry." I was surprised when he pulled me.

"Hey! Wait wait! Why me?". He still drags me, I am tall but I seem small beside him.

"You're the one in my sight so you're the one who will I'm going to choose!" I'm confused, why it seemed like a double meaning, I just shook my head. "This fishball is delicious" he handed me a cup of fishball, it's only 10 pesos,I ate it I was suddenly hungry becauseof the smell of the food. "Want more?" he looked at me with the smile on his face. "This one is kwek-kwek" he handed me another cup.

"Wait! Wait! I know this! Okay! I'm not stupid, why are you reaching out to me? I thought you were hungry huh?" I looked at him and he just laughed at me.

"I'm just reaching out to you so I can choose! I didn't tell you to eat." He laugh again and shake his head, I close my eyes in shame, 'that fucker'. "This one is called balut!" he handed me a plastic bag with four wraps. "I follow him to the other store.

" I can't handle it" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.


"I can't hand~~~."

"Hotdog!" I close my eyes in annoyance, I kicked him softly and the fool just laughed at me.

"Fuck it" I turned my back on him.

"Wait! I'm just kidding!" he pulled me when I walk away.

"Don't touch me, we're not close." I slap his hand on my shoulder.

"Ah that's why you're accompanying me!" he took the other one I was holding.

"You pulled me." I glared at him.

"And you stop when I pulled you." he fired back. I was shocked and punch him on his shoulder. It took us a minutes to walk in the campus because of the number of people taking pictures of him, 'famous'. We go in the mini park inside the campus and eat what he bought a while a go. I was stunned when he wiped his lips. "Your messy but cute" I bite my lips a little when he said that I also stopped when I saw him holding back his laugh, I slapped his hand that was still on my lips. "I thought you were not eating this" he chuckled. I just rolled my eyes.

"I eat all the food as long as it can be eaten" yes I am not sensitive and an arrogant woman, I also eat a lot of food but I can't gain weight.

"Let's go!" He stood up when we finished what he bought, he took me to the gym behind the covered court where they were training. I bid goodbye him and go in .

"Coach timeout, Cap is so strong, It's hard to block her spike." Janine our Blocker complained to our coach.

"You always complaining Mendez, back to your position!" Our coach shouted, our trainer just laughed on Janine who seemed tired.

"You jump on the side so you can jump high." I whispered to Janine, "Malbar fix your set you doing it double." I tapped Yanna.

"Yes Cap" Yanna salute at me. After training I went straight to the shower room and took a shower, we finished at 11pm today, I was close to the parking lot when I saw Frank, I ignored him and went straight to my car.

"Ms. Architect" he called me when she noticed me.

"What?" He handed me a paper bag, I just stared at it wondering.

"It's late! Maybe you haven't had dinner yet" he avoided his gaze at me. I just took it so he wouldn't be embarrassed.

"Thank you! Do you have a free time tomorro?" I ask him so I can treat him lunch. I scratched my eyebrow when he smiled playfully.

"Hey! I'm not ready to date yet! I'm still young" he said exaggeratedly with his hand still covering his mouth.

"You're crazy" I hit him and he just laughed.

"All right, it's late! Bye!" He waved his hand before riding in his Lamborghini, fucking rich Kid.

I got in my car and I followed him because we're in the same way and same subdivision, I blew the horn before overtaking, I even raised my middle finger when I opened the window of my car I saw him laughing so I close the window and focused on driving. When I got home the light was off I went straight to the dining area and took the takeout food from the paper bag I even saw sticky notes there so I read.

Eat well and have a good sleep :)

Frank :)