" I wish I never stopped hating you, Dylan Owen" Chelsea Allen said as the tears blinded her eyes and she turned away from him. They're a contrasting pair; Rich and poor, Proud and humble, Arrogant and sensitive, Void of emotions and filles with them... He took away the one thing she was proud of and made it his duty to constantly remind her that she wasn't of his class. She hated him from the start, a feeling that grows over time and occupies her heart until it gets twisted to love and she doesn't even realize it. She pisses him off nonstop, his daring maid that hates him and doesn't hide it. He's amused by her hatred but also angered anytime she shows her insecurities and low self esteem. He makes it his duty to try and change the way she feels about herself and then his aim changes to changing the way she feels about him. From enemies, these two turn into lovers who would do anything to ensure each other's happiness.
"Hazel, watch out"
Chelsea Allen didn't think twice before jumping into the road. She pushed her little sister out of the way and only managed to escape by the skin of her teeth. She fell roughly by the side of the road, gaining herself quickly to get out of the way of the convoy of cars. The car that nearly hit her sister stopped and the rest of them followed suit. She stood up hurriedly and dusted her already dirty dress, waiting to see what would happen next. Such scenarios as this never lacked drama.
He stepped down from the car and her breath got caught up in her chest. She felt a lump rise up in her throat and she swallowed rapidly in quick successions.
The sight in front of her was breathtaking. His lush lode-gold hair was coiffed to perfection and it's rippling quality was highly conspicuous. He had on dark shades that rested on an imperiously carved nose. His defined cheek bones stood in perfect proportion with his flinty jaw. He had this manly, Samson physique that daunted and enthralled her at the same time. The way he moved, with leonine thread and athletic grace filled the atmosphere with an aura that spoke authority and purpose. The spotless shirt he wore stuck to his model- like body revealing perfectly chiselled abs that could have only been gotten from years of training and expertise practice. The first three buttons were opened and the sight of his chest brought to her mind the image of a Greek god. Hanging on his neck was a gold chain with a dangling pendant in the shape of a snow flake dazzling in the sunlight. The presence of that seemed out of place with the character in front of her. Despite the unnerving aura he possessed, he still carried a heavenly scent that was highly appealing to her. Every other thing about him daunted her.
As she stared at the figure in front of her, she couldn't help but think that he should have been a model.
He was walking towards her now with slow steady strides. The huge men behind him made her take a step back. Her little sister, Hazel who had joined her cowered in fear at her back. She held her hand as a form of assurance but she knew that she too was melting on the inside. She was hearing some whispers now from the crowd of people that had gathered at a distance to watch them. They didn't get to see scenes like that one everyday.
She couldn't think of anything else but to apologize. Her fear had taken over her mind and she intended to do anything to avoid trouble with this person. He seemed new in town but he was rich all right and all rich people had the same character - arrogance. If he said they were at fault,she knew better than to push her luck. There was no such thing as luck when dealing with the rich. They would definitely bring you to your knees if you weren't up to their standard.
He got to where they stood and she took a step back unconsciously.
" I'm sorry sir. My sister didn't mean to stop you, she's just a little child and she didn't realize she was in the middle of the road. We are very sorry, sir" she immediately rattled out. He didn't speak immediately. His glasses were still on but she knew he was staring at her. She was thankful that he didn't take them off, who knew what kind of eyes he had beneath them. He made to take off his glasses but stopped.
" If you don't know how to handle her then don't bring her out of your house" she heard him say. His voice was brisk and he sounded so rude. She took her eyes down and stared at his shoes.
" I'm sorry" she mumbled.
" Who needs your sorry?" he said again. By the time she looked up again, he was gone. The convoy of cars all drove away and she released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Her heart sunk as she watched them all pass her. The last car drove with such speed and as it passed her, it splashed dirty water on her. She sighed and wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. Why had she expected to be treated better? This was how it would always be- the poor treated as trash by the rich. That wasn't going to change anytime soon. She sighed again and holding tight to her little sister,she said,
" C'mon Hazel, let's go. They're gone now"
The little girl peeked from behind her and sighed too.
" Sister, I'm sorry" she said sulking, her large eyes glistering with tears.
" Hey! Don't cry, it's fine. Let's go" she said and picked her up, walking out of the piercing gaze of the spectators...