
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · Masa Muda
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13 Chs


(Back to reality)

Acacia," I guess this should be enough for today" drops the pen down.

I look out the window, the sky was tar-black, and the large clouds were moving towards me. I heard a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter.

Acacia walks near the window and whispers," The rain almost looks like the teardrops I've shed for him, a never-ending one. Just how time flies."

Knock-knock, Rosie enters the room," Acacia, we should hurry to the airport, if not we will be late."

I gasped and hurriedly change my pyjamas.

Meanwhile, Rosie pulls the car out from the carriage and was waiting for me. So I hurried to the car and got in.

As we drove off, Rosie smile and comment," I cannot believe the three of us will be reunited after 5 long years."

Rosie and I move in together during our college years, and we have been together since then. Rudy got transferred when we were in 8-grade because her dad got promoted to Canada, however, the three of us still keep in touch with each other.

Today we are going to meet Rudy for the first time after she was transferred to Canada.

As I look out the window, I cannot help thinking of Lucas.

Rudy always reminds me of him because, just like her, he went abroad after high school and we both lost track of each other after one year of being in touch.

Rosie drove in to search for a car park and while I go looking for Rudy in the airport.

I went and stood in the waiting area searching for Rudy in the thousands of crowds. And there I see Lucas in a group of passers-by walking straight in my path.

I did not know how to react at this moment, my mind went blank all of a sudden and all I could see is Lucas in these thousands of crowds.

I hold onto my breath till he crosses me, and I could not stop my heart from being ripped open.

Not only that, but I felt my eyes stinging and all I could think of right now is not to let these tears come out, but it all went in vain. Just when I thought I have moved on, Why did he have to show up now?

I bent down amid the crowd and started sobbing. I did not know how to stop myself until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Rosie worriedly," Acacia, What is wrong? Why are you crying here?

The last thing I would do is worry Rosie because she was the only one who was beside me when my life was crumbling down, and I would hate myself if I repeat the same.

I quickly got rid of my tears and gave an excuse that something got stuck in my eyes. However, Rosie saw through my lies but did not question me further.

Shouting heard from afar* Baby-Rosie-

Rudy came running, and we immediately did a trio hug while jumping and screaming at the same time, just like the giddy child we have been all through these years.


Author note*

Not to confuse you, readers-

Acacia is writing about her high school days in a book.


Acacia; goes by the name Ella in the book, likewise

Lucas; is Lou and,

Rudy and Rosie remain the same(the same person in the book)

| will never tell you how in love

with you I am,

It's not fair to either of us.


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