
jackie rich 1

In a dark road two people are seen breathing heavily

"am so tired"

a girl in her early twenties said in between her breath

"i don't think i can keep running why do you have to be so popular" she asked still trying to breath properly

"am so sorry i just wanted to thank you for saving me but looks like am trying to kill u again"

a handsome man in his mid twenties said also trying to breath

"i will try....."

his phone beeps and interupts him then his eyes widen as he looks at his phone


he shouted then the girl took his phone curiously and was also shocked

"what have i gotten into"

she whispered

(Lillian's pov )

My name is Lillian brooks am a business woman who is actually under paid but just has to struggle to get everything i want.

Am an orphan and have no one by my side

"Kate stop asking a no is a no"

Did i say i had no one just now oops my mistake meet my best friend Kate who is actually rich and often tries to help me but i refuse cause am that stubborn now she's pressuring me to go on a concert with her

"come on Lillian i got us front role and i know you won't let my money waste" Kate said winking at me

"you know I don't like nowadays musicians they only sing rubbish i prefer old school that has meaning" i said with a pouted lip

"must you act old you are just 22 come on" Kate said

"well am not old and am not coming period" i said

"fine if you aren't old prove it and go with me to the concert and i will stop calling you old " Kate said with a hidden agenda which i noticed since she was my best friend

"deal" i said then Kate jumped on me and started picking out our clothes.

[few hours later]

since me and Kate had the same shape of body she gave me her clothes i usually have just business clothes, dinner gowns , exercise clothes and lastly pyjamas. so Kate gave me a short gown and Snickers and i fell down my black hair while she wore a bum short and handless sparkling crop top.

In concert area there is a huge line and Kate became impatient and decided to use her connection to cut line so she left me in the line to find a way in before the concert starts.

soon the line became rough with pushing from the front and i was about to fall backward when a pair of strong hands caught me in time

"be careful" the man said as he lift me back up and i started blushing with shame

"thank you" i said

"a fan of jackie Rich" he asked

"no my friend is she went try and get us inside quick we got front rows" i said with a sarcastic energy

the man chuckled " hmmmmm i guess you aren't a fan then well am not either am just here to give a friend a gift" he said waving the gift in his hand

"at least am not alone" i said and we both laughed

" um could i keep this in your bag? I don't want my friend to see the gift" he asked

i had some doubts but what could go wrong i said then put the box in my bag which was heavy.

later Kate came "i finally found a way in" she said as we were about to go in the man i was with whose name was David called

"could i come with you i also got front sits please" he said with pleading eyes

" fine" Kate said impatiently as she wanted to go to Jackie funny thing she didn't know him personally

in the concert everyone was dancing and screaming Jackie including Kate

"can i have the gift i want to meet my friend" David said and i gave him the box then i plugged ear plugs in my ear listening to my recorded business proposal plan i wanted to present i couldn't waste my valuable time

on a stupid music

then a loud gunshot was fired but i couldn't hear because of my ear plugs .

the whole concert became quiet including the musical instruments

everyone was about to go on rampage but the door was locked and another shot was fired they all gasped

everything happened so fast that i was dragged and a familiar arm encircled my neck with my back on his chest and a gun to my head


wait "DAVID" i said in suprise then i heard a laughter "hmm your not bad good you know me without looking at my face" he said then dragged me up to the stage while the crowd watched helplessly

"jackie jackie jackie did you think i will be gone that easily" David said with a sinister voice and smile " David leave my fan out of this" jackie said coming closer

"don't you dare or i will shoot her and you will be blamed " David said and tighten his girp on my neck and i screamed a little and the crowd gasped and Jackie moved back

"what do you want old friend" Jackie said angrily

"oh so you know am your friend right? you didn't know that when you made a mockery of my business" David said angrily

" we where business partners i told you I can't give your latest project a good remark so you made a reporter ask me even after my warnings so i told the truth that product was dangerous and still is"Jackie said

" so what if it's dangerous, is it your business i just want to use your face but now am done reasoning with you now it's revenge i will ruin your image like you did mine by killing this fan of yours ....

rate me 😜 😜😜