
celebrity date 1

After a week i was discharged Jason took care of the bills and we chatted once in a while cause he was usually busy.

After i was discharged Kate took care of me and Jason also known as Jackie rich made sure i was comfortable

two days later Jackie decided we go on the date but he made sure i was able to go without being in pain and all that

Kate took it upon herself to dress me up for the date and i wore sleeves to cover my bandaged wound

i wore a sleeved black gown it was had a tearing at both edge and was under my knee a little it hugged every bit of me and i wore silvere coloured heeled shoes and ponied my hair leaving some a the front i used a silver back to also compliment my heels

"my baby's all grown up" Kate said in satisfaction looking at me

"your just complimenting your work" i said

" anyways no sex without protection and make sure the public don't see you that will be disastrous" she said and i choked

" come on girl it's a friendly date" i said but Kate rolled her eyes

" you naive girl if only you know any ways good luck" she said and ushered me out of her house and we saw a black Lamborghini and my mouth dropped

"your rides here" Kate said then left i went towards the car then knocked on the drivers window and Jason rolled down

"awwn my lady did you dress up for me?" Jason said teasingly and came down he was wearing a deep blue tuxedo that looked like it was sewed perfectly for him alone Jason packed his hair up and some were loosed he had dark eyes and beautiful face i wonder if he has a beautiful body as well

"hey are you coming in or not" Jason asked holding the door waking me from my perverted thoughts i blushed at my own thought and got into the car

"so what were you thinking about" Jason asked while driving and i blushed remembering

"oh you were thinking of me right? i know everyone does that" he asked

"oh please why will i think of a cock person" i said being irritated with his cockiness

"fine but am not that cocky i just like to annoy you cause you look pretty when annoyed" he said bluntly

" must you speak your mind all the time" i said trying to hide my blush and he chuckled we finally got to the restaurant.

it wasn't that far from my house but I've not been here cus it cost alot to eat here the night was quiet as usual because it was late i got down and viewed the restaurant it is was made with hay for the roof and bamboos for the walls in a classy way and one will no it was expensive and the labourers were skilled we got down from the car

"you said low-key and this what i could find if you don't like it and you think it's cheap we can ... "

" are you kidding this restaurant is really expensive and it may be cheap to you but it beats my salary"i said jokingly but it was the truth Jason started putting on a hat,eye glass, and mask and i laughed

"is there an investigation party inside" i teased then laughed and Jason walked around the car to where i was

" do i look funny to you" he asked with seriousness and i stopped laughing and he laughed

"what do you think that am angry" he asked and laughed and humphed

" anyways am a famous celebrity and I don't want people to find out my identity on our date as you no people go crazy over me" he said

" must you be cocky am sure no one knows you here so take it off" i said trying to remove his mask and he held my hands and i tried to remove it but couldn't and i steeped back and he steeped forward until i was stopped by the car he pinned me to the car.

"Do you want to see my face for your personal reasons" he asked

"just wait till after the date and you can do anything you want to me" he said and i hit his chest and he moved back

" must you be cocky" i asked and Jason held his chest i hit "ouch" he said pretending and i fell for it

"are you okay " i asked putting my hand on his

"i am now lilly" he said then laughed

"Mr Drews are you trying to anger me or thank you one more teasing and i will go" I said pretending to be angry

" yikes MR DREWS reminds me of my school days let's go and eat before you get more angry sorry " he said and i tried to suppress my laughter

hey guys pls support me i really need it