
Moving in next door

Haunted by her past, Bella moved away from Forks and lives a quiet life. She works a menial job, lives alone and keeps to herself. Then someone moves in next door that shakes up her solitude. Suddenly, she is faced with feelings that scare her and desire she never thought she would be to feel.

Neytiri85 · Derivasi dari karya
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12 Chs

Another revelation!

When I finally made it inside, Charlie was upstairs. I stood in the kitchen, I wasn't sure what to do as I looked around feeling lost. Then I saw the message light, on the machine, flashing at me showing I had two messages. The first one was from my dad.

"Hey Bella, I'm gonna be at yours tomorrow, might be later on the night. I have some things I need to talk to you about. See you soon kid," I smiled sadly.

The second message was from Danny, my manager at work. I frowned as his shrill voice started speaking.

"Hello Bella, it's Danny. I know you're on your holiday now, but could I ask a favour? Could you work tonight's shift please, Jaime's kids are sick. Let me know."

Shaking my head, I quickly pick up the phone and rang the store.


"Hey Tanya, is Danny there?"

"Yeah, sure thing honey, hang on a sec."

She shouted for Danny, even though the phone wasn't right next to her I still moved the phone from my ear. She was loud!

"Hello, Danny Jordan here, manager of Quick Pick. How can I help?"

"Hello Danny, it's Bella."

"Oh, hi Bella, I was hoping to hear from you."

"Yeah, I would have called sooner but I've only just seen my messages."

"Oh ok, that's alright. So, can you work tonight? You would be my saviour if you could."

"Sorry Danny, but my father's down and he's only here for a short time. We're catching up and everything."

"Oh ok, never mind then. See ya, Bella."

The phone clicked off. He didn't give me a chance to say goodbye before he hung up. That's one of the things I don't like about Danny, he's all smiles and cheery with you if you're doing him a favour. The minute you say you can't do something for him. Boom! His smile goes away and he becomes quite rude.

Later on, I called up to dad to see if he wanted some lunch. He sat at the table whilst I made us some sandwiches. We ate in silence until I couldn't take it anymore. I had to fill the void.

"Dad, earlier, you said there were a couple of things you wanted to talk about," I asked.

Charlie nodded, "Oh yeah, there is. Well, the other thing I wanted to tell you was that Sue and I are getting married next week, and we want you to be there."

I knew dad had been dating Sue Clearwater for some time, but I didn't know it was serious.

"You're getting married? When did you propose?" I asked a little shocked.

"I asked her over a year ago," he murmured.

"A YEAR AGO!" I shouted, he held his hands up in defence.

"I know! I should have told you, but we rarely talk and when we do it's usually very short. Plus, I was never quite sure how you felt about me dating Sue," he explained.

I took a few deep breaths, trust me I needed them.

"You could have sent me a message or just asked me when we talked," I said as I went to the sink needing to do something.

"I'm sorry Bella, I just didn't know how to tell you," he said as he watched me.

"It's ok" I sighed. "When's the wedding?"

Charlie smiled, "It's next Monday," he said and I nodded. "Will you come?"

My heart stuttered. I didn't want to go back to forks.

"It's on the reservation, you wouldn't have to stay in forks. Sue has a room already for you," he told me sensing my thoughts.

"Ok dad, I'll come."

He smiled and came up to hug me.

"Why not bring Paul with you? I know the tribe would love to see him again," he suggested.

I looked at him sceptically.

"Go on! Go ask him now," he chuckled as he pushed me towards the door.

"Dad ...…" he wouldn't let me finish as he opened the door and pushed me out.

Without really thinking I walked to Paul's and knocked.

"Bella!" he smiled as he moved to let me in "This is a nice surprise."

He stepped up and kissed me but I was too dumbfounded to respond. Paul pulled back and looked at me worriedly.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Shaking my head, I moved away from him and sat on the sofa we had been sitting on the previous night.

"Come on Bella, what's wrong?" he asked again sitting next to me.

"Charlie's getting married on Monday to Sue Clearwater and he wants to know if you would like to come with me to the wedding?" I said in a rush, still trying to wrap my head around it.

Paul chuckled, "Oh, is that it?"

I looked at him and it all burst out as I stood up and started pacing.

"Yeah, my father who may or may not have cancer is getting married on Monday. He proposed to her a year ago, but I'm only finding out now. Sue has a room ready for me like they knew I would come. Dad didn't think to tell me about it, despite the numerous times we have spoken since he proposed. All because he wasn't sure how I felt about him dating. Did he really think I would be against this?"

Paul waited patiently as he let me rant which I was grateful for. Once I had nothing left to say he stood up and hugged me. He actually hugged me, I haven't been hugged for a long time. It felt strange and nice at the same time. Tentatively, I welcomed his strong arms as I hugged him back. We stayed that way for some time, eventually, I lifted my head and kissed him. He was surprised for two seconds before kissing me back. His hands were now on my face and I had to pull back. I leaned my head on his chest and took some much-needed, deep breaths.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away," he chuckled.

Feeling a little lighter, I laughed as I looked up at him.

"It's ok! So, what do you say to the wedding?" I asked.

"Yeah of course I'll come, sounds like fun. If you don't want to stay at Sue's I have a spare room. My house is still mine I use it when I go back for visits." he offered.

"I'll think about it," I kissed him one last time before leaving.

"I'll see you at six" he called after me as I left.

The rest of the day passed quickly, dad helped me with some of the gardenings I hadn't managed to do yesterday. Soon, six o'clock rolled around and we were meeting Paul at my car and heading off for something to eat. Paul and Charlie chatted the entire night, occasionally, I added to the conversation, but mainly I just listened. I didn't mind, it was nice to just listen to them talk. When we got back, Charlie said goodnight and headed off to bed. I went outside to my garden to sit and think. Paul came out of his house not long after.

I watched him jump over my fence with ease and join me.

"You ok?" he asked.

I nodded and gave a weak smile.

"Are you sure you're ok with coming back to the reservation?" I asked.

Paul smiled, "Of course," he said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well ... Liza?" I said.

I didn't know what happened, but I knew it hurt. Paul's smile faded a little as if he had only just realised.

"Oh yeah," he said.

He seemed to think about it a little before shrugging his shoulders.

"That was a year ago, I'm good now," he told me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Nothing much to tell really. She changed me and I thought that she was the one. I found myself enjoying the small moments, you know. Taking a walk together, sitting down for a meal, stuff like that. For the first time, I wasn't focused on getting her into bed. So, four months into the relationship, I thought I was in love. So, I planned this full-out romantic meal. I just wanted to show her how I felt. In a clearing, I hooked up some lights and set out a picnic with some soft music playing. I told her where to meet me, and she was impressed. When it came down to telling her, I was nervous but excited. I was sure she loved me too. So, when I said it, she started laughing. To say I was confused was an understatement. She stopped laughing when she saw my face. 'oh! your serious' she had said. I got a bit angry then and was like yeah I am why did you laugh?"

Paul looked like he was getting worked up again, so I took hold of his hand. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"She said that she thought I was joking. After all, a guy like me could never really love someone. This was just another attempt to get me to sleep with her. I was gobsmacked, I couldn't think. She then said that I didn't need to try so hard to get her to sleep with me. she just wanted to make sure that she showed everyone else and her father that she wasn't one of those easy girls. She said she wanted to sleep with me the moment I'd come over, but she had a reputation to make. Then, she straddled my waist and said she had been waiting for the right time to fuck me. I pushed her off and stood up."

"I asked her if she was serious, I told her I meant what I said and that this wasn't, a game to sleep with her, and she laughed again. I said I had real feelings for her and she said that was impossible. Someone with my reputation couldn't fall in love, and besides, she said, she couldn't end up with someone like me. She was destined to be a preacher's wife or something like that. I told her to go, I never wanted to see her again. She laughed at me and said she couldn't believe the player of La Push couldn't handle being on the other side. She said all I was good for was a good fuck and no other woman would want me as anything else."

He looked so sad, I lifted up a hand and stroked his cheek. As he looked at me I could see the tears in his eyes.

"She doesn't know what she's talking about," I told him confidently.

Paul smiled and turned to kiss my hand.

"Is that why you moved here?" I asked.

"Not straight away, I travelled for a bit first. Moving from one place to another, until I decided I needed to find a place," he explained.

We talked some more until it was time to go in. He kissed me goodnight, before jumping back over my fence. I now was very happy with having a short fence. Paul waved back at me before going inside. I was now looking forward to going to Charlie's wedding. Hopefully, everything would be fine.

The next day, Charlie told me he had to get back to Forks. So, I waved goodbye as he drove off. Then, I walked inside and curled up on the sofa. I was flicking through channels when I heard someone knocking on my door. Still dressed in my pj's, which consisted of some shorts and a thin strapped vest top, I opened the door.

"Morning beautiful," Paul smirked as he eyed me up and down.

I smiled sadly and walked back to the sofa. He followed me in.

"Hey! Hey! What's with the grumpy look? Don't get me wrong it looks hot but I much prefer a smile," he joked.

I know he was trying to lighten my mood and that did make me smile. He sat next to me and I lay on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and held me. There was something so peaceful in the way he just held me. For the first time in years, I found myself comfortable with a man. I lifted my head and before I could think about it I kissed him.

Paul responded instantly, his kisses were something else. His hand that I wasn't leaning on held my head still, so he could devour me, and honestly, I didn't mind. I thought I would but no I didn't.

I shifted, so I was now straddling him. One of his hands still held my head in place whilst the other wrapped around my waist. After a few more kisses, he pulled back.

"Bella, we should stop," he panted.

With a groan, I could feel his reaction to me, pressing against my thigh. I looked at him for a moment before deciding.

"I don't want to stop," I told him, panting.

His eyes were cautious at first but then I could see the passion reignite in his eyes.

"Are you sure Bella, because once we start, it will be hard for me to stop! Not impossible just extremely hard, I've wanted you since you glared at me for taking your shopping bags."

I could tell he was restraining himself. The thought that he was feeling so out of control but trying to hold it in, made my heart warm.

"Yes, I'm sure Paul, just go slow, ok."

Paul nodded and brought my head down to kiss him again. Oh my god! I was on fire! I gasped for air as he started kissing down my neck. I felt like I was gonna combust.

Paul stood up with me still in his arms. I didn't seem to weigh much to him. He walked towards my stairs and crushed me against the wall. I could now feel his hard-on pressing against my core. With a grunt, he ground into me as he placed his head against my neck. I could feel his ragged breathing as he humped me.

"Paul" I panted, and he speed up.

I couldn't believe I was about to cum, and he hadn't touched me yet. With a scream, I came with his name on my lips. Paul smirked at me as I came down from my high. Instantly, I attached my lips to his as he made his way upstairs.

"Bella which is your room?" he whispered into my ear before nibbling it.

Without looking up I pointed, and he went through the door with a chuckle. Paul laid me down on my bed and stood up. Mesmerized, I watched him slowly remove his clothing. I don't know if he was doing it slowly to give me a chance to change my mind, or if he was being erotic. I chose to think he was doing it to rile me up. My eyes raked over his chiselled stomach, I had only caught a brief glimpse of it the other day but now I was up close. Deciding I needed to do something, I knelt up in front of him and started kissing his chest.

Paul stopped undressing to allow me to play. I kissed down his abs and stopped at his belt. Then, I looked up at him, his eyes were closed. Before I could talk myself out of it. I moved so I was sitting on the edge of my bed, undid his belt and unzipped his pants. As I pushed them down his fully erect member jumped out at me.

Oh god! It was huge! Slowly, I kissed the tip. Paul gasped, which made me smile. I kissed it again as I watched him. He clenched his hands as his eyes were fixed on me. I wanted to touch him, feel his skin, so I brought my hands up slowly and gripped his length. I'd never done this before, so I didn't know if I was any good or not, but he seemed to like it.

Tentatively, I opened my mouth and sucked on the end of his dick as my hands stroked the rest. He was full-out moaning now, saying my name in between each moan. I felt powerful from the knowledge that I was in control of this tall, strong and powerful man. He was at my mercy. That did things to my inside.

He gripped my shoulders and pushed me back. His dick came out of my mouth with a pop. I loved it, the sound of his moans and the hungry look he was giving me was driving me wild. Quickly, I stood up and turned us around, and pushed him back so he was lying on my bed. I took his boots, socks and pants off, before standing up and smirking at him.

I felt like a siren, I had this god of a man in my grasp. He was mine, I could do anything to him. Slowly, I started to undress, hoping it looked just as erotic. Once I was done he motioned for me to walk to him and I did as he asked.

"I want you to sit on my face Bella," he suggested and I looked confused. "Trust me!"

Doing just that, I crawled up to his head.

"Turn so you are facing my cock" he instructed. "Now lower yourself."

His commanding voice was sexy as hell. The minute I was down his mouth was on my pussy. I gasped, his tongue swiping up and down my folds before sucking on my clit. I was riding his face as his tongue devoured me. Without thinking, I grabbed my breasts as he pleasured me. I couldn't contain myself the feeling was too intense.

Eventually, I looked down and noticed his cock, I leaned forward and took hold of it as I felt him push a finger inside me. I cried out in ecstasy as he pumped it inside me. I sucked his cock, mimicking the movements of his fingers. I was close to coming again.

"Paul, I'm gonna cum!" I panted as I pumped his dick harder with my hand.

"Do it, baby! Cum into my mouth!" he moaned.

That sent me over, I screamed as I came for the second time. His tongue lavished me as I rode my orgasm, and he didn't stop. I was starting to get worked up again. So, I moved off his face and straddled his hips.

"I want you inside me, Paul," I moaned.

Gently, I took hold of him and guided him into me. They say that you can feel whole when you have the right someone inside you. I'd never believed it before, until now. It was like nothing I had ever known before. He felt right!

Paul moved his hips slowly at first, letting me get used to him. He was so big he was filling parts of me I didn't know I had. He gripped my waist as I rode him.

"God! Bella you are so fucking beautiful," he groaned.

I smirked and for once I felt it. The way he was looking at me left no room for doubts or fears of how honest he was being. I wasn't a stick figure, I had curves in all the right places, and Paul seemed to love it.

"Bella, can we turn over? I want to take you from behind," he asked.

With a nod, I moved off him and turned. I knelt facing the wall, with both my hands pressed against the wall for dear life as I felt him line himself up and thrust back into me. He started slow, it was torture and intense all at the same time.

"Faster!" I panted, needing more friction.

He heard me and picked up his pace. Soon, I could feel my orgasm approaching again. Quickly, he turned me around, so I was now on my back then continued to thrust into me relentlessly. I started to clench around him.

"Bella, I'm gonna come soon!" he grunted and I nodded.

"Me too, please cum inside me Paul," I moaned.

I wanted to feel it, feel him. Paul looked at me unsurely.

"Really? Are you sure?" he asked.

I could tell he was holding back so I nodded again before kissing him.

"yeah, I have the injection every few months. It's basically like the morning-after pill but stronger. It's ok, Paul. I want you to come inside me."

That was all it took. Suddenly, he pounded into me and we both came together screaming each other's names. Soon, he rolled onto his back bringing me with him. I could feel his heart racing in time with mine. Both out of breath, I wrapped myself around him and fell into one of the most satisfying sleep I've ever had.

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