
Motivations of a Genius Lady

She woke up and found out that she was the Duke's wayward and man-chasing daughter. They say she was hideous? Alright, then she'll have a makeover and dig up that enchantress from within! They say she was too weak that she shames her warrior of a mother? Oh well, then she'll just become a savant of the sword and the bow! They say she disgraced her house because she chased after the Crown Prince and ended up trampled underneath his horses? Fine! What Crown Prince?! He's not that handsome. She'll just change her target and apply the art of subtle tactics! They say she's dumb and stupid she brings down her prodigy of a father? She'll just become a genius then! After all, it is never too bad to be motivated. _____________________________ This is an Original story and not a translation. All rights reserved. :) Update Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day (unless somethings comes up) Chapter Length: 800-1.5k words Disclaimer: I don't own the images I use for the cover, all rights belong to the creator.

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54 Chs

Leaving for the Fief

Chalice's ears were ringing. She was leaving today and a certain pair of beautiful women were still nagging her incessantly. Thankfully enough, her father didn't join the fray. If he did, Chalice would end up deaf even before stepping into her carriage. Though she was discomforted with all the fuss, she couldn't help but revel in their pampering.

"Chalice make sure you eat properly alright? Don't get too carried away with work that you forget to take your meals. Don't forget to take a break. I've reminded Levi to make you your favourite snacks and tea. Make sure you change into night clothes and wash your face before going to bed. Don't stay up too late. That won't be good for your skin. I've packed essential oils for you, they would help a lot. Lucy also made your favourite potpourri sachets... hmm, did I miss something else?"

Chalice sighed. She took her mother's hands and faced her.

"Mother, enough. I know you're worried and all. But please, believe in me a little will you? I can take care of myself. I've remembered all of the things that you said. So, calm down. Too much worrying will give you wrinkles. That would not bode well for the flower of Idalia's high society."

She said, her tone helpless. Chalice saw Lucy approaching while shaking her head.

"You know, my dear Chalice, we just can't seem to believe that you are able to take care of yourself or even remember half of what we said. Your past records highly disagree with you."

Chalice pouted at Lucy's teasing. She squinted at her and huffed. Her cheeks reddening with the sunlight's touch.

"Hey, people change alright? Besides, your and mother's unending ramblings have engraved themselves into my brain. Even if I wanted to forget, I can't."

Lucy chuckled at this while her mother pinched her nose playfully. Chalice saw her father walked towards them as well.

"Promise me you'd be well? You better write me a lot of letters or else." Lucy pleaded, reluctance evident in her ocean, blue eyes. She smiled at that and blew out air exaggeratedly.

"I promise, okay? And i'll write you, mother, and father tons of letters that the courier would have difficulty delivering it."

Her mother laughed at that while snuggling in her father's embrace.

Seriously, this couple. Their only daughter was about to go away and they were still thoughtful enough to send her off with a mouthful of dog food. She shook her head discreetly at this.

"I've heard mother is taking you to a ball at the palace tonight?" Chalice asked.

"Yes, she is. Your father will also be informing the Crown Prince and the Emperor of your banishment tonight. It will surely cause an uproar."

Chalice agreed with this move. Her father would be proclaiming her banishment while her mother would be introducing Lucy at the same time. This way, her banishment would be overridden by Lucy's entrance. This was the leeway she needed to disappear quietly.

"The larger the uproar, the better. Besides, the cause would not be me this time. Well, make sure to dress up. Take their breath away for me." She said to Lucy and winked at her playfully.

Lucy laughed at this, while her parents just looked on at their banter. After a while, they saw Levi coming in their direction.

"My Lady, everything is set. We need to be on the road now." he informed her.

Chalice went to her parents and hugged them both.

"I'll be going now, Papa, Mama." Lyana hugged her back while Alaric ruffled her hair.

"Be safe." He said softly to which Chalice returned with a smile. She proceeded to hug Lucy and then turned away.

Chalice headed to the carriage, her slim yet unrelenting back faded into the sunshine. She did not look back. In her mind, she vowed that after three years she would set this capital ablaze.


Dainty sounds of instruments in harmony with people's scattered laughter echoed throughout the Palace walls. A ball was held in honour of Her Majesty the Empress. Members of the aristocrats, ministerial families, and even the nouveau riche were present to pay their respects. This also gave them the chance to widen their connections.

Lucy was a bit fidgety. It has been a very long time since she last went to a ball like this. She had almost forgotten it. She wanted to forget it. The blinding lights of huge chandeliers, the grating noise of the orchestra, and the suffocating, gratuitous smiles of scheming people.

'No, you can't be like this Luciana. Chalice is counting on you. Steel yourself like before. This is a battle you can't lose.'

She chided herself.

"Lucy, dear. Are you alright? Are you ready?"

Lucy felt the warm hands of Duchess Lyana. It gave her comfort and courage to endure.

"I'm alright, god mother. I'm ready." she answered the woman.

"Very well, let's go now."

Lyana held her husband's hand and gestured for Lucy to follow. She walked behind the couple as they entered the ballroom.

"Announcing the arrival of His Excellency, the Prime Minister Duke Alaric Silvann de Amaranth with his wife Duchess Lyana Charlotte de Amaranth, and their god daughter Lucy de Solaris."

Murmurs suddenly burst through the crowd when they heard the introduction. The guests looked forward to the arrival of the Prime Minister, second only to how much they look forward to the arrival of the royal family. However, this particular one caught the attention of many. The young lady of the Amaranth House was absent.

Although, it was an open secret in the capital that the daughter of Duke Amaranth was trampled by the crown prince's horses due to the former disrespecting the latter by chasing after him. There has been no news of the Lady Chalice being reprimanded. Though, it seemed that her absence today was proof enough of that. And just who is the girl that was announced as their God Daughter? Why was she brought here?

The people tried to steal glances at the young lady following the Duke and Duchess. Since she was behind them, all they could see was a head of auburn hair. They waited in bated breaths until the girl revealed herself in their line of sight.

She was beautiful, the pure and gentle type. She walked lightly, flitting like the cherry blossoms of spring. Her auburn hair which were almost a shade of red framed her delicate face, creating a stark contrast to her glimmering ocean blue eyes.