
Red Dragon's Fall

The Dragon Pyramid was massive within the Botan Jungle. 16,876 meters in length on one side of the base, the dragon pyramid rose to 7,294 meters in height. To say Alex and his team of his wife Cassie, her best friend Jacqui, and his friend and fellow dragon Lawrence, were in awe was not quite accurate enough. Alex's inner anthropology nerd was screaming to know about the culture of the area. Yet he stamped it down for the sake of the mission. They silently stalked the Red Dragon grunts, silently killing those they came across. As they descended into the bowels of the Pyramid, they felt something was off as the grunts they did encounter, fought back but did not alert the others. Alex stalked off toward the dungeons while the others cleared the labs and quarters. Alex was hoping to find Takeda down here but didn't find him. He found another prisoner. It wasn't Kenshi, it was some brown-haired brown-eyed Asian male, who looked like he had taken a beating. Regardless, Alex opened the cell and let him out and the Asian male was grateful

"Thanks, man. I don't know who you are, but you saved me."

"You're welcome."

Alex paused and said

"I am Alexander Valkyrie Darkov, you are?"

"Cole Young."

Cole replied to Alex, he had to admit Alex was a little intimidating with how tall he was. He had to ask

"You aren't fully human, are you?"

"No, I am not. I am part Outworlder as well as part Human. Got a problem with that?"

Cole flinched before saying

"No, no"

Alex nodded before adding

"Follow along then, The Dragon Pyramid is a maze. Better you stick with me to get out of here alive."

Cole couldn't argue with that logic. He walked with Alex and noticed a scar on his neck. He asked

"What is that scar from?"

Alex looked at him and said

"It's a mark of loyalty to a group. You know how these brutes probably identified themselves as Red Dragon?"

"Yeah they did…oh are the Red Dragon then a spin-off of the Black Dragon?"

Alex was surprised at how fast Cole picked that up, though he corrected

"Actually, it's the other way around. The Black Dragon were born from the Red Dragon."

Cole nodded before he asked

"I take it you're a Black Dragon then?"

"Yes. Again, is that a problem?"

Cole had to think before he settled

"No, it is not, you saved me."

Alex nodded and they regrouped, with a red dragon of the name Caro tagging along as well. Alex, Cassie, Jacqui, Lawrence, Cole, and Caro made their way to the top of the pyramid, Alex stumbled backward as he rounded the corner and looked sickened. Cole was beside him and said

"That is gross and disrespectful."

Hung as a warning was the body of Takahashi Kenshi. Jacqui when she saw it almost screamed but repressed it. Lawrence said

"Alex, Jacqui, and Cole, you three go ahead. Cassie, Caro, and I will get him down so he may be given a proper burial."

Alex nodded, spotting Sento, Kenshi's Katana, and gently picked up the sword that contained the souls of Takeda's ancestors, the warrior kings. Alex heard the souls buzz in his head not sure exactly what to make of him before he heard Kenshi's familiar voice hush the rest and say

:: Get the sword to Takeda, It belongs to him now Alex.::

:: I will Takahashi Kenshi-san.::

Alex felt the warmth of the souls at his respect for one of their own before he set the blade at his side. Cole and Jacqui stood with him as they continued. Cole flicked his wrist and suddenly had golden armor and tonfas appear. Alex looked at him and said

"Neat parlor trick."

"It's arcana."

Jacqui looked at him and asked

"What? Arcana? What's that?"

Alex groaned. He should have realized it wasn't just a movie. He sighed and said

"Jacqui, he's not from here. His world explains our special gifts as arcana."

Cole looked pale and said

"I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque."

Alex snorted, and Jacqui shook her head. Alex then said

"So, to give you a heads up, your ancestor is alive, and the clan restored. One of your clanmates is who we are rescuing."

Cole was shocked but listened to Alex. As they made the top of the pyramid, they found Daegon waiting for them with Takeda bound on his knees much like Alex had been two years ago. Alex growled but Jacqui stepped forward toward Takeda but Daegon pulled the young Shinobi back to him. Alex stepped forward and said

"Let's end this here and now Daegon! Black Dragon and Red Dragon!"

Daegon smirked and said

"Oh, so bold Alexander, but alright. We shall duel to submission or death, winner takes all."

Alex gulped but agreed. While he had his experience Daegon was no match for Alex being protected and powered up by the souls of the warrior kings. He was to a knee and he said

"I yield!"

Alex stopped. Daegon said

"You are stronger than you look. Especially when you fight for those you care about. Take Takahashi Takeda and go, you have brought the Red Dragon to their death."

Alex said

"Not good enough."

Daegon offered over his twin drake swords and then in good faith remained as the rescue team took who they came for plus the two extra and left. Daegon smirked as a large beast approached him. His once lost arms restored and pride a bit tarnished asked

"Why didn't you tell him the truth? He is Shao Kahn's son. And from what I saw, the kind of leader and warrior I would follow."

"Oh, Prince Goro, it is not so simple. Our lady has plans and it is not in her plans to have him learn that just yet. He has to learn it on his own."

Daegon said to Prince Goro who huffed saying

"Still would follow one who finished off the Red Dragon than some Xenophobic pretender."

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